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姓名 涂嘉勝(Chia-Shung Tu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球物理研究所
論文名稱 利用微地動量測探討台灣中部地區之場址效應
(Using Microtremor Measurement To Study The Site Effect In The Central Taiwan)
★ 利用井下地震儀陣列探討單站頻譜比法之應用★ 高屏地區場址效應之探討
★ 以地震儀陣列及基因演算法推估近地表剪力波波速★ 臺灣中部地區強地動波形模擬
★ 利用接收函數法推估蘭陽平原淺層速度構造★ 蘭陽平原場址效應及淺層S波速度構造
★ 探討不同地質區強震站之淺層S波速度構造★ 震源破裂過程及地表強地動特性之陣列分析研究
★ 利用微地動探討桃竹苗地區之場址效應★ 利用有限斷層法探討台北盆地之場址效應
★ 利用微地動量測探討台北盆地之場址效應★ 以恆春地震探討高屏地區之場址效應
★ 利用隨機式震源模型探討蘭陽平原之場址效應★ 利用時頻分析技術檢視土壤非線性反應
★ 台灣潛勢地震之發生機率評估★ 加速度地動潛勢預估
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摘要(中) 1999年集集地震對台灣中部地區造成相當大的災害,包含了建築物損害、人員傷亡以及經濟財產的損失等。地震過後我們可發現在車籠埔斷層下盤地區之地動加速度比起上盤地區明顯小很多,但是在下盤地區仍有許多的建築物損害。因此我們為了暸解此區地震後造成相當大的災情是否與局部之場址效應有關,本研究乃於台灣中部地區分布500個微地動測點,且利用單站頻譜比法分析微地動資料,希望能夠藉此瞭解研究區域內之場址特性,並與集集地震災害分布來做比較。
由微地動量測所獲得之主頻分布圖,可以得知在台中盆地北部、后里台地西部、大肚台地以及八卦山台地北部主頻約8~16 Hz;西部麓帶約3.5~7 Hz;台中盆地南部約2~5 Hz;清水及彰化海岸平原約0.5~2.5 Hz。同時本研究也計算出 值(Nakamura,1996), 值可以用來評估土壤液化潛能,結果顯示當 值大於20的地區與集集地震後液化地區有相當良好的相關性,因此微地動之 值也提供一個可以用來評估土壤液化潛能的方法。
在建築物耐震設計方面,不同高度之建築物皆有其不同的共振週期,因此本研究分別選了四個頻率(5.0、2.0、1.0、0.6 Hz)之放大倍率等值圖與不同樓高之建築物損害來做比較,結果顯示在下盤地區建築物受損主要為場址效應所引起,除了土壤液化地區之外。但在10樓以上之高層建築物受損除了與場址效應有關外,可能也與應力傳遞及人為施工不良有關,是否真為如此以後仍需更近一步研究。希望本研究結果可作為將來地震防災、建築物耐震設計、土地使用規劃以及土壤液化潛能評估之參考。
摘要(英) Central Taiwan suffered very severely damages during the Chi-Chi earthquake in 1999. It includes buildings collapsed, casualties, and economic loss, etc, and the Chelungpu fault ruptured during this earthquake. Although the ground motions in the footwall area were smaller than that in the hanging wall area. But the Taichung area which located in the footwall also has many building damages occurred. In order to obtain more information and understand the local site effect during earthquake, we performed the dense microtremor measurement in the Central Taiwan area. In this study, we set about 500 microtremor stations. By using the horizontal to vertical spectral ratio(H/V Ratio), we can analysis the site response in the central Taiwan. The site response can be used to compare with the ground motion response and the damage distributions of the Chi-Chi earthquake.
The dominant frequency and amplification factor at each station were calculated. From the dominant frequency contour map shows that at the north of Taichung basin west of Houli tableland, Tatu tableland, and north of Pakuashan tableland, the dominant frequency are about 8 ~ 16 Hz; the western foothill zone is about 3.5 ~ 7 Hz; the south of Taichung basin is about 2 ~ 5 Hz; Chingshui and Changhua coastal plain are about 0.5 ~ 2.5 Hz. We also calculated the “Kg value” (Nakamura, 1996) for estimating the earthquake damage of ground liquefaction area. In this study, when Kg value great than 20, it had good correlation with liquefaction area during Chi-Chi earthquake. So the Kg value of microtremor offers a good alternative for estimation of an area’s potential for liquefaction.
For the purpose of the earthquake resistant design, earthquake engineers must consider the site response at a specific period. Therefore, in this study, we select 4 frequencies (5.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.6 Hz) to plot out the amplification contour map of the site response and compare with the distributions of damaging buildings during the Chi-Chi earthquake. The results show the site effect caused many building damages in foothill area during the Chi-Chi earthquake in 1999 except the liquefaction areas. Otherwise, the damage buildings’ floor higher than 10 may resulted by the stress propagation because the Chelungpu fault trace turned to right nearby the Wufong area, but we need more study in the future. On the basis of this analysis, the results can also use as a reference for the future seismic hazard mitigation, seismic safety design, land use planning, and estimate potential of soil liquefaction.
關鍵字(中) ★ 頻譜比
★ 土壤液化
★ 微地動
★ 場址效應
關鍵字(英) ★ microtremor
★ spectral ratio
★ site effect
★ liquefaction
論文目次 中文摘要.....................................................Ⅰ
第一章 緒論...............................................1
1.1 研究動機與目的......................................1
1.2 文獻回顧............................................2
1.3 本文內容............................................6
第二章 研究區域地形與地質概況............................11
2.1 前言...............................................11
2.2 地形概況...........................................11
2.3 地層概況...........................................16
2.4 地質構造...........................................20
2.4.1 褶皺...........................................20
2.4.2 斷層...........................................20
2.5 地史...............................................25
第三章 研究原理與方法....................................28
3.1 前言...............................................28
3.2 微地動介紹.........................................28
3.3 研究理論基礎.......................................28
3.3.1 雙站頻譜比法...................................28
3.3.2 單站頻譜比法...................................30
3.4 微地動量測.........................................33
3.5 資料處理...........................................37
第四章 場址特性分析......................................40
4.1 前言...............................................40
4.2 挑選主頻...........................................40
4.3 主頻與鑽井資料之比較...............................51
4.4 各頻率放大倍率等值圖...............................60
4.5 放大倍率等值圖與921集集地震後建築物受損比較........69
4.6 土壤液化與 值分析................................77
4.6.1 土壤液化.......................................77
4.6.2 值分析以及921集集地震後土壤液化地區比較.....81
4.6.3 值與一般液化潛能評估方法比較................86
第五章 結論與討論........................................93
5.1 結論與討論.........................................93
5.2 未來可研究方向.....................................97
附錄A - 微地動測點編號與位置圖,以及微地動所有測點之H/V Ratio圖..............................................105
附錄B - 微地動所有測點相關資料整理......................149
附錄C –『中央地質調查所—國土資訊系統地質探勘資料庫』鑽孔位置分布圖與岩心剖面..............................166
附錄D -『富國技術工程股份有限公司—強震儀測站地質鑽探調查工程紀實報告書』(九十一年度、九十二年度)之鑽探岩心柱狀圖、SPT-N值、S波、P波速度資料,以及強震儀測站之微地動H/V Ratio.....................................181
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指導教授 溫國樑(Kuo-Liang Wen) 審核日期 2005-7-12
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