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陳力行(Li-Hsing Chen)
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工業管理研究所在職專班 |
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NAND型Flash價格與交運量預測在風險分析下之決策模式 (Policy decision pattern about the forcast of Nand Flash price and delivery amount to customers after an analysis of risk)
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摘要(中) |
在價格預測的實證中,在2004年及2005年間,其原始數列呈現穩定的趨勢變化時,以時間序列分析法中的天真預測法、移動平均法及指數平滑法及灰色預測GM(1,1)模型預測該年10月至12月的價格變化時,皆發揮不錯的預測效果,其MAPE值皆低於10%以下,達到高準確度的預測能力,且維持不錯的獲利水準;在2006年間,原始數列呈現不規則地變動時,各預測模型在預測該年10月至12月的價格變化時,發生較大的差異,其中以指數平滑法( =0.3時)預測效果最好,賺得368.50仟美元的利潤,但MAPE值仍高達27.72%,本研究透過預測組合的方式將該期各模式最佳的預測值予以平均,如此求算的結果可將MAPE值降低至23.34%。在交運量預測的實證中,因交運量的變化起伏很大,明顯高於價格趨勢之變化,各模式在預測各年10月至12月的交運量準確性上並不理想,其MAPE值皆高達20%以上。
將上述驗證結果,藉由瞭解管理當局的風險承受程度,透過風險分析,制定該產品的風險評估矩陣,持續監控高風險的部份,藉由決策的運用,以期能在最低風險下追求最高的獲利水準。後續在應用上,將各預測模式建制在資訊決策系統中,利用該公司Oracle資料庫之歷史數據加以運算分析,藉以計算出其預測值,除可用以比較分析各預測的結果,加以解釋及了解差異外,進而能夠運用其中有用的資訊並預測出每日、每週的價格變化情形,透過集體小組的意見及討論來掌握每個趨勢轉折點,據以掌握先機。 |
摘要(英) |
Because the imbalance of supply and demand often leads to the sudden change of the Nand flash prices, members of the semiconductor supply chain hope that they can control the market volatility and the change of price trend. However, they merely perform some simple analyses according to the experiences of experts in the industry or with their own subjective judgment in order to find out the price trend. They often determine their purchase and inventory policy based on these simple analyses. However, such analyses usually lack of scientific basis and decisions based on which could result in error and expose a company asset to risks.
The purpose of this study is to develop a simple and effective pattern of price forecast, and to help the people in this industry make an accurate forecast of both the price trend of the Nand flash and its delivery amount to final customers under the situation of extremely irregular changing trend, and thus, make a policy to avoid risk, continuously maximize company profit, improve operational efficiency, and reduce the possibility of losses.
In the price forecast analysis, evidence shows that, in 2004 and 2005, when the original figures presented a stable trend change, among all time-series analysis methods, the naïve method, moving average method, exponential smoothing method and grey prediction of GM(1,1) method had good results in the forecast of price change from October to December of the year. The MABE value was lower than 10% which indicates a high forecasting accuracy,and maintain a relatively high level of profit. When the figures aroused irregular changes for the period of October to December 2006, various forecast methods indicated larger differences in the forecast results. Among them, the exponential smoothing method ( =0.3) had best forecast ability,and earning a profit of US$368,500, but the MAPE value still reached to 27.72%. By combining the forecast methods, this study averaged the forecast values of various kinds of forecast methods, and the MAPE value can be reduced to 23.34%.The results of the delivery quantity forecast analysis in this study indicates that, due to the delivery quantity is highly volatile, evidently higher than the change of price trend, the accuracy of various kinds of forecast in the forecast of delivery amount from October to December of the year was far from ideal. All MAPE values were higher than 20%.
