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論文名稱 行動學習環境中實施探究式實驗活動之教學設計與活動歷程分析
(Instruction Design and Activity Process Analysis for Inquiry-based Experiment in a Mobile Learning Environment)
★ Using Digital Board Game to Enhance Student Engagementin Learning★ 從人因與互動行為模式的觀點探討數位遊戲式學習輔助能源知識
★ 探討認知風格於數位遊戲式英語學習環境對遊戲行為與學習成效之影響★ 由空間能力探討遊戲式英語學習如何影響學習者之遊戲行為和遊戲表現
★ 探討先備知識及學習風格在角色扮演遊戲中對英語字彙習得成效與行為模式之影響★ 從全面性的角度探討先備知識對同儕互評中受評與 評分之影響
★ 從認知風格的角度探討同儕互評分組對遊戲製作與評量之影響★ 探討創作媒介、個別差異、範例式教學及創作模式對九年級學生音樂創作的學習動機及成效之影響
★ 探討個別差異與回饋形式在數位遊戲式學習系統中對學習動機、學習成效與遊戲表現之影響:以九年級國文學習為例★ 探討趨向表現目標與逃避表現目標對於 學習成效與表現目標採取之影響 -以數位遊戲式英語字彙為例
★ 探討英語焦慮與先備知識對英語發音學習成效、獎章成效、遊戲成效、學習動機及遊戲心流之影響──以大型多人線上角色扮演遊戲為例★ 探討認知風格及遊戲心流對英語字彙學習成效、遊戲成效與自我效能之影響—以多人線上角色扮演遊戲為例
★ 從認知風格的角度探討同儕互評對遊戲式學習系統製作與評量之影響★ 電腦輔助教師回饋於外語寫作情境之研究:成果與觀感
★ 探討英語閱讀遊戲對印尼高中英語學習者的影響★ 製作者與評量者之認知風格匹配與不匹配對遊戲人機介面與教學影片製作與評量的影響
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摘要(中) 探究式學習是一種從學生的經驗中產生的真實情境的問題探究。此種強調學習者自身經驗的建構,除了是科學教學的主要策略外,並且以解釋為導向的探究實驗式學習,更能突顯學習者在自我知識與經驗建構的學習活動。
摘要(英) Inquiry-based learning is an actual situation of question inquiry through student’s experience. Besides scientific teaching of major strategy, the learning emphasizes not only learners’ self-experience of establishment but also learns explanation-driven inquiry-based learning to significantly show learners’ self-knowledge and experience establishment of learning activity.
The objective of the research is to design an appropriate base of “Mobile devices” and “Learning System” that introduce “Inquiry-based Experimental Activity” of learning mold after primary course of “Nature and Life Technology Learning Area”, to analyze learners’ learning situation and effects, to explain oriented inquiry-based experimental activity, and to discuss learners how “Mobile devices” affects possible interactive factors of “inquiry-based experimental activity” during the process of activity.
The subjects of the study had involved 68 students from two classes of six grade students that applied a single team for a prior test and after test design for six classes of “Inquiry-based Experimental Activity” course in two weeks. “Learning Attitude Toward Natural Sciences Scale” and “scientifically Explanatory” were applied for two classes of student to evaluate this method of teaching may affect students to learn scientific learning after and before teaching and to become a major viewpoint of research analysis through activity theory. Besides the process of activity theory that analyze learning activity and the interactive process of inner factors, “Mobile Learning devices and System” and inquiry-based experimental activity could be correlated each other.
After analysis and the related data, the following research result and discovery. The first all, to cooperate with mobile devices and learning system with a base of inquiry-based experimental activity learning mold that designs teaching process focuses on a stage design concept of fundamental course to help students who introduce the process of prior knowledge (capability) establishment. Secondly, the emphasis on “explanatory oriented” inquiry-based experimental activity has positive effect for scientific attitude and explanatory capacity. Nevertheless, scientifically explanatory capacity rather intends to shallow intuitive scientific explanation, but data and graph still has insufficient transformative capacity. Finally, through system design and other learning media, mobile devices and learning system can be a specific inquiry-based experimental activity so that learners can intend to focus on cognitive establishment learning more.
In addition, the research based on the research result and proposed the related suggestion and the future research aspect as the followings:
1. The other learning media of cognitive approach of establishment viewpoint such as “Problem”, “Reflection”, and “Dialog” etc. for continual research and discussion of scientific learning effect
2. To continue with the related research of “inquiry-based experimental activity” of teaching mold, especially for when learners actively establish the related factors of cognitive execution process for continual research
3. How learning aids system under mobile learning environment becomes learning media of interactive establishment as a major learning aids system for continual research and development.
關鍵字(中) ★ 科學解釋
★ 探究式實驗
★ 探究式學習
★ 行動學習環境
★ 建構主義
關鍵字(英) ★ mobile learning environment
★ inquiry-based experimental activity
★ inquiry-based learning
★ scientific explanation
★ constructivism
論文目次 第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 4
第三節 研究範圍與限制 7
第貳章 文獻探討 9
第一節 探究式學習與建構取向的科學學習 9
第二節 行動學習與科學探究 23
第三節 活動理論與活動分析 28
第參章 研究設計與實施 36
第一節 研究架構與實驗流程 36
第二節 研究情境與對象 42
第三節 研究之教學活動設計 45
第肆章 結果與討論 54
第一節 科學態度之探討 54
第二節 科學解釋能力 57
第三節 行動學習系統與探究式實驗活動的互動 66
第四節 行動學習系統的角色 70
第伍章 結論與建議 79
第一節 結論 79
第二節 研究貢獻 81
第三節 未來工作與建議 82
參考文獻 83
附錄一、「國小高年級自然科學習態度」量表 93
附錄二、國小科學解釋能力測驗 94
附錄三、自然與生活科技「水生植物的生存環境」教學計劃 101
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指導教授 楊接期(Jie Chi Yang) 審核日期 2007-3-17
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