博碩士論文 952206033 詳細資訊

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姓名 彭孟超(Meng-chao Peng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 液滴透鏡曲率調控機制之探討
(Study of Profile Manipulation in Liquid Lens)
★ 新型光電生化感測器之分析與研究★ 薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器中視角色偏之優化補償方法
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★ 光學式生化反應即時偵測系統★ 微液滴驅動之研究與探討
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摘要(中) 最古老的液體透鏡製作,可以追溯至17 世紀,發展至今,已有許多不同的製作方式,液壓式、熱效應、介電泳動與目前已有商業產品上市的電濕式液體透鏡,利用電壓的改變,調整透鏡的曲面變化,達到變焦的目的,在這商品不斷地微型化的時代,液體透鏡具有高度的競爭力。
本文利用交流電訊號的電場變動,對液滴的曲率變化做探討,改變峰值電壓與頻率,分析液滴曲率的變化,發現在較低的峰值電壓驅動下,頻率對液滴曲率變化影響較小,高峰值電壓作用下,頻率的改變與液滴曲率變化沒有固定之趨勢,高於3kHz 之後,液滴曲率變化趨於穩定值而不再改變。
摘要(英) The fabrication of the oldest liquid lens can be traced to the 17th century.The liquid lens has been developed many kinds of fabrication method as fluidic
pressure, thermal effect, dielectrophoresis and electrowetting so far. Nowadays,the liquid lens based on electrowetting has been commercialization. The applied
electrical voltage can be used to tune the curvature of lens for the tunable-focus.For the time being, the liquid lens has become of very high competition.
In this work, the electric field of AC signal has been explored to investigate the change of curvature of liquid lens. In the analysis, the result liquid curvature is highly dependent on the amplitude and the frequency of the applied electric voltage. It is found that the lower the amplitude of the electric voltage is applied
on the liquid lens, the less the frequency variation on the curvature is. While the higher voltage is applied, the changes of the drop curvature become irregular as
frequency increasing. When the frequency is above 3 kHz, the drop curvature will be almost steady and independent of the applied electric voltage change..
Furthermore, the AC signal induces the drops to vibrate. The vibration modes are also exploited in the amplitude-frequency phase diagram. It is expected to drive the liquid lens by AC signals with much more efficiency.
關鍵字(中) ★ 液體透鏡
★ 液滴
★ 曲率
關鍵字(英) ★ liquid lens
★ drops
★ curvature
論文目次 目錄
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 液體透鏡 2
1.2.1 液壓作用(fluidic pressure) 2
1.2.2 熱效應(thermal effect) 5
1.2.3 介電泳動(dielectrophoresis) 6
1.2.4 電溼潤(electrowetting) 8
1.3 研究動機 11
第二章 原理與分析 12
2.1 電溼潤(electrowetting) 12
2.1.1 溼潤(wetting) 12
2.1.2 表面張力 14
2.1.3 電溼潤基本模型 15
2.3 EWOD (electrowetting on dielectric) 18
2.4 交流電場之作用 19
2.5 液滴曲率分析方法 21
第三章 液滴曲率之量測與分析 24
3.1 EWOD元件製作 24
3.2 接觸角量測 25
3.3 交流電訊號對液滴曲率之改變 30
3.4 液滴曲率分析 34
第四章 電訊號對液滴之影響 45
4.1 探針式量測架構 45
4.2 CCD攝影機之電子快門的影響 47
4.3 液滴形狀之變化 48
第五章 總結 51
參考文獻 53
參考文獻 參考文獻
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指導教授 楊宗勳(Tsung-hsun Yang) 審核日期 2008-7-24
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