According to the foregoing findings in this study, a hazard estimation of a product is formulated after performing hazard analysis and giving fully consideration of the management’s risk-bearing capacity. Through continuous monitoring on highly hazardous parts and mature policy making, it is expected that highest profits can be achieved under the lowest hazardous conditions. In actual applications and future practice, various kinds of predictive models should be established in the policy making data system, and the historic figures in the oracle data system of the company can be utilized for computation and analysis to derive the prediction value. In addition to comparing and analyzing the various prediction results to find out their differences, the daily and weekly trend of price change can be predicted and controlled through the review of the collective team members on the point of every trend change. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 風險分析 ★ 灰色預測法 ★ 指數平滑法 ★ 價格預測 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ grey prediction method ★ smoothing method ★ price forecast ★ hazard analysis |
論文目次 |
第一章 緒論............................................1
1-1 研究背景及動機.....................................1
1-1-1 研究背景.........................................1
1-1-2 研究動機.........................................2
1-2 研究目的...........................................3
1-3 研究範圍、基本假設及限制...........................4
1-3-1 研究範圍.........................................4
1-3-2 基本假設.........................................5
1-3-3 研究限制.........................................6
1-4 研究架構...........................................6
第二章 文獻回顧及探討..................................8
2-1 價格變動...........................................8
2-2 DRAM價格國外相關文獻整理..........................8
2-2-1 π-rule...........................................8
2-2-2 Bi-rule..........................................9
2-2-3 黃金切割比率.....................................9
2-3 DRAM價格國內相關文獻整理.........................11
2-4 時間序列國內相關文獻整理..........................13
2-5 灰色理論國內相關文獻整理..........................15
2-6 風險分析國內相關文獻整理..........................17
2-7 小結..............................................18
第三章 研究方法.......................................19
3-1 預測定義..........................................19
3-2 預測的方法........................................19
3-3 預測方法的選取 ....................................20
3-4 時間序列分析法 ....................................21
3-4-1 天真預測法......................................21
3-4-2 移動平均法......................................22
3-4-3 指數平滑法......................................23
3-5 灰色理論..........................................23
3-5-1 灰色理論介紹 ....................................23
3-5-2 灰色理論研究項目................................24
3-5-3 灰色預測-GM(1,1)模型............................25
3-6 預測準確性衡量指標與控制..........................26
3-6-1 預測準確性衡量指標..............................27
3-6-2 預測控制........................................28
第四章 選定模型與變數後進行分析.......................29
4-1 資料收集與說明....................................29
4-1-1 NAND型Flash月平均單價..........................29
4-1-2 NAND型Flash月平均單價之趨勢變化探討............30
4-1-3 NAND型Flash月平均交運量........................31
4-2 預測方法的選取 ....................................33
4-3 月平均單價預測之實證..............................33
4-3-1 天真預測法之應用................................33
4-3-2 移動平均法之應用................................37
4-3-3 指數平滑法之應用................................40
4-3-4 灰色預測法GM(1,1)模型之應用.....................44
4-3-5 各預測模式準確性比較............................47
4-3-6 預測組合........................................48
4-3-7 預測的控制......................................49
4-4 月平均交運量預測之實證............................50
4-4-1 月平均交運量之趨勢變化探討......................50
4-4-2 各種預測模式MAD、MSE及MAPE值求算................51
4-4-3 各預測模式準確性比較............................55
4-4-4 交運量之信號軌跡................................56
第五章 實證應用分析...................................58
5-1 風險衡量及決策應用................................58
5-1-1 風險分析........................................58
5-1-2 風險衡量........................................59
5-1-3 決策應用........................................62
5-2 價格預測模式實際應用..............................63
5-2-1 天真預測法之預測值(前兩期)在決策應用之結果......63
5-2-2 移動平均法之預測值(前兩期平均)在決策應用之結果..64
5-2-3 指數平滑法之預測值(( =0.3時)在決策應用之結果....66
5-2-4 灰色預測法之預測值(四期基礎)在決策應用之結果....67
5-3 各種預測模式之決策結果及實際獲利狀況比較..........69
5-3-1 各種預測模式之決策結果..........................69
5-3-2 各種預測模式應用之實際獲利狀況 .................70
第六章 研究結論與未來研究方向.........................73
6-1 研究結論..........................................73
6-2 研究限制及未來方向................................74
參考文獻..........................................76 |
參考文獻 |
1.Delurgio, Stephen A.(1999), “Forecasting Principle And Applications”, University of Missouri—Cansas City, First Edition。
2.Lepselter, M.P., and Sze, S.M.(1985), “DRAM Pricing Trends --The π Rule,” IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine, Vol.1, pp.53-54 .
3.Lewis,C.D(1982), “Industrial and Business Foreasting Method“, London, Butterworths Scientific.
4.Stevenson, William J. (2003), “Operations Management”,New York, McGraw-Hill, Second Edition.
5.Tarui, Y. and Tarui, T.(1991), “New DRAM Pricing Trends--The Bi Rule,” IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine, Vol.7, pp.44-45 .
18.范 淼(1998),「計畫風險事件之處置--分析模型之建立與應用」,國立台灣大學,商學研究所碩士論文。
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30.黃育亨(2005),「DRAM產業市場需求預測之研究 -運用ARIMA預測模型與類神經網路」,長庚大學,企業管理研究所碩士論文。
38.鄭志剛(2004),「 運用灰理論GM(1,1)模式預測裝備零附件之計畫備料」,國防管理學院,後勤管理研究所碩士論文。
43.網路資料:電子時報:名人講堂-集邦科技創辦人聶聖陶NAND Flash價格可依黃金切割比率預測。2007年4月27日,取自:http://www.digitimes.com.tw/n/article.asp?id=0000047187_B526FD28HG7Q1KX8HKZTI。 |
指導教授 |
陳振明(Jen-Ming Chen)
審核日期 |
2007-7-9 |
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