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姓名 孫嘉蓉(Chia-jung Sun)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所
論文名稱 核心職能模型之建構 — 以某保險公司為例
(Core Competency Models Developing: Take a Life Insurance Company for Example)
★ 企業內部人力資源入口網站使用者滿意度調查–以A公司為例★ 員工內部行銷知覺、組織承諾與離職傾向之關係研究─以某科技公司為例
★ 研發人員創造力人格特質、工作價值觀對工作績效之影響-以某高科技研究機構為例★ 組織生涯管理對組織承諾影響之探討-以A公司為例
★ 導入以職能為基礎之評鑑中心可行性研究--以銀行業為例★ 360 度管理職能評鑑與受評者自我覺察能力之探討-個案公司跨年度研究
★ 探討中階主管人格特質、領導風格與工作績效之關聯性--以Y公司為例★ 因應公司經營策略變革之人力資源配置調整個案探討
★ 從組織變革觀點探討業務流程管理成效之個案研究★ 主管領導風格與員工人格特質對工作績效之影響
★ 矩陣式組織之專案績效考核制度探討-以某公司為例★ 企業因應員工分紅費用化之措施及其成效探討
★ 證券後勤基層主管職業生涯地圖之建立★ 企業導入卓越經營績效評量之案例探討
★ 主管領導風格對組織氣候與績效之影響探討-以T公司為例★ 人力資源管理措施對工作態度之影響探討-以台灣高鐵為例
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摘要(中) 全球化與國際化的社會來臨,使得企業競爭日趨激烈,企業若想突破重圍,持續穩固自己在台灣,甚至是海外人壽保險市場的競爭態勢,透過職能管理,以系統性與科學化的方法,發掘並培育具有競爭優勢的人才,將是有效節省時間與成本以及追求卓越的最佳途徑。成立四十餘年,個案公司在台灣為國人心目中壽險業之第一品牌,藉由發展與建構歷史悠久且經營成效良好的人壽公司之核心職能模型,本研究將能達成以下目的:
摘要(英) Because of globalization and internationalization, companies are facing greater challenges in the business environment. Whether one firm wants to be superior to the others or just keep its competitive advantage in its industry, the best way is to introduce the concept of competence management. Competence management is not only a systematic and scientific approach to find and develop talents, but also an economical and effective way to create outstanding organizational performance.
In existence for more than 40 years, Company C is a well-established and well-organized corporation. Because it is a leading company in the insurance industry, we expect to achieve the following purposes by developing our core competency model in this research. First, we hope that our study processes and results can facilitate other companies in the insurance industry which also intend to develop their own core competency model. Second, we look forward to using the core competency model as the foundation for Company C’s human resource management (HRM) and human capital development (HCD). Finally, we also hope that the core competency model developed in this research as the direction and destination for Company C organization change.
We research the core competency model of Company C by following steps. First, we identify the preliminary competencies using secondary data analysis and behavioral event interviews. Second, we select the most important items with the aid of competencies investigation questionnaires. Third, we extend and develop the core competence items and behavioral events or criteria with behavioral event interviews again. Finally, we verify and complete the core competency model with the help of focus group interviews, satisfactory questionnaires and competency explicatory conferences. Through foregoing systematic and scientific approaches, we can not only identify organizational culture and value, but also clarify the types of behavior that high-performers have. Furthermore, our processes and results also provide some useful suggestions for other firms in the life insurance industry.
According to the result there are nine core competencies in the Company C: technical expertise, integrity, customer focus, teamwork, continuous learning, striving for innovation, proaction, sense of urgency, and communication. Managers and high-performing employees in the firm especially consider technical expertise, proaction, and continuous learning to be the most important things to help create organizational competitive advantage. Therefore, we advise the company to use those competencies and the core competency model as the foundation for making organizational and human resource strategies.
關鍵字(中) ★ 職能發展
★ 職能模型
★ 核心職能
★ 人壽保險業
關鍵字(英) ★ competence developing
★ competency model
★ core competences
★ life insurance industry
論文目次 中文摘要.............................i
目 錄................................vi
圖 目 錄.............................viii
表 目 錄.............................ix
第壹章 緒論..........................1
第一節 研究動機與背景.............1
第二節 研究目的...................2
第貳章 文獻探討.....................4
第一節 職能相關理論...............4
第二節 人壽保險產業分析...........19
第参章 研究方法.....................30
第一節 研究流程...................30
第二節 資料蒐集與分析方法.........34
第三節 研究對象與抽樣方法.........40
第四節 個案公司概況...............43
第肆章 核心職能模型發展.............54
第一節 產業與個案公司分析.........54
第二節 第一階段行為事例訪談分析...69
第三節 初步職能項目調查分析.......72
第四節 第二階段行為事例訪談分析...76
第五節 職能子構面與行為事例發展...79
第六節 焦點團體訪談分析...........83
第七節 核心職能同意度調查分析.....86
第八節 職能說明會.................90
第伍章 結論與建議...................91
第一節 研究結果與討論.............91
第二節 管理意涵與建議.............94
第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議.....96
附錄一 初步核心職能調查問卷........102
附錄二 行為事例訪談問題............104
附錄三 核心職能同意度調查問卷......105
附錄四 職能手冊....................107
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指導教授 鄭晉昌(Jihn-Chang Jehng) 審核日期 2007-7-15
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