博碩士論文 953203019 詳細資訊

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姓名 高銘辰(Vincent Kao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 鎂鋰合金添加微量元素之微弧陽極處理研究
(Micro-arc anodizing of magnesium-lithium alloys add rare-earth element)
★ 使用實驗計劃法求得印刷電路板微鑽針最佳鑽孔參數★ 滾針軸承保持架用材料之電鍍氫脆研究
★ 強制氧化及熱機處理對鎂合金AZ91D固相回收製程之研究★ 滾針軸承保持架圓角修正之有限元素分析
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★ 冷軋延對ZK60擠製材的拉伸與疲勞性質之影響★ 熱引伸輔助超塑成形製作機翼整流罩之設計及分析
★ 超塑性鋁合金5083用於機翼前緣整流罩之研究★ 輕合金輪圈疲勞測試與分析
★ 滾針軸承保持架之有限元分析★ 鎂合金之晶粒細化與超塑性研究
★ 平板式固態氧化物燃料電池穩態熱應力分析★ 固態氧化物燃料電池連接板電漿鍍膜特性研究
★ 7XXX系鋁合金添加Sc之顯微組織與機械性質研究★ 高延性鎂合金之特性及成形性研究
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摘要(中) 本研究利用微弧陽極處理的方式改善鎂鋰合金系列LAZ1110、LAZ1110+Be、LAZ1110+Sc、LAZ1110+Be+Sc之耐蝕性,並探討其差異性,實驗中利用矽酸鈉(40g/L)、氫氧化鈉(100g/L)、次磷酸鈉(20g/L)、乙二酸(80g/L)之電解液進行陽極處理,然後針對不同材料與時間參數進行探討,由實驗結果顯示,LAZ1110、 LAZ1110+Be、LAZ1110+Sc、LAZ1110+Be+Sc其四種材料所添加之微量元素,其中添加Be元素之LAZ1110+Be為其四種材料中其抗蝕性最差的,而添加Sc元素之LAZ1110+Sc為其四種材料中其抗蝕性最佳的,乃由於添加Be元素具有減少熔融金屬表面的氧化作用,並有阻燃的效果,造成LAZ1110+Be於陽極處理的過程中破壞陽極膜的生成,而Sc原素本身既有增加抗蝕的效果,故LAZ1110+Sc為其四種材料中其抗蝕性最佳的。
摘要(英) This research tries to improve corrosion resistance of LAZ1110, LAZ1110 +Be, LAZ1110 +Sc, LAZ1110 +Be +Sc magnesium alloys by means of micro-arc anodizing. In the experiment, the electrolytic solution is composed of 40gl-1 Na2SiO3, 100gl-1 NaOH, 20gl-1 NaPO2and 80gl-1(COOH)2.2H2O in distilled water. After the micro-arc anodizing treatment, it will discuss to various parameters.
The results indicated that the anodic oxidation film has better corrosion performance under the pulse current condition. In four materials of LAZ1110, LAZ1110 +Be, LAZ1110 +Sc, LAZ1110 +Be +Sc magnesium alloys, LAZ1110 +Be have the worst of corrosion resistance, and LAZ1110 +Sc have the best of corrosion resistance, in the basic extrapolate, add the Be element have decrease the oxidation on the magnesium alloys surface, this phenomenon destroy the anodic oxidation film of LAZ1110 +Be during micro-arc anodizing treatment, add the Sc element have increase the effect of corrosion resistance.
Temperature, frequency, time, current density, duty cycle and electrolytic concentration have an influence on micro-structure and corrosion performance of anodic films. In our research, it fixed current density and another parameter, and it used various of time parameter to find out the best operate condition, the results indicated that at 8min of operate condition of micro-arc anodizing treatment have the best of anodic oxidation film.
關鍵字(中) ★ 微弧陽極處理
★ 鎂鋰合金
關鍵字(英) ★ magnesium-lithium alloys
★ anodizing
論文目次 中文摘要.................................................I
第一章 前言..............................................1
2.1 鎂及鎂合金的腐蝕特性.................................7
2.2 環境對鎂合金腐蝕之影響.............................10
2.3 金屬元素對鎂及其合金的影響..........................12
2.4 鎂及其合金之表面耐蝕處理............................18
2.4.1 電鍍與無電鍍......................................18
2.4.2 化成處理..........................................19
2.4.3 氣相沈積法........................................21
2.4.4 鎂合金之微弧陽極處理..............................22陽極膜形成機制...................................23陽極膜之結構.....................................27施加電壓電流對陽極化處理之影響...................28電解液之選擇及對陽極膜之影響.....................29
第三章 實驗步驟.........................................32
3.1 實驗材料與試片準備..................................32
3.2 陽極化處理程序......................................35
3.3 表面型態以及結構成分分析............................37
3.4 陽極膜耐蝕效果測試..................................38
4.1 氫氧化鉀、矽酸鉀陽極處理液配方對陽極膜之影響........39
4.2 矽酸鈉、氫氧化鈉、次磷酸鈉、乙二酸陽極處理液配方對陽極膜之影響................................................49
4.3 矽酸鈉、氫氧化鈉、次磷酸鈉、乙二酸陽極處理液配方之時間參數對陽極膜之影響......................................60
4.3.2 斷面分析..........................................66
第五章 結論.............................................84
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指導教授 李雄(Shyong Lee) 審核日期 2008-7-23
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