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姓名 段沛青(Pei-Ching Tuan)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所在職專班
論文名稱 大學生用電消費行為之研究~以桃園地區為例
★ 高科技廠火災發生與消防安全風險管理之探究-以日月光半導體中壢廠為例★ 無線射頻辨識應用於學校實驗室廢液管理之研究
★ 高鐵700T型列車車廂內噪音之研究★ 個人暴露與呼出氣體連續量測系統之研發
★ 以作業別為導向之勞工暴露評估技術研發~以縲縈絲工廠員工二硫化碳暴露為例~★ 可攜帶直讀式氣體偵測器之研發
★ 超細粒徑微粒濃縮器操作介面之改善與自動化之研究★ 勞工工作活動、時間與有害氣體暴露自動連續監測設備研發
★ 嵌入式儀器資料收集系統之設計與實踐 -以環保署空氣品質監測站為例★ 勞工有害物暴露活動與暴露時間自動連續監測方法之開發與現場實證
★ 新型勞工個人總暴露劑量警報器之實場驗證★ 先進勞工工作活動模式即時監測系統之研發—應用雙向紅外線定位技術
★ 勞工作業環境多點影像監視系統之開發與實作★ 新型勞工個人總暴露劑量警報器之研發
★ 無人機房資料蒐集與傳輸系統研究與開發 -以環保署空品站為例★ 新型勞工工作活動模式即時監測系統之研發-應用雙向無線通訊技術
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摘要(中) 本研究係以行為科學的動機理論方法,探討大學生在用電消費行為上,個人所持的動機、用電消費行為模式及其影響因素,目的在建立大學校院學生個人動機與用電消費行為之相關資料,並瞭解大學生對能源通識教育的需求。研究對象以桃園地區大學生為對象,採隨機抽樣法取樣本,實施問卷調查,共得有效樣本394份,有效回收率87.6﹪。
摘要(英) Global warming and record breaking oil prices have drawn enough public attentions on how to reduce energy consumptions in our daily life. Fortunately, public awareness and motivation, mainly through education, has been always a key element for people to change their life style to adapt new environment. Since a major portion of Taiwanese had college or higher degree before working, the behaviors and attitudes of those university students in energy consumptions may significantly influence our future environment. Therefore, this research tried to use questionnaires and statistical tools to study the consumer behaviors of university students on electric power consuming for their motive, the consumption behavior and its influence factors by the behavior of science motive theory. Its purpose was to understand the personal motive of students for higher education and set-up the database of the consumer behavior on electric power consuming for their demands on education. The results were analyzed from the data of 394 copies of random sampling questionnaires from the university students in Taoyuan areas.
The investigation results showed that in the personal motive the “care to environment” had more positive and active attributes. And, in the power consuming consumer behavior, the scoring rate of “food” had positive, in verse the “walk” was remaining to be strengthened.
The Pearson’s accumulated and lack of assaying relevantly showed that the university student’’s personal motive and three components were highly correlated, especially the “personal viewpoint”. It also found that the personal motive was highly correlated to the consumer behavior on power consuming. The effects of different background on university student’’s personal motive, the sex, age, studying institute, grade, and inhabiting were correlated to the personal motivating by the t-test and one-way ANOVA analysis.
It also found that university students think that the school is offering and using the electricity or economizing the energy and is correlated with the open opinion of knowing course in order to account for 57.11% “all right”; 40.10% students think by bringing out the interest of study; But there are students up to 66.75% for taking the new net energy and relatively scarce will of using energy-conserving course of electricity.
Economize power consuming idea and source of general knowledge and learn, it is that the greatest way of a source account for 43.65% that the school educates, 27.66% family secondly, TV media third 19.80%. But as to 394 samples of all, students of only 43.65% learn from the school that economizes the power consuming idea and general knowledge, it may be that the school educate and will not have economized power consuming idea and general knowledge to list in course, or the one that is economizing the power consuming idea and general knowledge in the school is not really inculcated.
People’’s behavior is controlled by their motive, and it can influence our behavior. It is suggested that including the most important becoming one of the personal motive in and consuming or economizing the intension that the energy is being educated the electricity, should be able to reduce then the burden of lightening the earth environment with the consumption of the electricity or the energy from the personal behavior.
關鍵字(中) ★ 能源教育
★ 用電消費行為
★ 行為科學
關鍵字(英) ★ energy education
★ electric power consuming consumer behavior
★ behavior science
論文目次 中文摘要………………………………………………………………….I
第一章 前言…………………………………………………………….1
1.1 研究緣起………………………………………………………..1
1.2 研究動機……………………………………………………….2
1.3 研究目的……………………………………………………….3
第二章 文獻回顧………………….……………………………….……4
2.1 我國能源使用情形…………………………………………….4
2.2 綠色消費………………………………………………………..7
2.3 消費行為相關研究……………………………………………12
2.4 行為科學相關理論……………………………………………16
第三章 研究方法………………………………………………………18
3.1 研究流程……………………………………………….……..18
3.2 研究對象………………………………………….…………..19
3.3 研究架構………………………………………….…………..20
3.4 研究工具…………………………………………….………..21
3.5 資料處理……………………………………………….……...26
3.6 研究限制……………………………………………………....26
第四章 結果與討論……………………………………………………28
4.1 研究對象之個人資料………………………….……………..28
4.2 大學生個人動機情形………………………….……………..32
4.3 大學生用電消費行為情形…………………….……………..40
4.4 不同背景條件對大學生個人動機影響之分析…….……..45
4.5 不同背景條件對大學生用電消費行為影響之分析…………47
4.6 大學生個人動機與用電消費行為之關係…………….……..50
4.7 大學生用電消費情形………………………………….……..53
第五章 結論與建議……………………………………………………61
5.1 結論………….…..……………..……………………………..61
5.2 建議………….…..…………..………………………………..62
附錄一 問卷……………………………………………………….附錄1
附錄二 Cronbach’s α係數…………………………...……………附錄6
附錄三 大學生個人動機得分分佈………………………………..附錄8
附錄四 大學生個人觀點得分分佈………………………..………附錄9
附錄五 大學生社會觀點得分分佈……………………………....附錄10
附錄六 大學生對環境關心得分分佈…………………………....附錄11
附錄七 大學生用電消費行為得分分佈………………………....附錄12
附錄八 大學生用電消費行為--「食」構面得分分佈……….….附錄14
附錄九 大學生用電消費行為--「衣」構面得分分佈…………..附錄15
附錄十 大學生用電消費行為--「住」構面得分分佈…………..附錄16
附錄十一 大學生用電消費行為--「行」構面得分分佈………..附錄17
附錄十二 大學生用電消費行為--「育」構面得分分佈……….附錄18
附錄十三 大學生用電消費行為--「樂」構面得分分佈………..附錄19
附錄十四 大學生各變項與用電消費行為間單因子變異數分析
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指導教授 王鵬堯(Peng-Yau Wang) 審核日期 2006-7-21
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