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姓名 鄭揚宜(Zheng YangYi)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 哲學研究所
論文名稱 智能障礙者性權探究
(A Study into the Sexual Rights of People with Intellectual Disabilities)
★ 對佛洛依德之自我發展歷程的剖析★ 賣淫的道德研究--當代西方性倫理學中的辯論
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★ 2009-2011台灣性交易修法歷程 ─「除罪化」何以轉為「娼嫖皆罰,特區除外」?★ 由婦女職務看柯崙泰新婦女論-馬克思主義女性主義
★ 男色為何物:晚明小說《弁而釵》、《宜春香質》、《龍陽逸史》中「情」作為文人意識的探討
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摘要(中) 智能障礙者性權探究涉及(智能)障礙研究、女性主義、性/別研究、自主與性同意等領域,本文將接合各層面進行討論。雖然當代障礙研究以及障礙者權利運動已有許多進展,然而智能障礙者無法為自己發聲,因此其相關權利也容易遭到社會漠視,尤其是智能障礙者的性權,更是傳統障礙研究所忽略的重要議題。其中的關鍵在於人們將智商視為現代社會生活的核心,智力不足的智能障者由於缺乏相應的理性與自主能力,因此難以融入現代社會的生活當中。智力也被社會認為是從事性行為的標準,因為有效行使性同意是取得性權道德資格的基礎。智能障礙者由於無法有效地行使性同意,因此也就難以證成其性權。由此可見,對性同意進行道德分析,將是探究智能障礙者性權的重要工作。
The study of the sexual rights of people with intellectual disabilities involves in the fields of (intellectual) disability studies, feminism, gender studies, autonomy, and sexual consent. This study aims to bring up the discussion from various perspectives. Although great progress has been made in modern disability studies and disability rights movements, the intellectually disabled cannot speak for themselves, hence their rights are often neglected. Among these rights, sexual rights of the intellectually disabled are especially critical issues overlooked by traditional disability studies. The key to this phenomenon lies in people nowadays treat intelligence as the center of social relationship. The intellectually disabled cannot fit in the modern society for their lacking of rationality and autonomy capability. Intelligence is also regarded as a criterion for engaging in sexual behaviors, because giving affirmative consent is the basis to obtain sexual rights morally. For the reason that the intellectually disabled are unable to give such consent, it is difficult to prove the presence of their sexual rights. Therefore, the morality analysis of sexual consent will be an important task for the researchers of the intellectually disabled.
  This study will stem from disability studies and determine how the people with disabilities are viewed under different research models, and the major ones in the Western world are moral, medical, and social models. While these three models are not sufficient to illustrate the sexual rights of the intellectually disabled, they provide a broader view for the public to understand the social structure in which the intellectually disabled are situated, as well as the causes of their intellectual disabilities. Moreover, a paradox existing in the discussion of the sexual rights of the intellectually disabled will be clarified, which is how to ask a person without rationality to form a moral judgment rationally. This paradox involves with a number of critical controversies: Can the modern fair and rational individualism grant definite sexual morality? Should intelligence be the criterion for a person to engage in sexual behaviors? How can people with intellectual disabilities give affirmative sexual consent? Should sexual consent only include the parties actually involved in sexual behaviors? And what′s the role of the disabled person′s agent? This study will examine the strengths and weaknesses of the three disability studies models regarding the sexual rights of the intellectually disabled, and propose a capability engagement model as the theoretical foundation for this topic.
  In fact, normalization and educational guidance are already addressing the sexual issues of the intellectually disabled. However, the intellectually disabled are only asked to engage in sexual behaviors abided by social norms, for the absence of morality analysis in their sexual rights. This not only makes it difficult for them to be qualified for sexuality, but also limits them to stay in the unfair social position, which does not help them separate from the oppressive structure. The capability participation model will validate the sexual rights criteria, and refute the fair and rational individual presumption by introducing radical feminism’s gender relationship analytical framework. Moreover, the importance of relationship in care ethics is also referenced as the morality basis of the intellectually disabled and their caregivers. On the other hand, the capability engagement model also adjusted the standpoint of radical feminism’s treating sexuality as the key to the injustice of women’s rights, and instead consider sexuality as the practicing strategies for the intellectually disabled’s correction of injustice. This study hopes to contribute to two aspects: to clarify the sexual rights of the intellectually disabled, and probe into a broader scope of disability research and sexual morality studies.
關鍵字(中) ★ 智能障礙
★ 障礙研究
★ 性權
★ 性同意
★ 基進女性主義
★ 能力參與模式
★ 關懷倫理
關鍵字(英) ★ Intellectual Disability
★ Disability Studies
★ sexual rights
★ sexual consent
★ radical feminism
★ capability engagement model
★ care ethics
第一章 總論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 障礙研究的背景 6
第三節 智能障礙者性權爭議 14
第四節 性同意與智能障礙者 19
第五節 障礙研究模式的限制與突破 24
第二章 歐美障礙研究脈絡 29
第一節 障礙研究的知識脈絡 29
第二節 道德模式的形成 31
第三節 醫療模式的觀點 34
第四節 社會模式及對醫療模式的批判 36
第五節 對社會模式之批判 39
第六節 三種障礙模式與智能障礙研究 44
第三章 智能障礙的知識脈絡 47
第一節 智力與智能障礙 47
第二節 神學主導的古代與中世紀 51
第三節 城市化、工業化、科學發展與近代歐美社會 55
第四節 從福利到權利的當代社會 58
第五節 重新看待智能障礙者 62
第四章 智能障礙者的性議題 65
第一節 智能障礙者的性議題演變歷程 65
第二節 性權概念與實務的落差 68
第三節 障礙研究模式與照顧者的侷限 74
第四節 智能障礙者自己說性 76
第五節 從智能障礙者的性輔導到性探究 79
第五章 智能障礙者的性道德內涵 81
第一節 智能障礙者性議題的矛盾 81
第二節 障礙研究、性觀念的演進與具體實踐 83
第三節 PLISSIT模式與正常化原則及其批判 85
第四節 性道德基礎、性快感與自我存在感 92
第五節 開展智能障礙者的性同意 95
第六章 智能障礙者的性同意與性權 97
第一節 同意的道德脈絡 97
第二節 性同意的道德意涵 100
第三節 兒少觀點與性同意 106
第四節 正常性行為與智能障礙者的限制性劇本 108
第五節 異常的再現:智能障礙者的性/別、障礙與差異 113
第六節 基進女性主義與智能障礙者的性同意 116
第七節 能力參與模式及其脈絡 122
第八節 能力參與模式與三種障礙研究模式的互相參照 131
第七章 結論 137
參考文獻 141

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指導教授 甯應斌(Yin Bin Ning) 審核日期 2017-7-25
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