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姓名 歐陽玉萍(Yu-Ping Ou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 A Novel VIKOR Weighted by ANP and DEMATEL on Information Security Control Assessment System
(A Novel VIKOR Weighted by ANP and DEMATEL on Information Security Control Assessment System)
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摘要(中) 由於電腦及網路的發達,企業和政府組織實施電腦化,以減少勞動力,材料和財務投資,及實現便捷和有效的服務。因此,資訊安全的重要性正在不斷地增加,相關資訊安全管理的議題也變得更為重要。很多研究採用多準則決策方法(MCDM)去評估風險有關的問題。在多準則決策方法中,妥協性排名方法(名為 VIKOR)被視為能處理多準則決策的一種適用技術。它適用於複雜系統的多目標最佳化。但是,在折衷解的方法上,很少有文章討論這些具有著相依性和回饋性的衝突(競爭)準則。同樣地,也很少有研究計算具相依性和回饋性準則整合的風險或評估風險控制措施實施的績效。因此,本研究提出了一個創新多準則決策模型,使用VIKOR結合 DEMATEL技術與ANP來解決準則間具有非獨立性和回饋性的問題。本研究利用DEMATEL技術,建立準則間的網絡關係圖(NRM),並以NRM為依據採用網絡分析法(ANP)去建構這些具有交互作用和回饋的準則或方案。還使用DEMATEL技術對ANP的未加權超矩陣做正規化,以改善它符合現實的世界。此外,提出一個VIKOR修正版以符合實務需求,最後,使用一個評估風險控制措施的實證來說明所提出方法。其結果顯示該方法能有效的幫助管理者驗證風險控制措施的有效性。
摘要(英) As a result of the development of computers and computer networks, corporations and government organizations have implemented computerization to (i) reduce labor, materials, and financial investment, and (ii) achieve convenient and effective services. Therefore, the importance of information security is steadily increasing. The issue of information security management has become more significant. Many studies adopt multiple-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods to assess risk-related problems. Among the MCDM methods, the compromise-ranking method, named VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje in Serbian or VIKOR, which means Multicriteria Optimization and Compromise Solution, was introduced as an applicable technique within the MCDM framework. It was developed for multicriteria optimization of complex systems. However, few articles discuss the dependence and feedback of conflicting (competing) criteria in the compromise-solution method. Similarly, few studies calculate the integrated risks or assess the performances of the implemented risk controls after taking account of the dependence and feedback among criteria. Therefore, this research proposes a novel MCDM model using VIKOR-combined the decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) technique with the analytic network process (ANP) to solve the problems of conflicting criteria that show dependence and feedback. DEMATEL technique is used to build a network-relationship map (NRM) among criteria and the ANP to model, based on the NRM, the interdependence and feedback among criteria or alternatives. Moreover, DEMATEL technique is also used to normalize the unweighted supermatrix of the ANP to improve it for suiting the real world. In addition, a revised VIKOR is proposed for pratical needs. Finally, an empirical application of evaluating the risk controls is used to illustrate the proposed method. The results show that the proposed method is effective in helping managers validate the effectiveness of risk controls.
關鍵字(中) ★ ANP
★ 風險控制措施評鑑系統
★ 風險管理
關鍵字(英) ★ DEMATEL
★ risk management
★ Risk control assessment system
論文目次 Abstract i
Abstract (In Chinese) ii
Acknowledgments iii
Contents iv
List of Tables vii
List of Figures viii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation and problem statements 1
1.2 Research objectives 1
1.3 Research framework and methods 2
1.4 Contributions of this research 5
1.5 Research outline 6
Chapter 2 Concept of risk and assessment methodologies 7
2.1 Risk management 7
2.2 Information security management system based on ISO/IEC 27001 10
2.3 Risk analysis and assessment for information security 15
2.3.1 Risk analysis and assessment 15
2.3.2 Risk analysis method for information security 19
2.4 Risk-control assessment 21
2.4.1 Problems related with the introduction of risk-control assessment 21
2.4.2 MCDM methodology in risk-control assessment 25
2.5 Assessment methodologies 26
2.5.1 DEMATEL 27
2.5.2 The ANP methodology 29
2.5.3 The VIKOR methodology 30
2.6 Summary 32
Chapter 3 A VIKOR method based on DEMATEL technique with ANP 33
3.1 Build a network relationship map using DEMATEL technique 34
3.1 1 DEMATEL technique 34
3.1.2 Example 36
3.2 An improved ANP 37
3.2.1 Using DEMATEL technique to improve ANP 38
3.2.2 Example 40
3.3 A novel VIKOR with multiple criteria decision making 44
3.3.1 VIKOR 45
3.3.2 A novel VIKOR method 48
3.3.3 Example 51
3.4 Summary 53
Chapter 4 A DEMATEL-based VIKOR technique with ANP for risk-control assessment 54
4.1 Background and problem descriptions 54
4.2 Generating evaluation criteria and collection of data and weights 55
4.3 Operation and results 57
Chapter 5 Discussions and managerial implications 66
Chapter 6 Conclusions and remarks 70
References 73
Appendix I 81
Appendix II 83
Appendix III 85
Appendix IV 86
Appendix V 109
Vita 114
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指導教授 謝浩明(How-Ming Shieh) 審核日期 2010-1-19
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