博碩士論文 93448004 詳細資訊

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姓名 謝佩芳(Pei-Fang Hsieh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系
論文名稱 選擇權市場的資訊內涵
(Essays on Information Content in Options Markets)
★ 最適指數複製法之自動化建置:以ETF50為例★ 台灣公債市場與台幣利率交換交易市場動態關聯性之研究
★ 企業貸款債權證券化--信用增強探討★ 停損點反向操作指標在台灣期貨市場實證
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★ 匯率風險值衡量之實證研究-以新台幣、日圓、英鎊、歐元匯率為例★ 探討央行升息國內十年期指標公債未同步上升之原因
★ 信用風險模型評估—Merton模型之應用★ 資產管理公司購買不動產擔保不良債權評價之研究
★ 股票除息對期貨與現貨報酬之影響★ 主權基金的角色定位與未來影響力之研究
★ 我國公債期貨之研究分析★ 用事件研究法探討希臘主權債信危機-以美國及德國公債為例
★ 企業避險及財務操作之實例探討★ 台灣期貨市場之量價交易策略
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摘要(中) 本論文是由兩篇關於選擇權市場資訊內涵之研究所構成。
在本論文的第二部份,我們使用Ni, Pan and Poteshman (2008)之探討選擇權交易是否隱含現貨波動率資訊的研究方法,沿用其加權淨波動率需求指標(vega-weighted net demand for volatility)討論台灣指數選擇權交易是否隱含現貨波動率之資訊。我們的研究結果指出外國機構投資人使用期貨及選擇權所建立之組合交易部位隱含最顯著的現貨波動率資訊。另外,我們也發現少數(不到全市場交易量1%)的個人投資者,其勒式部位(strangle)可預測未來現貨指數波動率。而與過去文獻不同的為,我們發現過去文獻認為最多人使用之波動率交易策略-跨式部位(straddle),其交易量在台灣指數選擇權市場中對未來現貨指數波動率並無任何預測能力。
摘要(英) This essay contains two studies on information content in options markets.
Having obtained a unique dataset with detailed information on transaction records in the TAIEX option market, we provide evidence of varying degrees of predictability from different classes of investors. In the first part of this essay, we set out to investigate the information content of options trading to examine the predictive power of the put and call positions of different types of traders in the TAIEX option market. We find that options volume, as a whole, carries no information on TAIEX spot index changes. On the other hand, however, although foreign institutional investors do not engage in much trading, there is strong evidence to show that the trading in which they do engage has significant predictive power on the underlying asset returns. We also find that foreign institutional investors have greater predictive power with regard to in near-the-money and middle-horizon options.
In the second part of this study, we follows the approach of Ni, Pan and Poteshman (2008) – based upon the vega-weighted net demand for volatility – to determine whether volatility information exists within the Taiwan options market. Our empirical results show that foreign institutional investors possess the strongest and most direct volatility information, which is realized by the delta-neutral options/futures trades. In addition, a few individual investors’ trading volume from strangles (less than 1% of individuals’ trades) show some predictive power of future volatility. Surprisingly, we find no evidence to support the predictive ability of the volatility demand from straddle trades, despite the widespread acknowledgement that such trades are sensitive to volatility.
Our study sheds some light on the foreign capital flows in the Taiwan option market which may have predictive power with regard to the underlying asset. Our investigation may provoke further study of the information content of index option markets, which are generally viewed as being less informative than individual stock markets.
關鍵字(中) ★ 組合交易
★ 選擇權交易量
★ 資訊交易者
★ 新興市場
★ 資訊內涵
關鍵字(英) ★ Combination trades
★ Option volume
★ Informed traders
★ Information content
★ Emerging markets
論文目次 Abstract in Chinese i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii
Contents iv
List of Tables v
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 The Data 7
2.1 The main dataset 7
2.2 The open-buy subset 10
2.3 The data related to volatility 11
Chapter 3 Information content for future index return 15
3.1 Empirical specifications 15
3.1.1 Testing the predictability of privative information15
3.1.2 Decomposing privative information 16
3.2 The Empirical Results 18
3.2.1 Predictability of the overall market 18
3.2.2 Predictability of informed versus uninformed traders 19
3.2.3 Predictability with varying options leverage 23
3.2.4 Predictability for other option types 24
Chapter 4 Information content for future index volatility29
4.1 Empirical methodology 29
4.1.1 The volatility information variables 29
4.1.2 Model specifications 30
4.2 Statistic of information variables 32
4.3 Empirical results 38
4.3.1 Information content of market aggregate trading volume 38
4.3.2 Information content of trading volume of various categories of traders 46
4.4 Discussion and robustness check 55
Chapter 5 Conclusion 57
Reference 59
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指導教授 張傳章、王耀輝
(Chuang-Chang Chang、Yaw-Huei Wang)
審核日期 2009-5-7
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