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姓名 陳昭敏(Chao-min Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣物理研究所
論文名稱 中部空品區高臭氧事件之氣象分析-颱風影響
(Meteorology Analysis of High Ozone Episodes Occurred in the West-Central Taiwan.)
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摘要(中) 本研究以環保署中部空品區1994-2005年之臭氧監測資料,探討受到颱風影響的臭氧事件比例,以及臭氧污染事件與颱風位置、路徑之相關性,進一步並利用MM5模式模擬2005年9月20-23日受到丹瑞颱風(西行颱風未登陸)環流影響之個案,分析高臭氧污染發生之氣象成因。
摘要(英) In this study the synoptic patterns conductive to the occurrence of O3 episodes in central Taiwan are categorized by an inspection of the weather charts over the period of 1994-2005. Since the high ozone episodes of the central part of Taiwan are closed related to typhoon and tropical cyclones activities, focus the discussion on the typhoon-related ozone episodes. Furthermore, we used the mesoscale model (Fifth-generation Penn. State/NCAR Mesoscale Model, MM5) to do a case simulation to investigate the influence of typhoon activities on the air quality of the central Taiwan.
The statistical result shows that about 31% of total ozone episodes is caused by typhoon or trpical cyclone. When the typhoon-related ozone episodes occur, the center of tropical cyclones is mainly located between Taiwan and the Philippines. Most tracks of such cyclones are classified to the track of 5th and 6th follow the Central Weather Bureau’s classification. The compose weather map of high O3 episodes occurred in the central Taiwan shows that a low-pressure circulation is located in the Philippines. The surface mean wind is 3.27 m/s, larger than others and the synoptic wind direction is ENE in 850hpa. High wind speed is favorable for pollutant transportation. In the further more, we used MM5 model to simulate the typhoon-related ozone episode during 20-22 September 2005 (track 5th).
When the center of typhoon Damrey locates 600-1000 km away from central Taiwan, the subsidence effect of its periphery made air very stable. These conditions favor the development of both local thermal circulations and mechanically-induced circulations in the complex terrain area of the Central Taiwan. At this stage, due to the transportation effect of local circulation, the high ozone concentration comes up at the downward city, Nantou. After the typhoon move north-westward, the typhoon circulation covered the whole Taiwan. The low-level prevailing flow is subject to splitting due to the blocking effect of the Central Mountain Range (CMR), a weak wind speed zone is notable in the western central region, which is located in the leeward side of the CMR. The prevailing easterly wind accompany with typhoon Damrey, lead to the lee-side subsidence. The adiabatic warming associated with this leeside subsidence resulted to the appearance of stable atmosphere condition in the Central and western area of Taiwan. These meteorological conditions are unfavorable for pollutant dispersion and cause high ozone day in the city, Taichung. The high ozone episodes just occurred in the vicinity of high emission urban area.
關鍵字(中) ★ 臭氧
★ 天氣類型
★ 颱風
關鍵字(英) ★ typhoon
★ synoptic weather pattern
★ ozone
論文目次 摘 要 i
Abstract ii
誌 謝 iii
目 錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 文獻回顧 1
1-2.1 高污染事件和天氣型態 1
1-2.2 高污染事件和颱風 3
1-3 研究動機與目的 4
第二章 空氣品質長期變化特性分析 6
2-1 研究區域說明 6
2-1.1臭氧主要來源 7
2-1.2臭氧形成理論 7
2-2 資料來源 9
2-3 平均值 9
2-3.1 年際變化 9
2-3.2 季變化 10
2-3.3 日變化 10
2-3.4 測站差異 11
2-4 小結 12
第三章 高臭氧污染日統計分析 13
3-1 資料來源 13
3-2 高污染日的定義 13
3-3 天氣型態分類 14
3-3.1 合成天氣圖 15
3-3.2 測站特性(雲量、溫度、風向、風速) 16
3-3.3 探空穩定度(K-index和TT-index) 16
3-3.4 天氣型態小結 17
3-4 高臭氧污染事件與颱風相關性分析 18
3-4.1 颱風與高污染共同出現頻率 18
3-4.2 颱風中心位置及強度 18
3-4.3 颱風路徑統計 19
3-5 小結 20
第四章 個案模擬與分析 21
4-1 個案概述 21
4-1.1 中部空品區高臭氧事件: 21
4-1.2 綜觀天氣分析: 22
4-1.3 地面觀測分析: 23
4-1.4 觀測小結: 24
4-2 模式設定與實驗設計: 25
4-2.1 模式簡介 25
4-2.2 初始資料與模式範圍設定 25
4-3 模式結果與分析: 26
4-3.1 模式校驗 26
4-3.2 結果分析 28
A. 綜觀尺度 28
B. 中小尺度 30
C. 小結 32
第五章 結論與未來展望 34
5-1 結論 34
5-2 未來展望 35
參考文獻 37
附錄A 高污染事件挑選說明 41
附表 42
附圖 48
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指導教授 林沛練(Pay-Liam Lin) 審核日期 2007-7-19
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