博碩士論文 944208004 詳細資訊

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姓名 李容嫺(Jung-Shian Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系
論文名稱 檢視Basu的盈餘不對稱時效性模型在台灣金融服務業的適用性
(Examining the Effectiveness of Basu(1997)Measure on Taiwan's Financial Institutions)
★ 金融機構不良債權處理機制之研究★ 放款作業流程的滿意度調查研究 —以S銀行為例
★ 工業銀行持股公司多角化策略、董事會特性及經營績效之研究★ 台灣企業的大陸經營模式、治理機制與盈餘管理之研究
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★ 國家風險與信用評等制度之建立★ 證券業及保險業資本適足率、公司治理與經營績效之比較
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摘要(中) 本研究分為兩篇文章,第一篇為「盈餘穩健性、市價淨值比與治理機制-台灣金融服務業之實證研究」,第二篇為「資訊揭露與多角化經營會否提升金融服務業之盈餘穩健度」。
摘要(英) This thesis includes two studies. One is “Earnings Conservatism, Market-to-Book Ratio, and Governance Mechanism: Evidence from Financial Institutions in Taiwan.” The other is “Do Information Disclosure and Diversification Increase Earnings Conservatism of Financial Institutions in Taiwan?”
The purpose of the first one paper is to examine earnings conservatism of Taiwan’’s financial institutions over 1991-2004. First, we use Basu (1997) to evaluate earnings conservatism. Secondly, we add market-to-book ratio (MTB) and governance mechanism to Basu in sequence, enable our analysis more rigorous. The findings are as follows: (1) The earnings of Taiwan’’s financial institutions conform to conservatism. (2) Because our sample is financial institutions, MTB affects earnings conservatism slightly. (3) Governance mechanism reduces earnings conservatism obviously, especially the variables related to the stock held by insiders, the ratio of the stock held by directors and supervisors and equity pledge ratio of directors and supervisors. It means executive management may change earnings conservatism by earnings manipulations.
The second paper is to examine earnings conservatism of Taiwan’’s financial institutions after 2001. The main findings are as follows: (1) Taiwan’’s financial institutions possibly overuse conservatism after 2001. (2) The implementation of information disclosure and evaluation system indeed causes the expression of earnings conservatism more reasonable. However, the difference between "high disclosure" and "low disclosure" companies is not statistically significant. (3) Because Taiwan’’s financial institutions have different diversification, their earnings conservatism are also different. (4) Government mechanism may reduce the distortion of financial report. As a result, companies can use conservatism more reasonable. However, earnings conservatism would change according to the situation of company individually.
關鍵字(中) ★ 資訊揭露
★ 穩健性
★ 多角化
★ 治理機制
關鍵字(英) ★ Diversification
★ Information disclosure
★ Conservatism
★ Government mechanism
論文目次 中文提要 i
英文提要 ii
誌 謝 iii
目 錄 iv
圖 目 錄 vi
表 目 錄 vii
一、 研究動機與目的 1
二、 文獻回顧 5
2-1 與盈餘不對稱時效反應有關的基本模型 5
2-2 盈餘不對稱時效性與市價淨値比關係之研究文獻 6
2-3 盈餘不對稱時效性與治理機制之文獻回顧 8
三、 研究模型 10
3-1 盈餘不對稱時效性之基本模型 10
3-2 考慮市價淨値比構面的盈餘不對稱時效性模型 12
3-3 考慮治理機制的盈餘不對稱時效性模型 14
四、 研究樣本 18
五、 實證結果與分析 19
5-1 利用Basu模型,觀察金融機構的會計盈餘能否穩健表達 19
5-2 檢視兼顧市價淨値比的盈餘不對稱時效性模型,能否更合理地衡量盈餘穩健性 21
5-3 檢視兼顧治理機制與期末市價淨值比的盈餘不對稱時效性模型,能否改善資訊傳遞的不對稱性 23
六、 結論 27
參考文獻 28
附錄一、敘述統計量 31
附錄二、公民營行庫的個別穩健性檢驗 31
一、 研究動機與目的 1
二、 文獻回顧與假說發展 5
2-1 盈餘穩健性 5
2-2 資訊揭露和盈餘穩健性 6
2-3 多角化的相關研究 7
2-4 治理機制和盈餘穩健性 8
三、 研究模型 10
3-1 盈餘不對稱時效性模型 10
3-2 考慮資訊揭露構面的盈餘不對稱時效性模型 11
3-3 考慮多角化構面的盈餘不對稱時效性模型 11
3-4 控制治理機制後的盈餘不對稱時效性模型 12
四、 研究樣本 16
五、 實證結果與分析 17
5-1 考慮資訊揭露構面後的盈餘穩健情況 17
5-2 考慮多角化構面的盈餘穩健情況 19
5-3 控制治理機制後的盈餘穩健情況 21
六、 結論 26
參考文獻 27
附錄一、治理變數對會計盈餘的預期影響方向與參考文獻 31
附錄二、敘述統計量 31
附錄三、Chow test的檢定方法 32
參考文獻 Ⅰ、盈餘穩健性、市價淨值比與治理機制-台灣金融服務業之實證研究
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指導教授 陳錦村(Jing-Twen Chen) 審核日期 2007-7-9
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