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姓名 許聖函(Sheng-han Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 逆向工程之網格修復與特徵邊界追蹤技術發展
(Development of Mesh Repair and Feature Edge Tracking Techniques in Reverse Engineering)
★ 光纖通訊主動元件之光收發模組由上而下CAD模型設計流程探討★ 汽車鈑金焊接之夾治具精度分析與改善
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★ 塑膠射出薄殼件之CAD模型凸起面特徵辨識與分模應用技術發展★ 塑膠射出成型之薄殼件中肋與管設計可製造化分析與設計變更技術研究
★ 以二維影像重建三維彩色模型之色彩紋理貼圖技術與三維模型重建系統發展★ 結合田口法與反應曲面法之光學鏡片射出成型製程參數最佳化分析
★ 薄殼零件薄殼本體之結構化實體網格自動建構技術發展★ Boss特徵之結構化實體網格自動化建構技術發展
★ 應用於模流分析之薄殼元件CAD模型特徵辨識與分解技術發展★ 實體網格建構對於塑膠光學元件模流分析 之影響探討
★ 螺槳葉片逆向工程CAD模型重建與檢測★ 電腦輔助紋理影像辨識與點資料視覺化研究
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摘要(中) 逆向工程是解析成品技術的一門科學,實物經過數位化掃描之後,可得到由量測點組成的三角網格模型,最後經過曲線與曲面的處理而產生CAD模型。然而,量測資料由於精度限制、人為失誤、掃描死角或是其它因素,必須對量測資料進行處理,以確保三角網格品質,並從中萃取出所需的點資料,提供CAD模型重建所需的參考,因此本論文對量測網格資料前處理進行研究,並探討其中兩個關鍵問題:網格修復與網格特徵追蹤。
摘要(英) Reverse engineering is a process of reconstructing a 3D virtual model from digitalizating an existing physical part, in which scanned data are acquired by a scanning device. A triangular mesh, composed of scanned data and topology information, is built then. Owning to device limitation and improper operation, some mesh problems might occur frequently and it is hard to obtain key curves and surfaces, used to reconstruct 3D CAD model, from the triangular mesh. Hence, this study aims to solve mesh problems, focusing on two important mesh processes:quality repair and feature tracking.
As for quality repair, this study develops a hole-filling method that automatically chooses the specific algorithm depending on the type of the hole. While the hole is small and simple, the efficiency-oriented algorithm is implemented. While the hole is huge and complicate, the quality-oriented algorithm can be implemented to acquire a smooth filled mesh that has good connectivity with the original mesh. Moreover, this study analyses numerous real scanned data and induct ten type mesh problems that affect mesh quality. To solve these mesh problems, this study proposes a comprehensive method. As for feature tracking, this study proposes a new semi-automatic feature detection algorithm using one seed point to provide precise searching for feature points. A search graph, containing nodes and its access relationship, provides the candidate points for the search process. A bi-directional, multi-segment search strategy is then proposed to determine the optimized feature path. The cost function is essentially composed of four terms. The first two terms are employed to track the nodes of similar maximum curvatures and directions of minimum curvature variation, while the last two terms are employed to stabilize the path. In sum, this study demonstrates the feasibility of this approach through a great number of testing trials.
關鍵字(中) ★ 逆向工程
★ 三角網格
★ 補洞
★ 特徵搜尋
★ 啟發式搜尋
關鍵字(英) ★ Reverse Engineering
★ Triangular Mesh
★ Hole-filling
★ Feature Detection
★ Heuristic Search
論文目次 目錄
摘要 I
致謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XVI
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 文獻回顧 7
1-2-1 網格補洞 7
1-2-2 特徵擷取 8
1-3 研究目的與方法 13
1-3-1 網格修復 13
1-3-2 網格特徵追蹤 18
1-4 論文架構 22
第二章 網格補洞演算法 24
2-1 前言 24
2-2 孔洞辨識 27
2-3 線性補洞演算法 31
2-3-1 孔洞點網格化 31
2-3-2 內插修補面方法 37
2-4 LMLS補洞演算法 42
2-5 複合曲面補洞演算法 47
2-6 範例 52
2-7 結論 54
第三章 網格孔洞修復整合方法 64
3-1 前言 64
3-2 自動化補洞方法 65
3-2-1 孔洞前處理 66
3-2-2 不依曲率補洞流程 71
3-2-3 依曲率補洞流程 72
3-3 半自動網格修剪方法 76
3-3-1 擴張孔洞 76
3-3-2 網格依關聯性分離 77
3-4 孔洞橋接方法 85
3-4-1 橋接線演算法 85
3-4-2 分區補洞 90
3-4-3 橋接補洞 97
3-5 導引式補洞方法 103
3-6 結論 108
第四章 網格測地線與特徵追蹤方法 110
4-1 前言 110
4-2 拓樸結構介紹 110
4-3 啟發式搜尋方法 114
4-4 以網格為基礎之A*搜尋演算法 118
4-5 多種子點之特徵搜尋方法 123
4-5-1 離散曲率計算 123
4-5-2 特徵目標函式計算 125
4-6 範例 130
4-7 結論 142
第五章 單種子點之網格特徵追蹤方法 143
5-1 前言 143
5-2 建立節點 145
5-3 建立節點關聯性 150
5-4 路徑搜尋 153
5-4-1 搜尋流程 153
5-4-2 成本函式 161
5-4-3 路徑搜尋附加法則 166
5-4-4 路徑平滑 168
5-5 範例與討論 169
5-6 結論 185
第六章 結論與未來展望 186
6-1 結論 186
6-2 未來展望 192
參考文獻 194
許聖函 個人簡歷 200
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指導教授 賴景義(Jiing-Yih Lai) 審核日期 2011-7-7
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