博碩士論文 93324036 詳細資訊

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姓名 李典倫(Dian-Lun LEE)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 苦楝油對於水性PU膨潤效應的性質研究
(The character research of the PU dispersion swollen by the Neem oil)
★ PU橡膠血液相容性之探討★ PU發泡體的結構與性質
★ POLY IP發泡體結構與性質之探討★ 非極性式poly-ip based PU軟質段末端改質的影響
★ 高韌性環氧樹脂底膠之開發★ 水性PU之流變性質研究
★ 完全相分離PU之完整形態研究★ 含矽膠PU之合成與血液相容性研究
★ 奈米級嵌段式PU之動態機械性質 與微結構型態研究★ Hydroxyl Terminated Polyisoprene(HTIP)陰離子型水性PU合成與性質研究
★ 陰離子型水性PU/有機蒙特納土奈米複合材料之製備與分析★ 非極性式poly-ip based PU 之軟質段末端改質對形態的影響
★ 硬質鏈段不規則性對PU奈米形態之影響(II)★ 硬質鏈段不規則性對PU奈米形態之影響
★ 尼龍表面親疏水性之研究★ 吸附性高自由體積粉粒之製備與應用
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摘要(中) 摘要
摘要(英) Abstract
The Neem oil mainly by the refinement of Azadirachta indica, in the research discovered has the effect of preventing and controlling fungus disease and the insect pest. This vegetative pesticide is convenient for making in the place of production, by the simple process of the manufacturing method and the inexpensive cost. It is widely applied in the agriculture.
The Neem oil often receives the influence of nature, therefore needs each period of time to spurt. It is the key point that Neem oil can slow release.
In the experiment discovered Neem oil can attract by the PU soft segment, in which has the good solubility. Therefore we want to synthesize the polyurethane in which added the Neem oil, by the less solvent amount of water-boned polyurethane synthesis. Selecting diffrangible polyester as soft segment, the Neem oil itself decomposable by the nature, this green material may be useful for the application of the farm industry.
This study uses three kind of polyester as PU soft segment to synthesize anion PU dispersion, in which difference amount Neem oil is. Studying the influence to the PU dispersion in the particle size change, the viscosity change, the mechanical property and temperature or vacuum, makes a series of discussions.
關鍵字(中) ★ 粒徑
★ 苦楝油
★ 黏度
關鍵字(英) ★ Neem oil
★ IR
★ PU
論文目次 摘要
1-1 前言--------------------------------------1
1-2 研究與動機--------------------------------1
2-1 水性PU的介紹------------------------------3
2-1-1 PU的結構------------------------------3
2-1-2 水性PU的分類--------------------------4
2-1-3 親水基的導入--------------------------4
2-1-3-1 陰離子型--------------------------4
2-1-3-2 陽離子型--------------------------5
2-1-3-3 非離子型--------------------------6
2-1-3-4 陰陽離子共存型--------------------6
2-1-4 PU離子體(PU ionomers)---------------6
2-1-5 PU水性化的製程------------------------7
2-1-5-1 Solution process----------------------7
2-1-5-2 Prepolymer mixing process-------------7
2-1-5-3 Hot melt process----------------------9
2-1-5-4 Ketimine(and Ketazine)process-------9
2-2 水性PU的物理性質--------------------------11
2-2-1 PU分散液的水分散機制--------------------11
2-2-2 膠體粒子理論----------------------------12
2-2-2-1 膠體的穩定性--------------------------12
2-2-2-2 電雙層--------------------------------13
2-2-3 水性PU的成膜性質------------------------16
2-2-4 水性PU rheology-------------------------17
2-2-4-1 黏度的定義----------------------------17
2-2-4-2 流體的分類----------------------------18
2-2-4-3 水性PU rheology-----------------------18
2-2-5 水性PU的熱性質--------------------------19
2-2-5-1 相轉變(phase transition)------------19
2-2-5-2 玻璃化轉變(glass transition)----------20
2-2-5-3 玻璃態(glass state)-------------------21
2-2-5-4 高彈態(rubbery state)-----------------22
2-2-5-5 黏流態(viscous state)-----------------22
2-2-5-6 黏流溫度(viscous flow temperature)----22
2-2-5-7 熔點(melt point)Tm-------------------23
2-3 苦楝油的介紹------------------------------24
2-3-1 印楝的發展------------------------------24
2-3-2 印楝的使用------------------------------27
2-3-3 印楝影響害蟲的效應----------------------28
3-1 化學藥品----------------------------------31
3-2 儀器設備----------------------------------32
3-3 實驗步驟----------------------------------32
3-3-1 反應物----------------------------------33
3-3-2 純陰離子型水性PU的合成步驟--------------33
3-3-3 陰離子型水性PU添加苦楝油之製備----------34
3-3-4 NCO官能基濃度滴定(ASTM-D1368)-----------36
3-3-5 羥基含量滴定----------------------------36
3-3-6 成膜方式--------------------------------36
3-4-1 FTIR------------------------------------38
3-4-2 分散粒徑--------------------------------38
3-4-3 黏度的量測------------------------------39
3-4-4 DSC-------------------------------------39
3-4-5 拉伸機械性質----------------------------39
4-1-1 軟段種類--------------------------------40
4-1-2 苦楝油的含量----------------------------40
4-1-3 溫度、真空度的影響----------------------40
4-2 粒徑的量測--------------------------------41
4-2-1 軟段種類的影響--------------------------41
4-2-2 苦楝油含量的影響------------------------42
4-3 黏度的量測--------------------------------43
4-4 IR分析------------------------------------44
4-5 熱分析------------------------------------47
4-6 機械性質----------------------------------49
4-6 揮發測試----------------------------------49
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指導教授 陳登科(Teng-Ko Chen) 審核日期 2006-7-22
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