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姓名 褚盈鑛(Ying-kuang Chu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 哲學研究所
論文名稱 從信任的角度重建現代醫病關係
(A Reconstruction of Physician-Patient Relationship From the Perspective of Trust)
★ 諾丁關懷倫理學的道德理論研究★ 《莊子》命論之研究
★ 宋代天台山家山外第二次論諍─以智者大師的原始思想決疑★ 判斷底邏輯形式與範疇-康德「範疇之形上推證」研究
★ 梁漱溟文化哲學研究★ 許敬菴.周海門九諦九解義理研究
★ 對諮詢同意原則之反思:哈伯馬斯溝通理論之應用★ 從女性主義論墮胎的道德爭議: 胎兒道德地位與女性身體自主權
★ 論癌末病人知情權★ 從儒家觀點省思複製人的倫理問題
★ 論基因倫理:基因治療及基因增強相關之倫理爭議★ 代理孕母與親子關係:一個倫理分析
★ 無行為能力病人的醫療代理決策研究:以智能障礙者為例★ 高爾拔(Lawrence Kohlberg)的道德教育理論之道德哲學面向研究
★ 自願安樂死的出路---從死亡權的角度分析★ 論癌末病人醫助自殺之道德性
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摘要(中) 人的一生皆無法避開醫療照護,因此醫病關係對於個人的重要性是毋庸置疑的。醫病關係的好壞直接影響到醫療成效與醫療品質,但隨著社會結構以及醫療體制的改變,醫病之間的關係越來越疏離。此外,現今社會的醫療醜聞與醫療疏失事件層出不窮,致使醫病關係呈現出緊張狀態,醫病之間的信任也面臨考驗。當代生命倫理學在探討醫病關係此一議題時,不斷地強調病人自律與病人權利,然而這樣的強調是否能增進醫病關係的信任,抑或是帶來醫病之間信任的侵蝕?此自是值得探究,也因而本文將環繞在自律與信任之間的關聯來討論醫病關係此一論題。
摘要(英) Since nobody could avoid necessary healthcare needs, it is no doubt that physician-patient relationship is important to everyone. The quality of the physician-patient relationship is an important factor affecting the quality and success of medical of treatment. On the one hand, with the changes of the structure in society and development of the medical system, on the other hand, in modern society, medical disputes and scandals happening one after another, the relation between physician and patient grows into a very tense situation, and therefore the trust between them faces greater and greater challenges.
 Contemporary discussions of the physician-patient relationship have been focused on patient’s autonomy and patient’s right, but there has been a steadily increasing emphasis on patient’s autonomy and patient’s right. But, it is doubtful whether it helps to restore trust or derails it further? This essay is an analysis of the physician-patient relationship in terms of autonomy and trust.
 In this essay, I begins with a review of the changes of the codes of medical ethics and models of the physician-patient relationship from the traditional paternalism to patient’s right and to the virtue theory. I argues that they are not sufficient for a good foundation to rebuild a good physician-patient relation.
 Then I critically examine the different conceptions of autonomy, including the individualistic autonomy of principlism, Onora O’Neill’ s principled autonomy, the feminist relational autonomy and finally the Confucian ethical relational autonomy and their relationship to the problem of trust
 I come to the conclusion that Confucian conception of ethical relational autonomy could enhance the shortage of the western conception and together could give a good foundation for physician-patient relationship. More precisely, the Confucian conception builds up a kind of intimate trust between the two parties as close relatives and lays the foundation for the internal trust of the relation. The accountability and responsibility of the physician could provide a mechanism to check the external trust of the two sides. With internal and external trust, we could hope to reconstruct the intimate trust of the two and promote to the best treatment and result for the patient.
關鍵字(中) ★ 醫病關係
★ 內在與外在信任
★ 有原則的自律
★ 儒家倫理關係自律
關鍵字(英) ★ Confucian ethical relational autonomy
★ physician-patient relationship
★ internal and external trust
★ principled autonomy
論文目次 論 文 目 次
第一章 導論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 2
第二節 醫病關係目前現況 4
第三節 章節安排 5
第二章 病人權利的消長與醫病關係模式的變遷 7
第一節 從西方醫學倫理守則的演變看病人權利的消長 7
第二節 醫病關係模式的變遷-傳統到現代 14
第三節 醫病關係模式中信任的轉變 21
第三章 自律原則理論分析(一)-中層原則主義之尊重自律原則與歐妮爾之有原則的自律 24
第一節 中層原則主義之尊重自律原則 24
第二節 歐妮爾之有原則的自律 35
第四章 自律原則理論分析(二)-女性主義生命倫理學之關係式自律與儒家生命倫理學之倫理關係自律 47
第一節 女性主義生命倫理學之關係式自律 47
第二節 儒家生命倫理學之倫理關係自律 50
第三節 倫理關係自律論醫病關係信任 54
第五章 從中西醫療倫理重建醫病之信任關係 57
第一節 醫療人員對病人應遵守之道德規則 57
第二節 從儒家式信任觀點重建醫病關係 61
參考文獻 67
參考文獻 一、 中文參考書目
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指導教授 李瑞全(Shui-chuen Lee) 審核日期 2011-8-28
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