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姓名 曾至苹(Chih-Ping Tseng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系
論文名稱 Copula-based GARCH模型於期貨避險之應用
(Futures Hedging with a Copula-based Multivariate GARCH Model)
★ 上市公司財務主管異動宣告對股價報酬與企業經營績效之影響★ 巢式與非巢式資產定價理論之比較與檢定
★ 小數化、市場流動性與交易時距★ 套利訂價模型中未知因子之分析:全球實證研究
★ 歐元對歐洲股票市場整合之影響:產業實證分析★ 選擇權交易與標的資產報酬及標準差之關係
★ GARCH-jump模型預測波動性之準確度★ 個股選擇權市場的流動性不足貼水與波動度差
★ 金融危機與風險外溢─DCC模型之應用★ 運用極值理論評估風險值-以台灣股匯市為例
★ 美國存託憑證報酬與風險傳遞之研究★ 漲跌停限制效果之研究:選擇權定價之觀點
★ 一般化自我迴歸條件異質變異數模型在不同分配假設下對波動度與價格分配預測之表現★ 選擇權市場的資訊內涵
★ 資產價格之雙變量機率分配預測★ Model-Free隱含波動度價差之遠期資訊
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摘要(中) 過去的研究指出,固定的避險比率並不能達到最佳的避險效果,而建議最適避險比率應隨時間變動調整。本篇論文提出以Copula-based GARCH模型估計避險比率,並將其避險績效與傳統避險模型 (OLS),CCC GARCH模型,以及DCC GARCH模型相比較。Copula-based GARCH模型不受限於常態分配的假設,使資產邊際分配的選擇更有彈性,更能貼近其真實的分配。實證結果指出,不論是在樣本內或樣本外,以Copula-based GARCH模型估計避險比率所形成的投資組合變異數皆為最小,有最好的避險績效。
摘要(英) Many recent studies have demonstrated that using the constant hedge ratio obtained by the ordinary least squares method is inappropriate and hence different dynamic hedging strategies are suggested. In this paper we propose a new copula-based GARCH model to estimate the optimal hedge ratio, and compare its hedging effectiveness with different hedge models, including the constant conditional correlation GARCH model and the dynamic conditional correlation GARCH model. The advantage of the proposed model is that it allows for a more flexible distribution specification; Namely, marginal distributions or the dependence structure can be considered separately and simultaneously without the multivariate normality assumption. Hedging performance, in terms of variance reduction of portfolio returns, is evaluated for alternative models. Based on in-sample and out-of-sample comparisons, we find that the proposed model provides best hedging effectiveness.
論文目次 Contents
1. Introduction 1
2. Methodology 6
2.1 Hedging Theories 6
2.2 Bivariate Constant Correlation GARCH 9
2.3 Dynamic Conditional Correlation Multivariate GARCH 10
3. Copula-based Multivariate GARCH 12
3.1 Copula 12
3.2 Estimation of Parameters 14
3.3 Empirical Methodology 15
4. Data 19
5. Empirical Analysis 20
5.1 Parameters Estimation 20
5.2 In-sample Comparison of Hedging Performance 21
5.3 Out-of-sample Comparison of Hedging Performance 23
6. Conclusion 25
Reference 26
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指導教授 王耀輝、徐之強
(Yaw-Huei Wang、Chih-Chiang Hsu)
審核日期 2006-7-4
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