博碩士論文 943203106 詳細資訊

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姓名 劉家忠(Chia-Chung Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 足型與足壓電腦輔助分析系統開發
(Development of the Computer-aided System for Synchronized Measurement of Foot Shape and Pressure)
★ 高彎曲度之人工膝關節多軸向動態磨耗試驗機開發★ 人工髖關節雙軸向動態磨耗試驗平台開發
★ 大型犬人工髖關節之應力分析★ 人體膝關節之高度彎曲電腦動態實體模型的建立
★ 超低溫液態氮生物試片儲存槽的研發★ 腰椎人工椎間盤之運動軌跡分析
★ 表面置換型人工臏股骨關節的設計與分析★ 二維及三維足型的應用與高跟鞋足壓的量測分析
★ 心血管支架塑性成形的有限元素分析★ 靜態穿椎弓足內固定器之剛性對腰椎受力之影響
★ 腰椎內固定器之動態型式的生物力學評估★ 超低溫高安全性生物試片儲存槽與即時監管理系統之開發
★ 超低溫液態氮生物試片儲存系統的硬體研發★ 拇趾外翻足的鞋內矯正器之設計與評估
★ 表面置換型單髁人工膝關節的設計與分析★ 髕股骨人工關節之動靜態分析與測試
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摘要(中) 近年來,生物力學與運動醫學蓬勃發展,使得足部疾病逐漸受重視。常見足部疾病如高弓足、扁平足、拇趾外翻、外旋足、內旋足、雞眼、足底筋膜炎、足跟骨刺等數十種。過去許多骨科醫師、復健科醫師與物理治療師為此投入相當人力與物力資源,致力於了解足部疾病的病因、症狀、治療及保健方法。
摘要(英) In recent years, biomechanics and sport medicine advance vigorously and make the people gradually pay much attention to the foot diseases. Common foot diseases include high bow foot, flat foot, bunions, overpronated foot , fasten foot, calluses, corn, plantar fasciitis, and heel spur, etc. In the past, a lot of orthopedists and therapists have put considerable manpower and material into this field to devote to finding out about the cause of symptom, treatment, and health care of the foot diseases.
At present, the clinical treatment of the foot diseases can be divided three stages: medication, orthosis, and operation. The general procedure of foot orthosis is firstly to diagnose foot symptom, then measure foot information, and fabricate suitable orthosis to treat patient finally. On the market, the basic foot information by the foot measurement system can be divided into two kinds of parameters: foot appearance and foot pressure. While examining the foot appearance by the commercially available systems, the optical scanner is commonly used to measure the length and width of foot and heel. However, the calculation of the contact area between the foot and the ground or shoe is still unsatisfactory and remains as the main shortcoming of those measurement system. For a long time, the photos of footprint have been used to predict the pressure distribution over the foot surface. One of the advantages of this footprint method is the lower cost of the measurement system. Nevertheless, the accuracy of the predicted foot pressure is doubtful and the verification of the predicted results is necessary. If this technique is cautiously performed and the result is acceptable, the programming digitization of the photos of footprint can be performed to calculate the pressure distribution of the different foot regions. The more advanced technique uses the piezoelectric sensors to measure the contact pressure between the foot and the surroundings. Although the accuracy of the measured result is higher, the purchase and maintenance of such kind of the measurement system is too expensive to be widely accepted by the foot clinicians and orthotic manufactures. The researchers are firstly to computer-aided system of the synchronized measurement of foot appearance and pressure. In the future, the use of the current computerized system is anticipated to facilitate the research of the foot clinicians about the foot medicine, biomechanics, epidemiology, and orthoses.
關鍵字(中) ★ 足部
★ 足型
★ 足壓
★ 高跟鞋
★ 鞋墊
關鍵字(英) ★ High-heeled Shoes
★ Insole
★ Foot Pressure
★ Foot Shape
★ Foot
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
一、緒論 1
1-1 研究的動機與目的 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-2-1 足部解剖學介紹 3
1-2-2 足部病理學介紹 5
1-2-3 足部輔具對於足部之影響 11
1-2-4 足型與足壓量測系統設備回顧 13
二、材料與方法 18
2-1 足部幾何外形量測系統建構與量測參數規劃 18
2-1-1 各種足型尺寸參數的定義 18
2-1-2 各種足型部位接觸面積 19
2-1-3 足底外型量測與分析平台的建構 20
2-1-4 足底外型量測與分析平台的驗證 23
2-2 足部壓力量測系統建構與量測參數規劃 24
2-2-1 油墨式足印壓力測試系統 25
2-2-2 壓電式足部壓力測試系統 32
2-2-3 足底壓力量測與分析平台的驗證 34
2-3 數位化量測足型與足壓的系統程式撰寫 34
2-3-1 足型量測系統程式撰寫 35
2-3-2 足壓量測系統程式撰寫 38
2-3-3 足部量測系統程式附加功能撰寫 40
2-4 足型、足壓量測與鞋墊、鞋形分析的展示平台開發 43
三、結果 44
3-1足部幾何外型量測系統的設計與驗證 44
3-1-1 儀器設備 44
3-1-2掃描式與感光耦合元件式足型尺寸圖形結果比較 45
3-1-3掃描式與感光耦合元件式足型面積圖形結果比較 46
3-2足部壓力分析量測系統的設計與驗證 47
3-2-1油墨式足印器壓力測試使用結果圖形比較 47
3-2-2數位化油墨足印分析圖形 53
3-2-3壓電式足壓感測器元件介紹以及測試圖形呈現結果 55
四、討論 58
4-1感光耦合元件式足部外形量測圖形翻轉角度誤差討論 58
4-2數位化油墨足壓圖形誤差值討論 59
4-3 壓電式與傳統油墨式足壓量測圖形比較 61
4-4感光耦合元件式與掃描式足部外形量測平台優勢討論 62
4-5壓電式與傳統油墨式足壓量測平台趨勢討論 64
4-6國外足型軟體與自行開發之足型軟體優勢討論 66
五、結論與未來展望 67
參考文獻 70
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指導教授 林上智(Shang-Chih Lin) 審核日期 2007-7-17
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