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姓名 蔡宜潔(Yi-Chieh Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 探討電信帳單式小額行動付款交易協定
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摘要(中) 所謂「行動付款」(Mobile Payment)指的是「以行動裝置作為付款工具的一種付款機制」,行動商務的日漸普及,相關業者皆希望能掌握行動商務廣大的商機,擴大行動商務的市場,最主要的關鍵因素就是金流,也就是行動付款系統是否為社會大眾所信任、接受。關於系統便利性方面,主要分成兩個部份,容易使用及容易付款,讓使用者在進行付款流程時不需要複雜的操作及便利的付款方式。其次使用者轉換成本,是使用者是否願意採用行動付款系統的考慮重點,也就是說,付款系統如果需要使用者付出其他的成本,可能會降低使用者的使用意願,所以要發展行動付款系統,採用的付款技術將是考慮的重點。行動付款另一個推行的重點,就是使用者是否能使用行動付款系統買到他們想買的商品,這個問題牽涉到廠商加入行動付款系統的意願,廠商數不足,所以使用場合受限,當然普及率也就無法提升,因此在建置行動付款系統也必須要考慮到相關的建置成本的問題。
摘要(英) The so-called Mobile Payment is a mechanism which takes the mobile installation as the paying tool. The mobile commerce is popular gradually. Realizing that, all related service providers desire to handle the great marketplace of the mobile commerce. The payment model is the most crucial factor to expand the marketplace of the mobile commerce. That is to say, how the people trust and accept the system of the mobile payment is the most important factor. When it comes to the aspect of convenience, the discussion can be divided into two parts. One is that people can use it easily; the other is that people can pay for it easily. Mobile payment system should without a complicated procedure for customer to buy products and convenient for people to pay for it. Second, in the aspect of switching costs, the customer might be unwilling to use this system if it would cost him extra money. Therefore, the technique of payment is the main consideration for those who want to develop the system of the mobile payment. The other main point of promoting the mobile payment is user can buy what they want by this system or not. For example, there would be little the Merchants. Therefore, the popularity cannot be promoted because a user can merely use it in little places. Consequently, the issue of the constructing expense should be considered in the process of constructing the system of the mobile payment.
This project aims to deal with those four dimensions, discuss the shortages of the system of mobile payment nowadays, and provide the best system of the mobile payment. Therefore, I bring up a system of the micro payment which is a safe and interoperability service by using the single chip and follow the payment method of the telecom bill. Through its safety, convenience and interoperability payment, this system can achieve the goals of providing safety, efficiency and convenience for people, and expanding its range of service.
關鍵字(中) ★ 行動付款
★ 單晶片模式
★ 漫遊
★ 電信帳單付款
★ 付款安全性
關鍵字(英) ★ Billing-based
★ Payment Security
★ Mobile Payment
★ Single Chip
★ Roaming
論文目次 目錄
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 問題描述 2
1.3 研究目的 4
1.4 研究方法 5
1.5 論文架構 6
第二章 相關研究 7
2.1 行動付款的分類 7
2.2 現有行動付款系統 9
2.2.1 Paybox 9
2.2.2 MobiPay 10
2.2.3 Anonymous Micropayments Authentication(AMA) 11
2.2.4 A Secure Account-based Mobile Payment Protocol 12
2.2.5 中華電信839小額付款 12
2.2.6 現行行動付款系統分析比較 13
2.3 探討使用簡訊傳遞交易訊息之危險性 15
第三章 電信帳單式小額付款交易協定 18
3.1 研究假設 18
3.2 交易參與者 19
3.3 協定安全性設計 19
3.4 漫遊功能設計 21
3.5 符號說明 22
3.6 交易協定 23
第四章 小額付款系統實作 45
4.1 系統流程說明 45
4.2 系統實作環境 46
4.3 系統功能實作 47
4.3.1 使用者手機端程式 47
4.3.2 商家端程式 48
4.3.3 財務服務提供者端程式 49
4.4 效能分析比較 50
4.4.1 整體效能比較 50
4.4.2 執行時間對照 51
4.4.3 攻擊發生可行性分析 53
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 55
5.1 結論 55
5.2 未來研究方向 56
參考文獻 58
中文參考文獻 58
英文參考文獻 59
參考文獻 參考文獻
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指導教授 林熙禎(Shi-Jen Lin) 審核日期 2005-7-14
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