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姓名 王元鼎(Yuan-Ting Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 矽智財的評價與訂價之建議模式
(A propsed model for valuation and pricing of SIP)
★ 半導體先進批次製程控制系統平台設計與實作★ 應用當責觀點建構即時運算及自動化平台之研究 — 以 A 公司 ERP 物料供需流程改善為例
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摘要(中) 半導體產業中,隨著製程技術的快速演進,積體電路 (Integrated Circuit, 以下簡稱IC) 設計複雜度大幅增加,為此廠商希望透過元件重複使用這個概念來加速完成IC產品設計,於是矽智財 (Silicon Intellectual Property, 以下簡稱SIP) 成為IC設計領域逐漸流行的趨勢。然而SIP產業發展的一個重要瓶頸在於技術價值的難以估算,往往買賣雙方在交易過程中,需要花很長的時間來協商彼此心中合理的價值,使得合作上產生困難,影響產品上市的契機。因此如何表達無形資產的價值,並能夠具體化的提供給買賣雙方討論,是項重要的議題,其主要目的就在於降低買賣雙方交易訊息的不透明性。
本研究以SIP為交易標的物做個案研究,包含鎖項迴路 (Phase-Locked Loop, 以下簡稱PLL) 、通用性串列匯流排 (Universal Serial Bus, 以下簡 USB) 及中央處理器(Central Process Unit, 以下簡稱CPU) 三類產品。首先蒐集其產品基本資料及次級資料,並找到五家在這三類產品交易市場中具代表性的SIP供應商,以深度訪談的方式進行第二階段的資料蒐集。
摘要(英) Recently based on the rapid improvement of manufacturing in semiconductor industry, the complexity of designing IC has been increased dramatically. In order to expedite the design of IC products, manufacture has a concept to use the elements repeatedly in designing field. By archiving this concept SIP will be the trend in designing IC technology. However, in developing SIP industry there is difficulty regarding the accurate estimated budget of the each case. More, during the business transaction of buyer and seller, there usually will be some disagreement over the pricing. For this reason, it will make some obstructer between buyer and seller and also affect the timing of introduced new products into the market. So buyer and seller would have to be aware that the importance of good communication and some uncertain objects in making a business deal.
First, the purpose of this research is showing how buyers and sellers finalize the pricing of SIP products. More, in order to reach an agreement in each transaction; we have to understand does buyer know the value of this product and does the buyer agree the pricing and it is reasonable or worth its value. Finally, seller needs to understand their choices in completing the transaction.
During this research there are 3 examples that will be discussed which are PLL, USB, CPU. By comparing these 3 products, first step we need to collect their basic and advanced information. Then find out the 5 main distributors in PLL, USB, CPU industries so that we can have an oral interview with the management staff.
The outcome of this research will show what elements will influence the pricing in the SIP market and what strategy can seller effect buyer’s decisions.
關鍵字(中) ★ 矽智財
★ 鑑價
★ 無形資產
★ 顧客認知價值
關鍵字(英) ★ SIP
★ Customer Perceive Value
★ Valuation
★ Intangible asset
論文目次 中文摘要 ............................I
英文摘要 ...........................II
致 謝 ..........................III
目 錄 ...........................IV
表 目 錄 ...........................VI
圖 目 錄 ..........................VII
第一章 緒論..........................1
1.1. 研究動機與研究問題 ..........1
1.2. 研究目的 ...................5
1.3. 研究重要性..................6
1.4. 研究方法 ...................6
1.5. 研究流程 ...................9
1.6. 論文架構 ..................10
2.1. SIP交易市場的參與者........11
2.2. 全球SIP中介組織............14
2.3. SIP的分類..................16
2.4. SIP鑑價方法................21
2.5. 交易模式 ..................22
第三章 SIP產品評價模式..............25
3.1. 搜尋資訊的問題.............25
3.2. SIP產品評價................28
3.3. 小結.......................38
第四章 SIP產品訂價模式..............39
4.1. 交易標的物品質確保 .........39
4.2. 策略意圖 ..................43
4.3. 買賣雙方議價契約內容.......45
4.4. 小結.......................48
第五章 結論.........................51
5.1. 研究成果 ..................51
5.2. 本研究之管理意涵 .........52
5.3. 本研究之未來發展 .........53
5.4. 研究限制...................53
參 考 文 獻......................55
附錄A:CPU SIP 個案介紹.............59
A-1. 產品背景介紹...............59
A-2. 市場現況...................60
A-3. 個案文本...................61
附錄B:USB SIP 個案介紹.............67
B-1. 產品背景介紹...............67
B-2. 市場現況...................68
B-3. 個案文本(一)...............69
B-4. 個案文本(二)...............72
附錄C:PLL SIP 個案介紹.............75
C-1. 產品背景介紹...............75
C-2. 市場現況...................75
C-3. 個案文本...................76
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指導教授 蘇雅惠、洪嘉良(Yea-Huey Su) 審核日期 2005-7-22
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