博碩士論文 953202028 詳細資訊

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姓名 李協謙(Hsieh-Chien Li)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 群樁側向阻抗改良之數值模擬
(Numerical Analysis on the Improvement of Lateral Resistance of the Pile Group)
★ 動力夯實之有效影響深度與地表振動阻隔研究★ 砂土層中潛盾機地中接合漏水引致地層下陷之案例探討
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摘要(中) 現今都市發展快速,為了因應各種需求,建築物之結構規模逐漸增大,且期望可支撐較大的載重,則經常採用深基礎作為設計。由於樁基礎於軟弱黏土層中,近於地表處之土壤無法提供較大的水平支撐力,因此限制了樁基礎側向抵抗之能力。克服此項限制,以提升基礎之側向承載力之改善方式有兩種方式,第一種方式為提升基樁本身強度,第二種為增加樁周土壤支承力。
摘要(英) The cities in the world developed very fast recently, the building scales were increased in order to satisfy various demands. The deep foundation is often used to support the heavy loading of the building. As the pile foundation was set in the soft clay layer, the soil beneath the ground surface cannot provide enough horizontal support and lateral resistance of the pile foundation will be restricted. Therefore, two kinds of methods can be used to improve the horizontal support of the foundation by increasing the strength of pile foundation or raising the soil resistance.
The soil which was improved by mixing with cement around the pile foundation can increase the strength and reduce the lateral displacement of pile shaft. The treated soil can also provide lateral resistance for the pile group which bears lateral load. The lateral bearing behaviors of pile group in soft clay layer were analyzed by the finite element method. To perform the numerical analysis, FEM based software named ABAQUS was used in this research.
The numerical results displayed that by using soil improvement with 4D of the treated depth (where D is the diameter of pile), the reduction of the lateral displacement of pile shaft at ground surface became gently. The treated effect was also presented slowly. Therefore, 4D of the treated depth was the better treated depth.
關鍵字(中) ★ 土壤改良
★ 側向位移
★ 群樁
★ 有限元素分析
關鍵字(英) ★ lateral displacement
★ pile group
★ finite element analysis
★ soil improvement
論文目次 摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目錄 III
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
符號說明 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3研究方法 2
1.4論文章節架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1樁基礎受側向載重之行為 4
2.2群樁分析 6
2.2.1靜力分析法 6
2.2.2等值樁法 7
2.2.3有限元素法 8
2.3樁之極限側向阻抗 10
2.4樁基礎設計規範 12
2.4.1樁頭之容許側向位移量 12
2.4.2樁距之規定 13
2.4.3群樁側向支承力 14
2.5地盤改良之概述 14
2.5.1軟弱地盤之判別方法 15
2.5.2深層攪拌工法 15
2.5.3灌漿工法 16
2.5.4改良土特性 16
2.6樁之側向阻抗改良方法 17
2.6.1增加基樁側向阻抗之方法 17
2.6.2基樁側向阻抗之改良成果 18
2.7群樁之側向載重試驗與數值模擬比較 21
第三章 分析方法 43
3.1分析程式 43
3.2分析模式 46
3.2.1建立模型部件 46
3.2.2定義材料性質 47
3.2.3建立分析步驟 47
3.2.4定義與設定接觸 48
3.2.5選擇元素類型與劃分網格 50
3.3分析參數 50
3.3.1樁基礎與樁帽之材料參數 50
3.3.2台北沖積黏性土壤參數 51
3.4分析架構 52
第四章 分析結果 63
4.1元素分析邊界與地表位移 63
4.2側向載重 65
4.3未改良前樁土位移分析 65
4.4改良土中樁-土位移之數值分析 67
4.4.1改良前後樁身位移 67
4.4.2改良寬度與地表處樁身位移之關係 68
4.4.3改良深度與地表處樁身位移之關係 69
4.4.4改良成效 69
4.4.5樁身剪力 71
4.4.6土壤反力 73
第五章結論與建議 96
5.1結論 96
5.2建議 97
參考文獻 99
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指導教授 張惠文(Huei-Wen Chang) 審核日期 2008-7-18
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