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論文名稱 探討信任、領導者風格與團隊效能間之關係
(Exploring Relationships among Trust, Leadership Styles, and Collective Efficacy)
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摘要(中) 本研究企圖探討在團隊的情境下,信任所扮演的角色。在團隊合作中,信任一直被認為是十分重要的因素,許多學者發現信任對於團隊績效有著顯著的影響,同時也有學者發現領導者風格會影響到對領導者的信任。然而,卻鮮少有研究企圖探討信任和團隊效能之間的關係。除此之外,至今也鮮少有研究將信任分類成對領導者的信任和團隊成員間的信任,而這兩種類型的信任應該會有著不同的影響力。因此,本研究企圖找出信任—分成對領導者的信任和團隊成員間的信任—是否為領導者風格和團隊效能之間的一中介因素。研究結果顯示,對領導者的信任和團隊成員間的信任都會顯著影響團隊效能,其中以團隊成員間的信任影響更大。研究結果也發現,團隊成員間的信任為轉換型領導和團隊效能間的中介因素,同時也為交易型領導和團隊效能的中介因素。對領導者的信任則為交易型領導和團隊效能的中介因素。另外,本研究發現轉換型領導會比交易型領導更顯著影響團隊效能。
摘要(英) The present study serves as an initial step to understand trust’ role in team context. Trust has been found to be important in teamwork, and many scholars have proved that it has significant impact on team performance and found that leadership styles would impact trust in team leader. However, there is no research try to examine if trust has any relationship with collective efficacy. In addition, there are few researches classifying trust into trust in team leader and trust among team members, which are assumed to have very different impacts. This study tried to find out if trust, classified as trust in team leader and trust among team members, is a mediating factor between leadership styles and collective efficacy. The result shows that trust among team members is more important than trust in team leader to collective efficacy, and both trust in team leader and trust among team members significantly impact collective efficacy. Also, trust among team members is a mediating factor between transformational leadership style and collective efficacy, as well as between transactional leadership style and collective efficacy. Trust in team leader is a mediating factor between transactional leadership style and collective efficacy only. Besides, the present study also found that transformational leadership style has more impact on collective efficacy than transactional leadership style.
關鍵字(中) ★ 團隊效能
★ 團隊
★ 信任
★ 領導者風格
關鍵字(英) ★ trust
★ collective efficacy
★ leadership styles
★ team
論文目次 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Trust 2
1.2 Collective Efficacy 3
2. Literature Review 5
2.1 Trust 5
2.2 Collective Efficacy 12
2.3 Leadership Style 15
2.4 Performance 19
3. Research Method 20
3.1 Research Framework 20
3.2 Research Design 21
3.3 Measure 22
3.4 Data Analysis Methods 26
4. Data Analysis 30
4.1 Validity 30
4.2 Reliability 32
4.3 Descriptive Statistics and Correlation Matrix 33
4.4 Hypotheses Testing 34
4.5 Summary of Findings 47
4.6 Discussion 49
5. Conclusion 51
5.1 Implication 52
5.2 Research Limitation 54
6. Reference 56
Appendix 62
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指導教授 周惠文(Huey-Wen Chou) 審核日期 2005-6-29
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