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姓名 卓筱琳(Hsiao-Lin Cho)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所
論文名稱 人格特質與工作表現、工作滿意及離職傾向之關係探討:以某量販店客收人員為例
(The relationship among job performance, job satisfaction, job involvement and turnover intention of the clerks)
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摘要(中) 在現今競爭激烈的環境中,組織的最大目標無非是要增加企業績效以獲得最大利益,因此企業是建立在以下兩個基礎上:1.員工本身具備有足夠的能力去為公司創造利潤。 2.組織能將員工放在對的位置上,讓每個人能適才適所。
甄選工具包含許多種方法,其中人格特質測驗的使用日益成長。美國管理協會(AMA)表示:在1998年,使用人格特質測驗來進行招募的公司超過28%,相較於1997年的19%,成長許多;同時,大企業比起小企業,更常使用此方法進行招募,54%的大企業使用十億(美元)投入此甄選工具中,相對於39%的小企業使用一億至五億元,多出許多(Gatewood & Field, 2001)。
摘要(英) The biggest goal of an organization is to increase the company’s performance in order to gain the biggest profit in today’s drastic business environment. An enterprise operates on the basis of the following two foundations: 1. Employees should have enough ability to create profit for the company. 2. The organization should put the employees in the right place, and assure that everyone is qualified for his/her job.
There are many selection tools at the present, especially the personality test. The America Management Association (AMA) indicates in 1998, over 28% of companies used personality tests to recruit the employees. Compared with 1997, the ratio has increased significantly. In the meantime, big enterprises often use this tool more than small firms. About 54% of big companies use ten hundred million to exploit this selection tool, and 39% of small enterprises invest one to five hundred million in it (Gatewood & Field, 2001).
This research mainly discusses the relationship among the selection tools, job performance, job satisfaction and turnover rate of clerks. It chooses “Big Five Scales” and “Locus of Control Scales” to analyze. The employees’ job performance includes “Task Performance” and “Contextual Performance”. The research sample totaled one hundred and sixty-four people. Besides, the research also extends the relationship among job performance, job satisfaction, job involvement and turnover intention of the clerks. The research outcome is presented as follows:
1.The more the level of extroversion, the higher the level of job satisfaction.
2.The more the level of conscientiousness, the higher the level of job involvement.
3.The more the level of locus of control, the higher the level of job satisfaction and the lower the level of turnover rate.
4.The more the level of job involvement and job satisfaction, the lower the level of turnover rate.
In view of cost saving and the efficiency of the selection tools, this research suggests that company should adopt “Extroversion Scales”, “Conscientiousness Scales”, and “Locus of control Scales” in “Big Five Scales” as selection tools. At the same time, the company should use some policy means to increase employees’ job involvement and job satisfaction. Therefore it can decrease the turnover rate successfully.
Key word:Big Five, Locus of control, Job satisfaction, Job involvement, Job performance, Turnover rate, SEM, LISRAL
關鍵字(中) ★ 離職傾向
★ 工作表現
★ 工作滿意
★ 內外控傾向
★ 五大人格特質
關鍵字(英) ★ Turnover intention
★ Job involvement
★ Job performance
★ Job satisfaction
★ Locus of control
★ Big Five
論文目次 表目錄 vii
圖目錄 vii
第壹章、緒論 1
第一節、 研究背景與動機 1
第二節、研究目的 2
第貳章、文獻探討 4
第一節、五大人格特質 4
第二節、 內外控傾向 13
第三節、工作滿意 16
第四節、工作投入 18
第參章、研究方法 21
第一節、研究方式 21
第二節、研究架構與假設 21
第三節、研究對象 22
第四節、研究工具 26
第五節、統計分析方法 29
第肆章、研究結果分析 32
第一節、信度分析 32
第二節、 相關分析 34
第三節、結構方程式 37
第伍章、結論與建議 50
第一節、 研究假設驗證結果 50
第二節、結論與建議 52
第三節、研究限制與未來研究建議 55
參考文獻 56
一、中文部份 56
二、英文部分 57
三、網站部份 61
附錄 62
問卷一 62
問卷二 67
參考文獻 一、中文部份
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B&Q特力屋,「公司簡介」,B&Q特力屋網,取自: http://www.bnq.com.tw/introduction.do。
指導教授 黃同圳(Tung-Chun Huang) 審核日期 2008-1-13
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