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姓名 張志遠(Chih-Yuan Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 代言人類型之廣告效果研究
(A Study on the Advertisement Effectiveness of Endorser type)
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摘要(中) 「美麗吸引力」、「專業形象」是廣告主選擇代言人時重要的特質,過去的研究偏重在哪一類型代言人有較佳的廣告效果,較無探討當結合不同產品類型時,如何制定代言人選擇策略;許多名人如偶像歌手等,經常在同一時間代言許多產品,當其代言的產品之間具有關聯性時,對廣告效果是否有影響也是過去研究較少著墨之處。本研究以「美麗吸引力」及「專業形象」為代言人選擇策略的因素,在研究一中結合符合FCB Grid四個象限的產品,為2X4的實驗設計,量測廣告態度、廣告說服力及購買意願,並進一步了解研究對象的性別與代言人是否有交互作用;研究二則是2X3的實驗設計,以相同的代言人推薦互補品、替代品及產品效果抵消的產品組合,同時將研究對象分成高低認知需求二群組,探討其對廣告態度、廣告說服力及購買意願的影響。
一、「美麗吸引力」類型的代言人,對FCB Grid四個象限的產品均有較佳的廣告態度,而代言人類型與產品類型無顯著交互作用
摘要(英) The purposes of this research were to examine the effectiveness of physical attractiveness and expertise for different product types and product correlations. We presented two studies which were very similar in design and method. Study One was a 2 X 4 experiment in which investigated the effectiveness physical attractiveness and expertise, paring with different types of product which were categorized into 4 quadrants based on FCB model, on the advertisement attitude, advertisement credibility and purchase intention. In addition, we further investigated the interaction of endorser type by subject’s gender.
Study Two was a 2 X 3 experiment which manipulates the same endorsers in study one, physical attractiveness and expertise, for three different product correlations, complement, substitute and counteract and examined the effectiveness on advertisement. One personal variable, need for cognition(NFC), was added in study two in which examined the effects of NFC on consumer behavior by categorizing the subjects into two groups, high and low NFC.
The subjects were salary men and the results are summarized as following:
1.The physically attractive endorser was more favorable on advertisement attitude for four types of product in FCB Grid. On the other hand, there was no significant interaction effect on endorser type by product.
2.Study One showed significant endorser type by subject’s gender interaction on advertisement attitude. Particularly, the attractive female endorser generated more enhanced attitudes among males.
3.In Study Two, it presented a significant endorser type by product correlation interaction on advertisement attitude. The complement and substitute product were favorable when endorsed by attractive spokesperson versus expert spokesperson. However, expert endorser had no significant effect on advertisement attitude for counteract product correlation.
4.No endorser type by NFC interaction in Study Two.
5.In most conditions, the observed advertisement credibility and purchase intention were not significant for both endorser types, physically attractive and expertise.
關鍵字(中) ★ 產品關聯
★ 替代品
★ 產品類型
★ 代言人
★ 互補品
★ 廣告態度
★ 廣告說服力
★ 購買意願
★ 認知需求
關鍵字(英) ★ Product Correlation
★ Purchase Intention
★ Advertisement Credibility
★ Advertisement Attitude
★ Substitute
★ Counteract
★ Need for Cognition
★ Complement
★ FCB Grid
★ Endorsement
論文目次 Introduction 1
General Background Information 1
Purposes of Research 2
Literature Review 3
Models on Celebrity Endorsement Strategy 3
The Source Credibility Model 3
The Source Attractiveness Model 4
The Match-up Hypothesis 5
Consumer Behavior Model – Hierarchy of Effects 6
FCB Model 7
Need for Cognition (NFC) 9
Need for Cognition and the ELM 9
Product Correlation 10
Method... 11
Study Framework 11
Hypothesis 13
Study one 13
Study two 14
Procedures of pretest 15
Pretest One: Selection of Attractive Endorser 16
Pretest Two: Selection of Expert Endorser 17
Pretest Three: Selection of Products for FCB Model 17
Pretest Four: Selection of Product Correlation 19
Dependent Variables 20
Advertisement Attitude 20
Advertisement Credibility 21
Purchase intention 21
Intermediate Variables 21
Need for Cognition 21
Experiment Design 22
Study One 22
Study Two 24
Procedures 26
Results and Analysis 27
Study One 27
Study Two 31
Summary of Hypothesis 36
General Discussion 37
Conclusion 37
Managerial implications 37
Limitations and Research Extensions 38
Reference 40
Appendix 44
I. Questionnaire of Study One 44
II. Questionnaire of Study Two 47
III. 8 print advertisements for Study One 52
IV. 12 print advertisements for Study Two 54
V. Pretest One – Selection for Attractive endorser 60
VI. Candidates in Attractive Endorser Pretest 61
VII. Pretest Two – Selection for Expert endorser 63
VIII. Candidates in Expert Endorser Pretest 64
IX. Pretest Three – Selection for products of FCB model 65
X. Candidates Product List for FCB Model 66
XI. Pretest Four – Selection for Product Correlation 67
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指導教授 林建煌(Chien-Huang Lin) 審核日期 2006-6-20
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