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姓名 邱景鴻(Ching-Hung Chiu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 應用於毫米波射頻接收機前端積體電路之研製
(Design and Implementation of RF Receiver Front-end Integrated Circuits for Millimeter-wave Applications)
★ 增強型異質結構高速移導率電晶體大信號模型之建立及其在微波放大器之應用★ 空乏型暨增強型Metamorphic HEMT之製作與研究
★ 增強型與空乏型砷化鋁鎵/砷化銦鎵假晶格高電子遷移率電晶體: 元件特性、模型與電路應用★ 氧化鋁基板上微波功率放大器之研製
★ 氧化鋁基板上積體化微波降頻器電路之研製★ 順序特徵結構設計研究及其應用在特徵模子去耦合與最小特徵值靈敏度
★ 順序特徵結構設計研究及其應用在最大強健穩定度與最小迴授增益★ LDMOS功率電晶體元件設計、特性分析及其模型之建立
★ CMOS無線通訊接收端模組之設計與實現★ 積體化微波被動元件之研製與2.4GHz射頻電路設計
★ 異質結構高速移導率電晶體模擬、製作與大訊號模型之建立★ 氧化鋁基板微波電路積體化之2.4 GHz接收端模組研製
★ 氧化鋁基板上積體化被動元件及其微波電路設計與研製★ 二維至三維微波被動元件與射頻電路之設計與研製
★ CMOS射頻無線通訊發射端電路設計★ 次微米金氧半場效電晶體高頻大訊號模型及應用於微波積體電路之研究
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摘要(中) 本論文在於討論設計與實現射頻接收機前端之電路,如低雜訊放大器,混波器和壓控振盪器。
我們使用台積電0.18微米金氧半互補式 (CMOS) 製程來研製一個應用於K頻帶的增益可變式之低雜訊放大器。我們使用共平面波導 (CPW) 傳輸線做為匹配元件,以減低損耗性矽基板在高頻下的影響。在電路的高增益模式中,量測到的小訊號增益為8.1 dB,而雜訊指數為6 dB。本增益可變式之低雜訊放大器的增益可變範圍是7.2 dB。
在本論文中也呈現設計了一個應用於3到34 GHz的分散式汲極混波器。這個混波器電路是使用了0.15微米共源單閘極的假型高速電子移動電晶體 (PHEMT) 來組成的一個簡單分散式架構,並且其轉換損耗在3到34 GHz之間均優於6.7 dB。本分散式混波器實現了低功率消耗和高線性度於寬頻的應用上。
之後利用0.18微米CMOS製程技術來設計一個應用於26 GHz低相位雜訊且寬頻率調整範圍的PMOS交越耦合雙推式的壓控振盪器 (VCO)。電路中使用了一個只有PMOS的交越耦合對來降低相位雜訊,而其所量測到於二次諧波輸出端的相位雜訊在1 MHz位移時為-102.86 dBc/Hz。並且這個雙推式的VCO可達到14%的寬頻率調整範圍。另一個應用於50 GHz的雙推式VCO是使用了0.15微米PHEMT的製程技術所製作和使用一段λg/2長的微帶線共振器來達到雙推式振盪。這種類型的雙推式VCO擁有著簡單架構與良好特性的優點。由模擬結果,本VCO具有1.2 GHz的頻率調整範圍和在1 MHz位移時有-111.8 dBc/Hz的相位雜訊。
摘要(英) The thesis investigates the design and implementation of RF receiver front-end circuits, such as low noise amplifier, mixer, and voltage-controlled oscillator.
A K-band variable-gain low noise amplifier (VGLNA) is designed and implemented using TSMC 0.18-μm CMOS technology. Coplanar waveguide (CPW) transmission lines are adopted as matching elements to reduce the effect of lossy silicon substrate at high frequency. In high-gain mode, the measured small signal gain of VGLNA is 8.1 dB and noise figure of 6 dB at 21.7 GHz. The gain control range of the VGLNA is 7.2 dB.
A 3-34 GHz distributed drain mixer using CPW technology is demonstrated in this thesis. This MMIC mixer uses a simple distributed topology that is composed of common-source single-gate 0.15-μm PHEMT, and it shows a conversion loss of better than 6.7 dB from 3 to 34 GHz. This distributed mixer achieves low dc power consumption and high linearity for broadband applications.
Afterward, the 26-GHz PMOS cross-coupled push-push VCO using 0.18-μm CMOS technology is design for low phase noise and wide tuning range. The PMOS-only cross-coupled pair is used to lower the phase noise, and the measured 2nd harmonic phase noise is -102.86 dBc/Hz at 1-MHz offset. The push-push VCO achieves a wide tuning range of 14%. Another 50-GHz push-push VCO uses 0.15-μm PHEMTs technology and the λg/2 microstrip line resonator to form a common resonator for push-push oscillation. This type of push-push VCO has the advantages of simple configuration and good performances. From simulated results, the VCO achieves the frequency tuning range of 1.2 GHz and the phase noise of -111.8 dBc/Hz at 1-MHz offset.
論文目次 Chapter 1 Introduction.....1
1.1 Motivation.....1
1.2 Contributions.....2
1.3 Thesis Outline.....3
Chapter 2 K-band Coplanar Waveguide Variable Gain Low Noise Amplifier.....5
2.1 Introduction to Low Noise Amplifier.....5
2.1.1 K-band Low Noise Amplifier.....5
2.1.2 Variable Gain Low Noise Amplifier.....6
2.2 Fundamentals of Low Noise Amplifier.....7
2.2.1 Noise in MOSFETs.....7
2.2.2 Noise Figure......10
2.2.3 Linearity .....12
2.2.4 Sensitivity and Dynamic Range.....14
2.3 K-band CPW Variable Gain Low Noise Amplifier.....15
2.3.1 Coplanar Waveguides.....16
2.3.2 Circuit Design.....17
2.4 Simulation and Measurement Results.....19
2.4.1 Simulation Results.....19
2.4.2 Measurement Results.....23
2.5 Summary.....30
Chapter 3 Broadband Coplanar Waveguide Distributed Drain Mixer.....32
3.1 Introduction to Mixer.....32
3.1.1 Active FET mixers.....32
3.1.2 Resistive FET mixers.....34
3.1.3 Distributed mixers.....35
3.2 Fundamentals of Mixers.....39
3.2.1 Conversion Gain.....39
3.2.2 Linearity and Isolation.....40
3.2.3 Spurious Signal Response.....41
3.3 3-34 GHz Distributed Drain Mixer.....42
3.3.1 Circuit Analysis.....42
3.3.2 Circuit Design.....46
3.4 Simulation and Measurement Results.....48
3.5 Summary.....54
Chapter 4 Ka- and V-band Push-push Voltage-Controlled Oscillators.....56
4.1 Introduction to Voltage-Controlled Oscillator.....56
4.2 Voltage-Controlled Oscillator Design Theory.....57
4.2.1 Basic Oscillation Theory.....57
4.2.2 Specifications of VCO.....61
4.2.3 Concepts of Push-push VCO.....64
4.3 A Ka-band PMOS Cross-coupled Push-push VCO.....65
4.3.1 Circuit Design.....65
4.3.2 Simulation Results.....66
4.3.3 Measurement Results.....69
4.3.4 Summary.....76
4.4 A V-band Push-push VCO using λg/2 microstrip line resonator.....78
4.4.1 Circuit Design.....78
4.4.2 Simulation Results.....80
4.4.3 Summary.....84
Chapter 5 Conclusions.....85
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指導教授 詹益仁(Yi-Jen Chan) 審核日期 2006-7-17
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