博碩士論文 93343029 詳細資訊

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姓名 蔡松霖(Sung-lin Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 新型熱熔膠拋光墊的研製及其對單晶矽與不銹鋼材料之拋光研究
(A study on the manufacturing of new hot melt adhesive polishing pad and its effects on polishing monocrystalline silicon and stainless steel workpiece)
★ 運用化學機械拋光法於玻璃基板表面拋光之研究★ 電泳沉積輔助竹碳拋光效果之研究
★ 凹形球面微電極與異形微孔的成形技術研究★ 運用電泳沉積法於不鏽鋼鏡面拋光之研究
★ 電化學結合電泳精密拋光不銹鋼之研究★ 純水中的電解現象分析與大電流放電加工特性研究
★ 結合電化學與電泳沉積之微孔複合加工研究★ 放電加工表面改質與精修效果之研究
★ 汽車熱交換器用Al-Mn系合金製程中分散相演化及再結晶行為之研究★ 磁場輔助微電化學銑削加工特性之研究
★ 磁場輔助微電化學鑽孔加工特性之研究★ 微結構電化學加工底部R角之改善策略分析與實做研究
★ 加工液中添加Al-Cr混合粉末對工具鋼放電加工特性之影響★ 不同加工液(煤油、蒸餾水、混合液)對鈦合金(Ti-6Al-4V)放電加工特性之影響
★ 放電與超音波振動複合加工添加TiC及SiC粉末對Al-Zn-Mg系合金加工特性之影響★ 添加石墨粉末之快速穿孔放電加工特性研究
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摘要(中) 拋光墊(Polishing pad)的應用是使工件達到精微表面拋光,可有效
在實驗方面,本研究研製了新型熱熔膠拋光墊(Hot melt adhesive
pad, HMA pad)並以其對單晶矽進行拋光實驗,同時亦利用磁性流體
(Magnetic compound fluid, MCF)對SUS-304 不銹鋼工件進行研磨拋光
晶矽次表面層的研究發現,損傷層約100-150 nm、非晶矽層約10 nm。
效果非常顯著,表面粗糙度由初始0.25μm 降至0.031μm。而藉由配
製磁性流體的研究發現,配製磁流體以矽油黏度1000 mm2/s 含量30g、
羰基鐵粉含量20g、四氧化三鐵含量1g、氧化矽含量0.1g 及矽烷偶
聯劑含量1g 可獲得6 小時的懸浮效果;SUS-304 不銹鋼經熱熔膠拋
光墊結合磁性流體研磨,其表面粗糙度值可降至0.068 μm。利用兩磁
摘要(英) Polishing pad is an effective tool for polishing workpiece by
removing roughness on the surface. Use of polishing pad can be traced
back to the ancient mirror polishing of objects of jade, bronze and
precious stone. With the development and application of semiconductor
production technology and wafer surface polishing the development of
polishing pads is also growing in fast pace. While a lot of researches on
the polishing conditions and mechanisms have been conducted few
studies can be found with the making of new polishing pads. This study
focuses at the combined effects on surface profiles of workpieces
polished by newly developed polishing pads and polishing conditions.
This study employs custom made hot melt adhesive (HMA) pad to
polish silicon workpiece surface and SUS-304 stainless surface together
with magnetic compound fluid (MCF). The experiments results show that
the quality of HMA pad is highly dependent upon the spraying distance
when coating pad surface. Surface of HMA pad coated with 5 w.t%
grain mixture is of better surface roughness and uniformity (WIWNU)
when polishing silicon workpiece. With respect to sub-surface layer of
silicon workpiece it is found that the thickness of damage layer is around
100-150 nm and the amorphous silicon layer around 10 nm. When
applying MCF polishing to silicon workpiece it is found that better
surface quality may be improved as well. For magnetic compound fluid
used in stainless workpiece polishing it is found that a mixture of 30 gram
silicon oil with 1000 mm2/s viscosity, 10 gram of carbonyl iron powder,
1 gram of ferric ferrous oxide, 0.1 gram silica and 1 gram of Silane
coupling agent may give a 6-hour may reach a suspension effect up to 6
hours. Surface roughness of SUS-304 stainless workpiece may be
reduced to 0.068 μm after polished by HMA pad together with MCF as
dual magnetic poles (either attraction or repulsion) always led to better
polishing results when compared with single magnetic pole one.
