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姓名 游阿勇(A-Yung Yu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 集合住宅銷售策略之研究(以桃園縣龍潭-大溪透天厝為例)
(A research of cottage home and apartments' sales strategies in Longtan and Dasi)
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摘要(中) 1980年代的高度經濟發展,帶動了台灣不動產市場的成長,不動產的價格也隨之攀升,同時,由於不動產投資環境之進入障礙低,因此吸引大量資金湧入。而在不動產交易訊息不透明,以及1991年初宣佈容積率管制所造成的建商搶建下,卻導致大量餘屋滯銷。龐大的資金積壓不僅浪費資源,不動產市場之不景氣更使得金融機構之逾放比率節節升高,迫使財政部在1999年初起陸續推出數千億元的低利購屋貸款,企圖讓陷入泥沼之金融界紓困,而此一作法在當時引起各界議論紛紛。
在行銷流程的不同階段所遭遇之盲點,可由市場分析的目標客層分析、媒體 企劃、產品再定位、鎖定客層及開發等項目而加以克服,降低推案之風險。而行銷研究的三大重點,為擬定行銷策略提供適切的依據。經由蒐集資料、市場分析及研擬策略為止,各個階段必須環環相扣,缺一不可。由龍潭的個案分析,驗證此一架構能實際與個案相呼應。從土地開發至餘屋去化,皆能提供合理且可行的指導方針。個案在規劃產品及擬定銷售策略時,應先分析目標客層特性。當地區域因物價水平不高,對中高樓層的接受能力有限;且偏好低樓層住宅,對高樓層住宅抗性較大。因本案以區域客為主,故規劃產品組合與價格策略時,應先瞭解區域之特性。龍潭推出之初,未能將目標客層鎖定開發與銷售作業同步進行,導致喪失最佳銷售機會並造成餘屋量過多,增加去化的風險。至於策略涵義方面,則包括以下幾點:1.對於行銷研究各階段所需之市場分析與研擬策略,皆以 流程的方式加以說明,可做為業者實際推案時的參考依據;2.行銷研究各階段所需分析的項目極多,可視實際需要的情況加以增減,以符合成本效益之原則;3.因不動產之類型不一、種類各異,本研究雖著重於住宅類型的預售屋之探討,但其他類型之不動產所需分析的重點,則大同小異、差異不大,應可加以調整後類推適用。
摘要(英) The height of the 1980s, economic development, have contributed to the growth of Taiwan’’s real estate market, real estate prices also will rise, while real estate investment environment due to the low barriers to entry, so to attract a lot of money influx. Messages in real estate transactions transparent and announced in early 1991 caused by the volumetric rate of the control building are rushing to build, but he led more than a large number of houses unmarketable. A huge backlog of capital is not only a waste of resources, real estate market downturn brought the non-performing loan ratio of financial institutions on the rise, forcing the Treasury rolled out starting in early 1999, hundreds of billions of low-interest housing loans, attempting to make into a quagmire of financial sector relief, and this one practice at the time much comment.
In this study, the seller’’s point of view, trying to find out the marketing decisions to be a focal point of consideration, and hope to build a complete real estate marketing standard operating procedures, provide the rest of home sales in the next release of the case, decision-making basis. Thus, in addition to market analysis and marketing strategies to explore the connection between the outside and in line with actual case of the verification and analysis of the theory with a view to practical experience can provide a complete logic of the industry’’s ideas and practical direction for decision-making.
At different stages in the marketing process encountered by the blind spot, may be the target market analysis customer-level analysis, media planning, product re-positioning, lock-off layer and development and other projects to be overcome to reduce the risk to push the case. The marketing research of the three major focus for the development of marketing strategies to provide appropriate basis. By collecting information, market analysis and develop strategies so far, each phase must be closely interlinked, are indispensable. A case study from the Longtan, verify that a structure can actually correspond with the case. From land development to the house I go to technology, have encountered to provide a reasonable and feasible guidelines. The case in the planning of products and develop sales strategies, we should first analyze target their customer characteristics. Local area due to the price level is not high on the high floors of the acceptance is limited; and the preference for low-floor residential high-rise housing on a larger resistance. A result of the case to the regional customer satisfaction, so planning product portfolio and pricing strategies, we should first understand the characteristics of the region. Longtan introduced at the beginning, failed to target their customer development and sales of locking operations in parallel, resulting in the loss of the best sales opportunities and cause excessive I housing, increasing the risk to the technology. As for the meaning of strategy is concerned, include the following: 1. For the various stages of marketing research and market analysis required to develop strategies, begin with a way to illustrate this process, can be used as the industry pushed the case when the actual reference; 2. marketing research analysis for different stages of the project very much visible changes in the actual needs of the situation to be in order to comply with the principle of cost-effectiveness; 3. because of the type of real estate varies types of different, although this study focused on the residential type of pre - Discussion on home sales, but other types of real estate required for the analysis of the focus is very much the same, the difference is not, should be able to apply by analogy to be adjusted.
關鍵字(中) ★ 集合住宅
★ 銷售策略
★ 成本效益
關鍵字(英) ★ Marketing strategies
★ Cost-effectiveness
★ Apartments
論文目次 摘要 I
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VI
第一章序論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3 研究範圍 2
1.4 研究方法 2
1.5 研究流程 5
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 房價之總體因素探討 6
2.2 土地與房屋價值關聯性分析 8
2.2.1 台灣地區房地產市場分析 10
2.2.2 購地及興建契約之考量因素 15
2.2.3 購地及興建方式投資評估 20
2.3 現有房仲業經營與銷售模式分析 24
2.4 區域性房屋市場供需分析 27
第三章 房屋產品銷售策略 35
3.1 房屋產品規劃 35
3.1.1 房地產策略定位的原則 35
3.1.2 空間綠化與節能設計 41
3.1.3 產品風格與建材設施 44
3.2銷售期中策略分析 47
3.2.1 行銷的策略觀念 47
3.2.2 策略之建立 47
3.2.3 建立策略性行銷規劃 51
3.2.4 銀行保證貸款關係之建立 54
3.3 售樓產品廣告效率之執行 57
3.3.1 廣告效益分析 57
3.3.2 房屋產品包裝 59
3.3.3 訂立銷售獎勵辦法 64
3.4 銷售後的售後服務 67
3.4.1各部門成立交屋小組分派職掌 67
3.4.2建立交屋作業流程 68
第四章 案例分析 71
4.1 建案定位 71
4.1.1 案例背景介紹 71
4.1.2 桃園房市概況與前景分析 73
4.1.3 建案SWOT分析 75
4.1.4 市場定位 77
4.1.5 房地產市場調查 79
4.2 銷售策略 86
4.2.1 銷售狀況檢討 91
4.2.2第二階段銷售狀況檢討 95
4.3 區域相同個案比較分析 97
4.3.1 專案之區域分析 98
4.3.2決勝策略分析 106
4.3.3 綠建築設計之比較 110
第五章 結論與建議 112
5.1 結論 112
5.2 建議 113
參考文獻 114
參考文獻 「房地產開發.經營.管理實用手冊」,卜一德,中國建築工業出版社,2005。
「房地產銷售‧策劃‧傳播管理模式」,范方華,廣東經濟出版社, 2006。
「房地產定位策略」,王波,陳國慶,廣東經 濟出版社,2006。
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陳力維,「台灣房地產價格變動因素之研究」,淡江大學碩士論文,2001 。
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指導教授 林志棟(Jyh-Dong Lin) 審核日期 2010-1-28
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