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姓名 陳麒聰(Chi-Tsung Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 內熱整合型蒸餾塔之理論板數估算
(Estimation of theoretical stages of Heat Integrated Distillation column(HIDiC))
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摘要(中) 內熱整合型蒸餾塔(Heat Integrated Distillation Column, HIDiC)其原理主要是利用蒸餾塔的精餾段(rectifying section)與汽提段(stripping section)進行熱轉移,將精餾段所移出的熱,來供給汽提段加熱之用。理論上在傳統的蒸餾操作下,精餾段的溫度比汽提段低,並無法傳熱給汽提段,因此在HIDiC的設計上就必須提高精餾段的操作壓力,使整段的溫度分布高於汽提段,且其間必須裝設有蒸汽再壓縮機將汽提段的汽相傳送到精餾段,以完成整個蒸餾操作。
摘要(英) In the convectional distillation column, the temperature profile of the rectifying section is lower than that of the stripping section. The principle of the Heat Integrated Distillation Column, generally called as HIDiC, is the internal heat integration between the rectifying and the stripping sections of a distillation column by adding a compressor to increase the temperature of the rectifying section.
In general, if the separation of two components is specified, the number of theoretical stages of a distillation column could be calculated by the McCabe-Thiele method or Ponchon-Savarit method during the preliminary design stage. Several HIDiC design data, such as, number of theoretical stages, feed conditions, reboiler duty, internal heat transfer, configuration, etc., can easily be interpreted in the enthalpy-concentration diagram (abbreviated as Hxy diagram) were discussed in this study. Besides, a preliminary HIDiC design procedure using Hxy diagram is also proposed in this study.
The graphical estimation of internal stages of HIDiC by the Ponchon-Savarit method has been applied to two binary systems, benzene-toluene and methanol-water, and were compared to the literature.
關鍵字(中) ★ 內熱整合
★ 蒸餾塔
★ 理論板數
關鍵字(英) ★ HIDiC
★ heat integrated distillation column
★ theoritical stage
★ Ponchon-Savarit method
論文目次 中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
目錄 Ⅲ
表目錄 Ⅴ
圖目錄 Ⅵ
符號說明 Ⅹ
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
第三章 理論分析 6
3-1 McCabe-Thiele法與Ponchon-Savarit法於一般蒸餾塔板數估算 6
3-1-1 McCabe-Thiele法理論回顧 6
3-1-2 Ponchon-Savarit法理論回顧 7
3-2 Ponchon-Savarit法於HIDiC板數估算 11
3-2-1 HIDiC總質量均衡與進料板分析 11
3-2-2 HIDiC之內部熱傳量分析 12
3-2-3 HIDiC之精餾段分析 13
3-2-4 HIDiC之汽提段分析 14
第四章 HIDiC之操作變數分析 17
4-1 HIDiC之進料狀況分析 17
4-2 HIDiC之內部板回流比推導 17
4-3 最少熱傳速率 19
第五章 以Ponchon-Savarit法估算二成份系統之HIDiC理論板數 21
5-1 苯與甲苯 21
5-2 甲醇與水 22
5-3 建塔組態與McCabe-Thiele圖 25
第六章 結論與未來展望 28
參考文獻 29
表 31
圖 35
附錄A 71
附錄B 73
附錄C 74
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指導教授 李亮三(Liang-sun Lee) 審核日期 2007-7-11
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