摘要(英) |
This thesis is focusing on the study of measurement of VaR in the foreign exchange(FX)market. We use four different VaR evaluation models to measure the VaR, and then use three different back-testing methods to verify which the relatively best model will apply for in different FX markets with respective confidence level and window length.
We conclude this study as listed below:
First, Generally, the EWMA method and MA method are relatively better methods than historical simulation method and monte carlo simulation method, except for the USD against TWD fx market.
Second, For the EWMA method, it usually performs well for the VaR measurement in the mid-term(150 days)and long-term(250 days)FX markets, due to the presuming that the nearer and farther data in history use different parameter λ, the smaller λ represents coverage of more latest data. We use 0.94 as λ in this study.
Third, for the historical simulation method, the FX risk will be devaluated or over-valuated in the extreme situations. This is because the outcome of the study depends on what the sampling of the historical data we take. In the section 2 of the chapter 3 in this thesis, we have mentioned two methods to make up or minimize the differences in measuing VaR, those are EWMA method and Bootstrapping method.
Fourth, For the monte carlo simulation method, the more times we simulate, the more extreme situations will be considered. In this study, we find that the results are very close to MA in JPY, GBP and EUR FX markets. On the other hand, it is very close to EWMA in the USD against TWD fx market . |
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