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姓名 曾榮英(Jung-ying Tseng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所在職專班
論文名稱 翠峰林道-宜專一線爬行動物車輛輾壓傷害之研究
(Reptile roadkills research along Cui Feng mountain road- Yi Zhuan first road)
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摘要(中) 本研究總計發現到5科18種爬行動物(reptile),有15個種類出現了輾壓個體(road kills)。研究中發現,該地區的第一優勢種(first dominant species)為赤尾青竹絲(Trimeresurus stejnegeri stejnegeri),第二優勢種(second dominant species)為標蛇(Achalinus niger)。其中標蛇(Achalinus niger)、高砂蛇(Elaphe mandarinus)、錦蛇(Elaphe taeniura)、台灣鈍頭蛇(Pareas formosensis)、阿里山龜殼花(Ovophis makazayazaya)、雨傘節(Bungarus multicinctus)、菊池氏龜殼花(Trimeresurus gracilis)等7種為法定第二級珍貴稀有保育類。
宜專一線沿線出現的爬行動物種類(15種)較翠峰林道(7種)多樣。爬行動物活動密度(active density)在宜專一線為3.69隻次/100公里,翠峰林道為2.68隻次/100公里。宜專一線車輛輾壓密度(roadkilled density)為1.94隻次/100公里,翠峰林道為1.28隻次/100公里,但保育類的輾壓密度則以翠峰林道較高,是宜專一線的2.69倍。無論是在翠峰林道或宜專一線,爬行動物大部分以夜間活動為主,但車輛輾壓傷害卻以日間較為嚴重。標蛇、高砂蛇是道路沿線中,受到車輛輾壓傷害,最為嚴重的兩個物種。翠峰林道的夜間管制措施,對菊池氏龜殼花有效,但對標蛇效果不佳。
降低車行速度是減輕車輛輾壓傷害最有效的方法之ㄧ,可於翠峰林道起點的檢查哨,要求遊客進入林道前,必須先上生態教育課程。並俟課程完畢後,整批尾隨前導車進入林道內通行,於通過0.0-3.0K熱點路段後,撤除前導車,俾有效控制車行速度,降低爬行動物車輛輾壓傷亡的目標。另延長翠峰林道管制時間,以及在各熱點路段內,設置醒目的警示標誌及動物通道(animal passage),亦是降低車輛輾壓傷害的有效方法之一。
摘要(英) A total of 18 reptiles, categorized into 5 families, had been found in this study, and road kills appeared in 15 reptiles of all. The first dominant species was Trimeresurus stejnegeri stejnegeri in this study and the second was Achalinus niger. During the investigation, 7 reptiles named Achalinus niger, Elaphe mandarinus, Elaphe taeniura, Pareas formosensis, Ovophis makazayazaya, Bungarus multicinctus, and Trimeresurus gracilis were ranked as secondary rare species on the List of Wild Animal Reservation.
The reptiles found on Yi Zhuan first road (15 species) were more diversified than those found on Cui Feng forest road (7 species). The active density of reptiles on Yi Zhuan first road averaged 3.69 sights/100 kilometers, while that of Cui Feng forest road was 2.68 sights/100 kilometers. The roadkilled density on Yi Zhuan first road reached 1.94 sights/100 kilometers, while that of Cui Feng forest road was 1.28 sights/100 kilometers. However, the road killed density of rare species was higher on Cui Feng forest road, which was 2.69 times as many as that of Yi Zhuan first road. The reptiles were primarily nocturnal on both Cui Feng forest road and Yi Zhuan first road, but road kills were found more serious during the day. Achalinus niger and Elaphe mandarinus were the two species most seriously affected and nighttime control measures posted on Cui feng forest road were effective for Trimeresurus gracilis, but not for Achalinus niger.
In the analysis of distribution pattern for each of the species, the species and spots of road kills were more scattered and equally distributed along Yi Zhuan first road. On the contrary, three hotspots where road kills peaked were found, which are in sections of 0.0 to 3.0k, 7.4 to 8.6k, and 15.0 to 16.5k along Cui Feng forest road. The section of 0.0 to 3.0k topped with a death toll of 9 in 15 records of rare species, which made this section a hotspot with the most serious casualty.
Reducing driving speed has been an effective way to decrease road kills. An ecological education classroom can be set up at the checking point at the beginning of Cui Feng forest road, where tourists are lectured before they follow the guiding car on to the road. Only after passing the hotspot of section 0.0 to 0.3k was the guiding car withdrawn, thus accomplishing the goal of controlling car speed and reducing the road kills of reptiles. Furthermore, extending the control time of Cui Feng forest road and setting up arresting warning signals and animal passages in each hotspot are also effective ways to reduce the threat of road kills.
關鍵字(中) ★ 車輛輾壓
★ 爬行動物
★ 太平山
★ 減輕措施
關鍵字(英) ★ Tai-ping Mountain
★ Reptiles
★ Road killed
★ mitigation measures
論文目次 中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
謝辭 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
第一章 前言 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 車輛輾壓成因 4
2-1-1 生物因子 4
2-1-2 環境因子 5
2-2 國內動物遭受車輛輾斃研究案例之回顧 7
2-3 減輕對策 10
第三章 研究材料與方法 11
3-1 地理環境介紹 11
3-1-1 地理位置 11
3-1-2 周邊生態敏感區 12
3-1-3 動物分布與組成概況 12
3-2 研究方法 13
3-2-1 研究範圍 13
3-2-2 調查方法 13
3-3 研究架構 14
第四章 結果與討論 15
4-1 種類的分佈與差異 15
4-1-1 種類分佈 17
4-1-2 翠峰林道與宜專一線爬行動物組成差異 23
4-1-3 物種日、夜活動密度及輾壓差異 29
4-1-4 保育類輾壓程度差異 31
4-2 輾壓保護標的 33
4-2-1 物種特性影響輾壓頻度 34
4-2-2 保護標的評估模式 35
4-2-3 綜合評估與討論 40
4-3 減輕措施 43
第五章 結論與建議 46
5-1 結論 46
5-2 建議 48
參考文獻 R-1
附錄一 調查紀錄表 A-1
附錄二 論文口試現場委員審查意見回覆說明 A-3
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指導教授 李崇德(Chung-te Lee) 審核日期 2008-7-29
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