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姓名 洪琦婷(Chi-Ting Hung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 異質接面雙極性功率電晶體分析及VBIC模型建立
(The Analysis of Scalable InGaP/GaAs Power HBTs and Establishment of VBIC Model)
★ 增強型異質結構高速移導率電晶體大信號模型之建立及其在微波放大器之應用★ 空乏型暨增強型Metamorphic HEMT之製作與研究
★ 增強型與空乏型砷化鋁鎵/砷化銦鎵假晶格高電子遷移率電晶體: 元件特性、模型與電路應用★ 氧化鋁基板上微波功率放大器之研製
★ 氧化鋁基板上積體化微波降頻器電路之研製★ 順序特徵結構設計研究及其應用在特徵模子去耦合與最小特徵值靈敏度
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★ CMOS無線通訊接收端模組之設計與實現★ 積體化微波被動元件之研製與2.4GHz射頻電路設計
★ 異質結構高速移導率電晶體模擬、製作與大訊號模型之建立★ 氧化鋁基板微波電路積體化之2.4 GHz接收端模組研製
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★ CMOS射頻無線通訊發射端電路設計★ 次微米金氧半場效電晶體高頻大訊號模型及應用於微波積體電路之研究
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摘要(中) 本論文首先介紹異質接面雙極性電晶體(射極面積1×240?m2)之VBIC模型之基本架構與參數意義,以及各種參數之萃取方法,參數取得之後,VBIC模型則建立完成,接下來必須驗證大訊號功率特性及線性度,以確定VBIC模型的準確性。
最後為功率元件的熱效應分析,我們用兩種量測方法作比較,第一種為I-V特性曲線(CW mode),當電晶體在高功率操作時,熱效應造成的集極電流下降會相當顯著,由不同溫度下之集極電流量測值可計算出熱電阻值。第二種為藉由熱影像圖(IR thermograph)方式,經由金屬溫度校正(calibration)後得到元件表面的最高溫度,再經由公式計算出電阻值。
摘要(英) This thesis focuses on the establishment of VBIC model and the characteristics analysis, including the thermal influence, of power HBTs. It contains three parts: (1) the simplification and the optimization for the elementary cell HBT model, which is applied to large-size power HBTs, (2) investigating the characteristics with thermal effect, (3) obtaining thermal resistance and junction temperature by means of two measured methods.
After the simplification and the optimization procedure of the VBIC model, the characteristics of HBT for elementary cell could be derived efficiently and exactly. However, when the model was applied to the HBTs which operate in parallel, the model would not perform correctly. Therefore, the developed model is necessary to be used to improve the accuracy. Adding the lumped equivalent circuit into the elementary cell, the proposed approach could reduce error ratio when applying to the large-size device.
Furthermore the power HBT’s characteristics, including the thermal effect, is also investigated. Since such HBTs are operated at high power levels, the device temperature will significantly rise, which results in the self-heating effect and degrade the device performance and reliability. Thermal resistance is the key parameter of thermal effect. Two different methods would be applied to measure the thermal resistance. Firstly, a CW mode method to accurately obtain the thermal resistance of HBT’s is presented. The key advantage of the method is its simplicity, because it requires only the measurement of the device DC output characteristics at two different temperatures. In addition, the other method is the measurement of IR thermograph, which could derive the highest temperature of device surface, following to obtain the thermal resistance. The thermal resistance obtained with two methods would be in comparison finally.
關鍵字(中) ★ 熱影像圖
★ 電流崩塌
★ 熱效應
★ 異質接面
★ 功率元件
★ VBIC模型
★ 異質接面雙極性電晶體
關鍵字(英) ★ current collapse thermal IR(IR tthermograph)
★ thermal effect
★ VBIC model
★ power HBT
★ power device
★ InGaP/GaAs HBT
論文目次 第一章 導論 1
第二章 單一異質接面雙極性功率電晶體 VBIC模型建立
2.1 功率元件簡介 4
2.2 VBIC模型之介紹 5
2.3 HBT 電流特性 9
2.4 順向與逆向Gummel-plot 參數之萃取 11
2.5 直流特性與電流增益量測及直流參數萃 14
2.6 類飽和效應萃取 16
2.7 基極寬度調變效應 17
2.8 寄生電阻之量測及萃取 17
2.8.1 射極與集極寄生電阻 18
2.8.2 基極寄生電阻 19
2.9 接面電容分析 21
2.10 傳輸時間參數分析 25
2.11 S參數分析 27
2.12 功率特性量測與模擬驗證 29
2.12.1 負載-拉移原理 29
2.12.2 輸入功率與輸出功率關係 29
2.12.3 負載-拉移量測與模擬 30
2.13 線性度分析驗證 32
2.13.1 三階截斷點IP3 32
2.13.2 鄰近通道功率比例 33
2.14 單一HBT模型應用於功率元件 37
2.14.1 誤差分析與模擬結果 37
2.14.2 電晶體外部元件以改善誤差率 40
2.15 結果與討論 45
第三章 功率元件特性分析及溫度效應
3.1 簡介 46
3.2 直流特性 46
3.3 功率元件交流特性 48
3.3.1 常溫下之S參數 48
3.3.2 S參數之溫度效應 50
3.4 頻率響應及傳輸時間
3.4.1 截止頻率fT及最大振盪頻率fMAX 54
3.4.2 傳輸時間 56
3.4.3 溫度效應 58
3.5 功率特性 60
3.5.1 功率原理 60
3.5.2 量測與結果分析 61
3.5.3 高溫下功率特性 64
3.6 非線性分析 65
3.6.1 IMD原理與量測結果 66
3.6.2 ACPR原理與量測結果 68
3.7 結論 73
第四章 功率元件熱效應分析
4.1 簡介 73
4.2 直流特性曲線方式之熱效應分析 73
4.3 熱影像圖之熱效應分析 76
4.4 結果與討論 80
第五章 結論 82
參考文獻 84
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指導教授 詹益仁(Yi-Jen Chan) 審核日期 2006-7-6
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