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姓名 方啟元(Chi-Yuan Fang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所在職專班
論文名稱 人力資源管理活動對工作滿意之影響 -探討員工知覺組織支持的中介效果
(The Influence of Human Resource Managerial Activities on Job Satisfaction )
★ 空服員之工作特性、工作壓力源與個人壓力反應★ 人力資源管理活動對員工離職意願之影響- 以工作滿意度為中介變項
★ 直線主管之管理訓練與其參與人力資源管理活動之關聯★ 直線經理參與人力資源管理活動之影響因素探討
★ 員工風險承擔對個人持股意願之影響★ 人力資本投資、知識分享與組織績效之關聯
★ 人力資源部門跨界活動對企業採行高績效人力資源管理實務之影響★ 賦權感知、工作滿意、組織承諾與服務行為之相關性研究―以某連鎖便利商店為例
★ 業務代表人格特質與核心職能對績效影響的探討 —以某藥廠為例★ 實施利益分享制度對心理賦權感及工作滿意之影響
★ 員工股票獎酬對員工心理所有權之影響---以內外控人格特質為干擾變項★ 組織氣候感知、組織承諾與組織公民行為之關聯
★ 人力資源高績效工作實務、創新氣候與組織績效之關聯-以IC設計產業為例★ 高績效工作實務對員工知識分享行為之影響 -
★ 人格特質與工作績效之關係研究─以航空服務業空服人員為例★ 員工對功能彈性氣候的感知對工作滿意度的影響 以工作自主與工作要求為中介變項
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摘要(中) 全球貿易自由化已成為潮流,國內電子產業將面臨更嚴峻的產業環境變動與競爭,對於優秀人才的羅致與競爭優勢的維持也將更為殷切。
本研究共發240份問卷,個案公司在大陸分公司回收152份,台灣母公司回收55份,合計回收問卷207份,回收率為86%。實收有效問卷共157,有效回收率65%。利用迴歸分析方法,最後研究結果:1.人力資源管理活動對員工工作滿意有正向影響;2. 員工感知組織對其支持會因為人力資源管理活動而受影響;3.員工對工作的滿意程度會因為感受到組織對其支持而有差異;4.當員工感受到組織的人力資源管理活動作為是員工所期望,其工作滿意程度相對來得高。
摘要(英) The global trade liberalization has already become the current condition. The domestic electronic industry will face more rigorous industrial environment change and competition. Therefore, it is very important to recruit and to keep an outstanding talented person’s involve and to maintain the competitive advantage of the company.
Birkinshaw (2004) pointed out that a long-term successful high performance organization should balance both its adaptability which emphasize on the long-term development and its alignment ability which emphasize on the short-term extend, rather than the few line both end. In the operation process, different human resource practices decisions made by the organization would influence the perception of the staffs, make them feel that the organization is voluntarily supporting them and satisfying their expectation. Besides fully apply the limited resources and make them more flexible, it also can help the organization to avoid certain extent of lost because of the external environment change.
This research takes Taiwan electronics industry as sampling main body proceeding questionnaire survey. The main study has four issues. First, the influence of human resources management practices on job satisfaction. Second, human resource best practices have positive effect on the employees’ perceived organizational support. Third, employees’ perceived organizational support has positive effect on the employees work satisfaction. Fourth, employees’ perceived organizational support has completely intermediary effect on the work satisfaction.
This research had send out 240 questionnaires to employees. There are 208 responses and 38 of them are invalid. The percentage of valid respondents is 70.8%. Among the 208 respondents, 153 of them are from the mainland subsidiary and the last 55 respondents are from Taiwan. Base on the regression analysis, we concluded that. First, the human resource best practices have positive effect on the employees’ satisfaction. Second, employees perceived organizational support would be affected by human resource management practices. Third, employees’ job satisfaction would be affected by the perceived organizational support. Forth, there will be relatively high job satisfaction when the employees perceived organizational human resources practices can meet their expectation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 人力資源管理活動
★ 工作滿意
★ 員工知覺組織支持
關鍵字(英) ★ Perceived organizational support
★ Job satisfaction
★ Human resource best practice
論文目次 第一章、 緒論------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究背景與動機-------------------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的----------------------------------------------------------------3
第三節 研究流程----------------------------------------------------------------4
第二章、 文獻探討------------------------------------------------------------------------6
第一節 人力資源管理----------------------------------------------------------6
第二節 工作滿意---------------------------------------------------------------12
第三節 員工知覺組織支持---------------------------------------------------17
第三章、 研究設計與方法--------------------------------------------------------------20
第一節 研究架構---------------------------------------------------------------20
第二節 資料來源---------------------------------------------------------------21
第三節 問卷設計及變數操作型定義---------------------------------------22
第四節 資料分析---------------------------------------------------------------26
第四章、 研究結果與討論--------------------------------------------------------------27
第一節 樣本特性分析---------------------------------------------------------27
第二節 相關分析---------------------------------------------------------------29
第三節 迴歸分析---------------------------------------------------------------31
第五章、 結論與建議--------------------------------------------------------------------34
第一節 結論---------------------------------------------------------------------34
第二節 研究限制---------------------------------------------------------------36
第三節 後續研究建議---------------------------------------------------------37
第四節 管理意涵---------------------------------------------------------------38
表2-1 重要人力資源管理活動彙整表---------------------------------------------11
表2-2 工作滿意之意義整理---------------------------------------------------------13
表2-3 影響工作滿意的相關因素---------------------------------------------------16
表3-1 人力資源管理活動信度------------------------------------------------------23
表3-2 人力資源管理活動因素分析------------------------------------------------24
表4-1 樣本特性分析------------------------------------------------------------------28
表4-2 變數之相關係數---------------------------------------------------------------29
表4-3 人力資源管理活動透過員工知覺組織支持對工作滿意的影響------32
圖1-1 研究流程圖-----------------------------------------------------------------------5
圖2-1 工作滿意之前因、後果變項關係圖----------------------------------------14
圖3-1 研究架構圖----------------------------------------------------------------------20
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指導教授 劉念琪(Nien-Chi Liu) 審核日期 2005-7-14
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