博碩士論文 93323121 詳細資訊

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姓名 沈靖傑(Jing-Jie Shen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 光碟製程設備中射出成型機遠距維護與故障診斷系統初步探討
★ 非等強度分負荷系統之動態負載配置研究★ 倒傳遞類神經網路學習收斂之初步探討
★ 材料強度退化與累積損傷之探討★ 累積失效與可靠度關係之探討
★ 碳鋼材料在二氧化硫環境下之腐蝕可靠度行為之探討★ 動態可靠度模型之探討及其應用
★ 多目標量子搜尋之參數調控演算法★ 低通濾波器設計可靠度分析
★ 光纖材料之靜力疲勞可靠度分析★ 競爭策略於系統行為之探討
★ 應用動態可靠度模型預估電解電容器壽命之探討★ 有限平板多條邊裂紋成長之探討
★ 厚度或折射率變異對窄帶通濾光片之可靠度分析★ 馬可夫過程的預防維護模型之研究
★ 馬可夫過程在技術成長上之研究★ 應用馬可夫預防維護模型於維修保養策略之探討
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摘要(中) 近年來隨著機械製造技術的進步,因此機械功能性也更顯複雜,對於操作人員而言,擁有高效率的監控與維護的平台才能即時處理機械的突發狀況。以往機械單元若發生故障時,往往必須花費相當大的成本在故障排除的工作上,若能建構一即時診斷環境,提供使用者隨時掌握生產的各項重要資訊,並於異警發生時提供適當的輔助機制,達成網絡化診斷維修之目的,此一課題值得深入探討與研究。
摘要(英) The manufacturing technology of machines is mature gradually, and to promote the machine functions is becoming more complex gradually in the same time. For the manufacturer, to possess a high-effect remote & maintenance platform, and then to handle machine alarm states in real time are very important. Formerly if the machine unit gave the alarms, manufacturers had to spend a lot of time to eliminate where the machine is breakdown. If it enables to build a real-time diagnosis environment, users might be able to obtain the information of manufacturing in real time. This function can offer users the problem solutions of manufacturing and breakdown. The topic merits discussion and study.
This paper presented a web-based remote diagnosis and maintenance solution for the injection molding machine, and analyzed the breakdown by fuzzy fault diagnosis. The Remote Diagnosis and Maintenance System is based on Case-based Reasoning, and diagnosed the unusual condition of the infection molding machine, and then built the database. The system is used the past case experience to solve the new problem.
The fuzzy fault diagnosis is aimed at the case-based reasoning to be unable to solve the breakdown. Diagnosing the equipment, and discovered the most possibility to case breakdown of the component of the machine. Therefore the diagnosis structure applies the Fault-Tree Analysis, Fuzzy Theorem, and the Bayes Theorem.
關鍵字(中) ★ 模糊診斷
★ 故障樹分析法
★ 射出成型機
★ 案例式推理
關鍵字(英) ★ CBR
★ fuzzy
論文目次 第一章 緒論...........................................................................1
1.1 研究背景與動機..................................................................1
1.2 文獻回顧.................................................................2
1.3 本文架構與大綱...........................................................................4
第二章 射出成型機之故障分析.......................................7
2.1 射出成型機介紹..............................................................7
2.1.1 射出成型機構造...........................................................7
2.1.2 射出成型機之動作說明.................................................10
2.2 故障樹分析法(Failure Tree Analysis).........................12
2.2.1 布林代數(Boolean Algebra)簡介.............................13
2.2.2 故障樹分析法之定性分析............................................14
2.3 射出成型機之故障樹分析...............................................18
2.3.1 射出成型機系統故障樹的建立.....................................18
2.3.2 射出成型機故障樹圖之簡化........................................21
2.4 故障分析流程架構.........................................................23
第三章 案例式推論(CBR)..............................................26
3.1 案例式推理(CBR)簡介......................................................29
3.2 案例式推理(CBR)系統之建構.........................................31
3.2.1 蒐集案例資料...........................................................33
3.2.2 製程異常分類...........................................................34
3.2.3 訂定案例推理(CBR)之指標......................................34
3.2.4 建立指標權重...........................................................36
3.2.5 案例間之指標相似度.................................................38
3.2.6 案例相似度公式....................................................39
3.3 案例式推理(CBR)之例子驗證............................................40
第四章 遠距維修系統之建構.........................................43
4.1 系統建構環境與工具.........................................................43
4.2 案例庫之建立...................................................................44
4.3 系統操作流程與功能說明..................................................45
4.3.1 使用者登入系統........................................................46
4.3.2 系統主畫面...............................................................46
4.3.3 案例式推理...............................................................47
4.3.4 案例庫管理...............................................................49
第五章 模糊故障診斷.......................................................56
5.1 失效單元之判定...............................................................57
5.1.1 模糊矩陣的建立........................................................58
5.1.2 失效單元之判定........................................................59
5.1.3 例子說明..............................................................59
5.2 維護優先次序之估算.........................................................61
5.2.1 貝氏定理..................................................................61
5.2.2 貝氏定理應用於維護優先次序....................................62
5.2.3 例子說明..............................................................62
第六章 結論與建議...........................................................65
6.1 結論................................................................................65
6.2 建議................................................................................66
附錄A 層級分析法..................................................................................72
附錄B 模糊理論簡介..................................................................................76
附錄C 射出成型機之維修紀錄表...............................................85
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指導教授 王國雄(Kuo-Shong Wang) 審核日期 2006-7-18
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