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財務金融學系在職專班 |
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現金卡授信風險評估之研究 (Research on accredited risk evaluation of cash card)
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摘要(中) |
本研究係以國內某排名五大現金卡發卡銀行之客戶為抽樣樣本,對風險因子作深入分析,探討其影響逾期之顯著因素與過去多數研究者在探討房屋貸款、小額信用貸款、信用卡風險因素是否相同,以瞭解不同產品之客戶屬性上之差異性,以利用Logistic-Regression model作研究,經實證結果發現年齡、性別、行業別、家屬構成、子女數、負債比等六個顯著變數與過去研究文獻及一般之預期大致相同;另年收入、進件來源、有無房貸等三項顯著變數,則為與過去研究文獻不同或並無記載;年收入愈高者其違約機率反較收入低者為高;申貸戶來行自行申請者,其違約機率明顯高過行銷公司與行員推廣之案件;有房貸者其違約機率之較無房貸者為低;另本研究引導之授信模型準確率為85.67%。 |
摘要(英) |
Since 1999, the cash card system was introduced from Japan ACOM by Coamos Bank. Therefore, some of Taiwanese banks also introduced the system and technology from Japan one after another. However, because of the differences of situation of the country, structure of the society, and characteristics of clients, it’s not suitable to adopt the accredited evaluation form of the other country directly. Also, as for those banks that didn’t adopt the Japanese system, some used accredited evaluation of the credit card or a small amount of a loan. However, because of the difference of the target clients, they just used parts of the evaluation. This way is also not objective and affects the quality of the accredited system indirectly. Hence, according to client base of cash cards, to build a sound evaluation of cash card examination is the way to increase the number of issuing cards. In addition, the banks should evaluate the credit risk of clients at first effectively and react credit risk degree of clients in time. This way can reduce the ratio of breaking the contract---exceeding a time limit and loss of banks’ bad debt.
This research discusses if the risk factor that effected on exceeding a time limit by adopting samples of clients of top five banks which issued cash cards has the same results as the past researchers who discussed the home loan, a small amount of a loan and credit card risk in order to realize the difference of clients’ characteristics of different products. The research is shown that six significant factors---age, sex, occupation, structure of family, numbers of children and ratio of debt have the similar results to the past researches by using statistic way—Logistic-Regression. Besides, three significant factors---income, resources of cases, and home loan are different to the past ones or they were not discussed in the past. It’s shown that the ratio of breaking the contract---exceeding a time limit of the high income people is higher than low income ones. Then, the ratio of breaking the contract of applicants who applied for a loan by themselves is also significant higher than those who applied for a loan through the marketing companies and the cases which employees worked for. Also, the ratio of breaking the contract of people who have a home loan is lower than those who don’t. The degree of accuracy of accredited model is 85.67% in this research. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 現金卡 ★ 風險 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ cash card ★ risk |
論文目次 |
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景及動機------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的------------------------------------------------2
第三節 研究架構------------------------------------------------2
第二章 現金卡之基本介紹
第一節 現金卡簡介----------------------------------------------4
第二節 現金卡之中途授信 ---------------------------------------6
第三節 現金卡的催收管理 ---------------------------------------7
第四節 金管會對現金卡之規範 -----------------------------------8
第三章 相關理論與文獻探討
第一節 信用風險的意義及信用風險管理目的 ----------------------11
第二節 銀行信用評估原則 --------------------------------------12
第三節 信用風險評估方法 --------------------------------------14
第四節 文獻探討 ----------------------------------------------17
第四章 研究設計
第一節 資料來源 ----------------------------------------------23
第二節 研究變數之擬定 ----------------------------------------23
第三節 變數說明 ----------------------------------------------24
第四節 研究方法 ----------------------------------------------27
第五節 研究假說 ----------------------------------------------30
第五章 實證結果與分析
第一節 資料基本分析-------------------------------------------32
第二節 Logistic實證結果分析----------------------------------44
第三節 Logistic模型貢獻分析----------------------------------47
第六章 結論與建議
第一節 結論---------------------------------------------------49
第二節 建議---------------------------------------------------51
參考網站------------------------------------------------------54 |
參考文獻 |
2.王濟川、郭志剛,Logistic 迴歸模型-方法及應用,五南圖書,台北,2003。
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1.Rock, A. Sure Ways to Score with Lenders, Money (Sep.),1984.
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4.Updegrave,W. L. How Lenders Size You up, Money(Apr.),1987. |
指導教授 |
何中達(Chung-Da Ho)
審核日期 |
2005-7-20 |
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