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姓名 廖家陽(Chia-yang Liao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 巨大基團對Polyurethane urea結構與性質的影響
(The Influences of bulky group on the structures and properties of PUU)
★ PU橡膠血液相容性之探討★ PU發泡體的結構與性質
★ POLY IP發泡體結構與性質之探討★ 非極性式poly-ip based PU軟質段末端改質的影響
★ 高韌性環氧樹脂底膠之開發★ 水性PU之流變性質研究
★ 完全相分離PU之完整形態研究★ 含矽膠PU之合成與血液相容性研究
★ 奈米級嵌段式PU之動態機械性質 與微結構型態研究★ Hydroxyl Terminated Polyisoprene(HTIP)陰離子型水性PU合成與性質研究
★ 陰離子型水性PU/有機蒙特納土奈米複合材料之製備與分析★ 非極性式poly-ip based PU 之軟質段末端改質對形態的影響
★ 硬質鏈段不規則性對PU奈米形態之影響(II)★ 苦楝油對於水性PU膨潤效應的性質研究
★ 硬質鏈段不規則性對PU奈米形態之影響★ 尼龍表面親疏水性之研究
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摘要(中) 嵌段式聚氨基甲酸酯(Segmented polyurethane,PU)擁有龐大的化學結構數目與其內部特殊的微相形態,故反應出許多多變的性質,同時也複雜化了PU形態、結構和性質的關係。為此我們希望能藉由合成完全相分離的PU彈性體,來探討此微域形態與其形態變化的交互關係。
本實驗室過去曾探討水性PU(Waterborne Polyurethane),在其結構變化與物理性質之間的關係上有重大發現,並利用穿透式電子顯微鏡由微相結構方面著手建立水性PU三個model,此水性PU特有之雙連續相網狀結構(phase separated bicontinues network structure) ,具高透明性、高拉伸剛性、高堅韌性、耐高溫,且易於加工,本實驗將以此架構續將此高分子改質成不具水溶性,依據溶液聚合法,將硬質段改質,並維持其材料特性,期望能將此高分子帶入實用之領域。
(3-Diisopropylamino-1,2-propanediol)取代水性PU之DMPA,即從硬段改質油性PU,添加3-二異丙氨-1,2丙二醇形成巨大側基(Bulky group),藉由TEM、FTIR、DSC、DMA、TGA、拉力機,探討其結
摘要(英) Segmented polyurethane possesses enormous amount of chemical structures and its Micro-phase structure could react to form a variety of properties, hence it complicates its own as well. In order to probe into the mutual actions between its properties and compositions, we synthesize the nonpolar PU elastomer into a complete whole.
Our laboratory once looked into Waterborne Polyurethane’s structural variations and physical properties and had came out with a significant discovery. With the usage of TEM(transmission electron microscope) we built up three Waterborne Polyurethane models in micro-phase-oriented aspect, its phase separated bicontinues network structure possesses the penetrability, elasticity, tenacity, being heat-proof and facile process. The experiment is to transform Waterborne Polyurethane into fat-soluble. By taking the measure of solution polymerization, that is altering the structure of hard segment , yet maintaining its material distinction. I do expect to bring it into application in the coming future.
We utilized 3-Diisopropylamino-1,2-propanediol as substitutes for the DMPA of Waterborne Polyurethane. That is adding 3-Diisopropylamino-1,2-propanediol so as to form a bulky group, to change its structure through hard segment. Afterward we study its structures and properties with TEM, FTIR, DSC, DMA,TGA and Tensile strength.
關鍵字(中) ★ 雙連續相分離網狀結構
★ 水性PU
★ 嵌段式聚氨基甲酸酯
關鍵字(英) ★ phase separated bicontinues network structure
★ Waterborne Polyurethane
★ Segmented polyurethane
論文目次 摘要 ------------I
致謝 ----------III
目錄 -----------IV
圖目錄 -----------VI
表目錄 ----------X
第一章 緒論 ----1
第二章 文獻回顧-4
2-1 PU硬質段的結構組成 -------------4
2-2 PU的形態與結構 ------------ 6
2-3水性PU的形態與結構 ----------------9
第三章 實驗部份 ---------------15
3-1 化學藥品 ------------------------15
3-2 儀器設備 ------------------------16
3-3 實驗流程 ------------------------17
3-3-1 反應物 -----------------------17
3-3-2 合成步驟 -------------- 17
3-3-3 實驗樣品命名 -------------------18
3-3-4 PU試片製備 --------------18
3-3-5 FTIR測試 ----------------18
3-3-6 DSC熱性質分析-------------------19
3-3-7熱重損失分析 -------------------19
3-3-8動態機械分析 --------------------19
3-3-9抗張強度測試 -------------------19
3-3-10 Transmission Electron Microscope分析---20
第四章 結果與討論 -----------------------------23
4-1成膜結果 --------------------------------23
4-2 FTIR分析 --------------------------------24
4-3 PUU之熱裂解 ------------------------------29
4-4 DSC熱分析 -------------------------------35
4-5 動態機械性質------------------------------39
4-7 機械性質 ---------------------------------81
第五章 改質成果與檢討-----------------------------------------------------82
參考文獻 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 89
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指導教授 陳登科(Teng-ko Chen) 審核日期 2007-7-20
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