關鍵字(中) ★ 磁性流體
★ 單晶矽
★ 表面粗糙度值
★ 熱熔膠
★ 拋光墊
關鍵字(英) ★ surface roughness
★ silicon
★ Hot melt adhesive
★ Polishing pad
★ Magnetic compound fluid
論文目次 摘 要 ........................................................................................................... i
Abstract ........................................................................................................ ii
謝 誌 ......................................................................................................... iv
目 錄 .......................................................................................................... v
圖目錄 .......................................................................................................... x
表目錄 ....................................................................................................... xiii
第一章 緒論................................................................................................ 1
1-1 研究背景 ....................................................................................... 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 ............................................................................ 3
1-3 文獻回顧 ........................................................................................ 4
1-4 研究方法 ........................................................................................ 7
1-5 本論文之構成 ................................................................................ 9
第二章 熱熔膠拋光墊研製及對單晶矽拋光研究 ................................. 10
2-1 前言 .............................................................................................. 10
2-2 拋光墊簡介 .................................................................................. 11
2-2-1 拋光墊材料特性 ............................................................... 11
2-2-2 拋光墊種類 ....................................................................... 12
2-2-3 發泡體製作成型分類 ...................................................... 15
2-3 實驗設備與方法 .......................................................................... 16
2-3-1 實驗設備 ........................................................................... 16
2-3-2 實驗材料 ........................................................................... 18
2-3-3 實驗步驟 ........................................................................... 22
2-3-4 實驗參數設定 ................................................................... 25
2-4 實驗流程 ...................................................................................... 26
2-5 結果與討論 .................................................................................. 27
2-5-1 拋光墊性質探討 ............................................................... 27
2-5-1-1 噴塗距離對拋光墊型成的影響 ....................... 27
2-5-1-2 拋光墊的拋光測試 ........................................... 28
2-5-1-3 拋光墊性質分析 ............................................... 30
2-5-1-4 動態機械分析 ................................................... 30
2-5-2 拋光單晶矽試片參數探討 .............................................. 31
2-5-2-1 加工進给速率對表面粗糙度的影響 ............... 31
2-5-2-2 軸向荷重對表面粗糙度的影響 ....................... 32
2-5-2-3 主軸轉速對表面粗糙度的影響 ........................ 33
2-5-3 拉曼光譜分析 ................................................................... 34
2-5-4 矽晶片研拋效果 ............................................................... 36
2-6 結論 .............................................................................................. 37
第三章 不同披覆磨粒方式的熱熔膠拋光墊對單晶矽拋光研究 ......... 38
3-1 前言 .............................................................................................. 38
3-2 田口品質工程 .............................................................................. 40
3-2-1 田口實驗設計法 ............................................................... 40
3-2-2 ANOVA 變異數分析 ......................................................... 41
3-3 實驗設計與方法 .......................................................................... 42
3-3-1 實驗步驟與流程 ............................................................... 42
3-3-2 表面粗糙度與WIWNU 的量測 ...................................... 45
3-4 實驗流程 ...................................................................................... 46
3-5 結果與討論 .................................................................................. 47
3-5-1 熱壓式披覆磨粒熱熔膠拋光墊 ....................................... 47
3-5-1-1 披覆溫度對披覆效果的影響 ........................... 47
3-5-1-2 披覆粒徑對披覆效果的影響 ........................... 49
3-5-1-3 披覆壓力對披覆效果的影響 ........................... 51
3-5-1-4 披覆時間對披覆效果的影響 ........................... 51
3-5-2 田口實驗結果分析............................................................ 53
3-5-2-1 表面粗糙度分析 ............................................... 54
3-5-2-2 WIWNU 分析 ................................................. 55
3-5-2-3 驗證實驗 ........................................................... 57
3-5-3 表面粗糙度之參數因子分析 ........................................... 58
3-5-3-1 披覆粒徑對表面粗糙度的影響 ....................... 58
3-5-3-2 磨粒濃度對表面粗糙度的影響 ....................... 58
3-5-3-3 軸向荷重對表面粗糙度的影響 ....................... 61
3-5-4 WIWNU 之參數因子分析 ................................................ 63
3-5-4-1 預泡時間對WIWNU 的影響 .......................... 63
3-5-4-2 磨粒濃度對WIWNU 的影響 .......................... 63
3-5-4-3 主軸轉速對WIWNU 的影響 .......................... 65
3-5-5 混合式披覆磨粒熱熔膠拋光墊 ....................................... 66
3-5-5-1 加工時間對表面粗糙度改善效果 .................... 67
3-5-5-2 不同拋光墊對WIWNU 改善效果 ................... 68
3-5-6 EDS 分析 ........................................................................... 69
3-6 結論 .............................................................................................. 71
第四章 熱熔膠拋光墊結合磁性流體之拋光研究 ................................. 72
4-1 前言 .............................................................................................. 72
4-2 磁性流體簡介 .............................................................................. 74
4-2-1 磁性微粒間的作用力 ....................................................... 76
4-2-2 磁性流體特性 .................................................................... 78
4-3 磁性流體拋光原理 ...................................................................... 80
4-4 實驗設計與方法 .......................................................................... 81
4-4-1 實驗材料 ............................................................................ 81
4-4-2 實驗方法 ............................................................................ 85
4-5 實驗流程 ...................................................................................... 86
4-6 結果與討論 .................................................................................. 87
4-6-1 水基型磁性流體的配製 ................................................... 87
4-6-1-1 磁性流體輔助拋光單晶矽的效果 .................... 92
4-6-2 油基型磁性流體的配製 ................................................... 93
4-6-2-1 油酸為界面活性劑對懸浮效果的影響 ............ 93
4-6-2-2 防沉劑為界面活性劑對懸浮效果的影響 ........ 94
4-6-2-3 氧化矽為界面活性劑對懸浮效果的影響 ........ 96
4-6-2-4 磁場強度對磁流體黏度的影響 ........................ 98
4-6-3 不銹鋼拋光實驗 ................................................................ 99
4-6-3-1 表面粗糙度分析 .............................................. 100
4-6-3-2 驗證實驗 .......................................................... 101
4-6-4 油基型磁性流體對不銹鋼拋光特性探討 ..................... 103
4-6-4-1 磁極配置方式對表面粗糙度的影響 .............. 103
4-6-4-2 工作間距對表面粗糙度的影響 ...................... 103
4-6-4-3 主軸轉速對表面粗糙度的影響 ...................... 106
4-6-4-4 碳化矽含量對表面粗糙度的影響 .................. 106
4-6-4-5 羰基鐵粉含量對表面粗糙度的影響 .............. 108
4-6-4-6 Fe3O4 對表面粗糙度的影響 ............................ 108
4-7 結論 ............................................................................................ 111
第五章 總結論 ....................................................................................... 112
參考文獻 .................................................................................................. 114
作者簡介 .................................................................................................. 120
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指導教授 顏炳華(Biing-hwa Yan) 審核日期 2011-7-19
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