博碩士論文 93342013 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳俊穎(Chun-Ying Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 小汽車共乘配對最佳化模式暨求解演算法之研究
(Optimization Models and Solution Algorithms for the Car Pooling Problems)
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摘要(中) 由於目前台灣都會區交通量的成長迅速,因此若能實行小客車共乘,則除可以紓解都市的交通擁塞問題外,亦可節約國家的能源。然而,以往探討小客車共乘配對問題的文獻不多,且為簡化問題,所發展的模式大多未考慮實際營運時的限制,僅考量簡單的時窗與容量限制。因此,此等模式難以直接地運用於複雜的實務問題上。至於在問題稍為相似的撥召配對文獻上,雖有較多學者曾嘗試發展數學解析模式及解法,然該問題與本研究所欲解決的小客車共乘問題存有相當的差異,因此其模式與解法亦難直接地應用於求解本研究問題。由於以往鮮有探討多對多起迄之小客車共乘配對問題,另在加入考量先前配對資訊考量的小客車共乘問題更未發現有相關的研究,因此本研究以系統最佳化觀點,針對預約式多對多起迄的旅次發展一小客車共乘配對模式與考量先前資訊之小客車共乘配對模式,期能提供決策者輔助工具,在面對不同的問題,以有效地規劃小客車共乘配對。
摘要(英) Traffic volume has significantly grown in Taiwan. If carpool is performed, it will not only relieve traffic congestion but will also save energy. However, only a little research related with car pooling problems has been studied. Moreover, in order to simplify the studied problems, they only considered simple constraints, such as time-windows or capacity constraints. Consequently, the proposed models or methods cannot be directly applied to the complex and practical carpooling problems. Although many researchers have developed analytical models to solve the dial-a-ride problem which is rather closely related with our research, the difference in between is significant. Therefore, the proposed models and solution algorithms cannot be directly used for solving our problem. Since there has not yet research on many-to-many car pooling problem, particularly with consideration of pre-matching information, in this research, based on the system optimization perspective and a set of given advanced-order passenger trips, we develop a many-to-many car pooling model, and the many-to-many car pooling model with pre-matching information. These models are expected to be useful tools to help the planner effectively and efficiently solve these car pooling problems.
This study is divided into two essays. In the first essay, we construct a car pooling model without pre-matching information for the daily advanced-order many-to-many trips. In the second essay, we construct the car pooling model with pre-matching information for the daily advanced-order many-to-many trips. In this study, we strive to make up this lack by employing a time-space network flow technique to develop models for two essays. All the models are formulated as special integer multiple commodity network flow problems, which are characterized as NP-hard and cannot be optimally solved in a reasonable time for large-scale problems. In order to efficiently solve large-scale problems occurring in real world, in the first essay, we develop a solution algorithm based on Lagrangian relaxation, a subgradient method, and a heuristic for the upper bound solution, to solve the model; in the second essays, we develop a solution algorithm based on Lagrangian relaxation, and a heuristic for the upper bound solution, to solve the model. Finally, computerized random generators also are designed to generate different problem instances used for testing the solution algorithms. The results are good, showing that the model and heuristic algorithm could be useful.
關鍵字(中) ★ 小客車共乘
★ 多重貨物網路流動問題
★ 時空網路
★ 拉氏鬆弛法
關鍵字(英) ★ time-space network
★ multiple commodity network flow problem
★ carpool
★ Lagrangian relaxation
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
Contents iv
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Essay1: An Optimization Model and a Solution Algorithm for the Car Pooling Problem 5
2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Problem description 8
2.3 The model 12
2.3.1 The CVG vehicle-flow time-space networks 12
2.3.2 CVG passenger-flow time-space networks 14
2.3.3 CNG passenger-flow time-space networks 16
2.3.4 Other relational constraints 18
2.3.5 The model formulation 19
2.4 Solution algorithm 25
2.4.1 The lower bound of the optimal solution 26
2.4.2 The upper bound of the optimal solution 27
2.4.3 Sub-gradient method and the solution process 30
2.5 Numerical tests 31
2.5.1 Test results 31
2.5.2 Case illustration with sensitivity analyses 35
2.6 Conclusion 40
Chapter 3 Essay 2: An Optimization Model and a Solution Algorithm for the Car Pooling Problem with Pre-Matching Information 42
3.1 Introduction 42
3.2 Problem description 44
3.3 The model 49
3.3.1 The pre-CG vehicle-flow time-space networks 49
3.3.2 The CVG vehicle-flow time-space networks 51
3.3.3 CVG passenger-flow time-space networks 53
3.3.4 CNG passenger-flow time-space networks 54
3.3.5 Other relational constraints 57
3.3.6 The model formulation 57
3.3.7 The flexibility of model modification 65
3.4 Solution algorithm 66
3.4.1 Stage 1: the lower bound of the optimal solution 66
3.4.2 Stage 2: the upper bound of the optimal solution 67
3.5 Numerical tests 70
3.5.1 Test results 70
3.5.2 Case illustration and sensitivity analyses 75
3.6 Conclusions 80
Chapter 4 Conclusions, Discussions, Suggestions, and Contributions 82
4.1 Conclusions 82
4.2 Discussion 84
4.3 Suggestions 86
4.4 Contributions 87
References 88
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指導教授 顏上堯(Shangyao Yan) 審核日期 2010-7-21
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