博碩士論文 953209005 詳細資訊

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姓名 林峻右(Chun-Yu Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 材料科學與工程研究所
論文名稱 Mg3MnNi2對Mg2Ni合金電化學與吸放氫特性之影響
(Effect of Mg3MnNi2 on the electrochemical and hydrogenation properties of Mg2Ni alloy)
★ 晶圓針測參數實驗與模擬分析★ 車銑複合加工機床面結構最佳化設計
★ 精密空調冷凝器軸流風扇葉片結構分析★ 第四代雙倍資料率同步動態隨機存取記憶體連接器應力與最佳化分析
★ PCB電性測試針盤最佳鑽孔加工條件分析★ 鋰-鋁基及鋰-氮基複合儲氫材料之製程開發及研究
★ 合金元素(錳與鋁)與球磨處理對Mg2Ni型儲氫合金放電容量與循環壽命之影響★ 鍶改良劑、旋壓成型及熱處理對A356鋁合金磨耗腐蝕性質之影響
★ 核電廠元件疲勞壽命模擬分析★ 可撓式OLED封裝薄膜和ITO薄膜彎曲行為分析
★ MOCVD玻璃承載盤溫度場分析★ 不同環境下之沃斯回火球墨鑄鐵疲勞裂縫成長行為
★ 不同環境下之Custom 450不銹鋼腐蝕疲勞性質研究★ AISI 347不銹鋼腐蝕疲勞行為
★ 環境因素對沃斯回火球墨鑄鐵高週疲勞之影響★ AISI 347不銹鋼在不同應力比及頻率下之腐蝕疲勞行為
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摘要(中) 本實驗將利用恆溫揮發鑄造法(Isothermal Evaporation Casting Process,IECP)製備不同比例之 Mg3MnNi2-Mg2Ni合金系統,觀察Mg3MnNi2相(β相)對Mg2Ni相(γ相)電化學與吸放氫特性之影響。
摘要(英) Mg3MnNi2-Mg2Ni alloy systems with different ratio is produced by an innovative method, isothermal evaporation casting process (IECP) in this work. The effects of Mg3MnNi2(β phase) on the electrochemical and hydrogenation properties of Mg2Ni(γ phase) alloy were investigated.
Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses demonstrate that mass production for Mg3MnNi2-Mg2Ni alloy systems with different ratio was successfully fabricated by IECP. It is observed that HCP-Mg2Ni (γ phase) and FCC-Mg3MnNi2 (β phase) have nearly oxidation/reduction potential and their absorption/ desorption pressure plateaus are similar. It is also found by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) that addition Mg3MnNi2 in Mg2Ni alloy reduced the passive Mg(OH)2 layer formation and led to discharge capacity, discharge efficiency and discharge cycle life improving.
It is found that it is difficult to corroded in alkaline electrolyte and hydrogenation for Mg3MnNi2 in comparison with Mg2Ni. It is caused Mg3MnNi2 addition in Mg2Ni resulted in an improvement for electrochemical properties and a deceleration for hydriding-dehydriding rate.
關鍵字(中) ★ 吸放氫速率
★ IECP製程
★ Mg基儲氫電極
關鍵字(英) ★ hydriding-dehydriding rate
★ Mg-based electrode
★ IECP method
論文目次 中文摘要................................................i
英文摘要 ..............................................ii
誌 謝 .............................................iii
目 錄 ..............................................iv
圖 目 錄 ..............................................vi
表 目 錄.............................................viii
一、 前言 ........................................1
二、 文獻回顧 ....................................4
2-1 氫能源之開發.................................4
2-2 氫能經濟系統簡介 ............................4
2-3 儲氫合金簡介.................................6
2-4 儲氫合金吸放氫原理介紹 ......................7
2-4-1 動力學性質 ..................................7
2-4-2 熱力學性質 ..................................9
2-5 鎳氫電池簡介................................13
2-5-1 鎳氫電池原理................................13
2-5-2 鎳氫電池合金選用 ...........................14
三、 實驗步驟與方法 .............................15
3-1 鑄態合金製備 ...............................15
3-2 合金微結構分析 .............................15
3-2-1 X光繞射分析(XRD) ...........................15
3-2-2 電子微探針分析(EPMA) .......................16
3-2-3 合金縱深分析 ...............................16
3-3 電化學與吸放氫特性測試 ....................16
3-3-1 放電電容量與放電循環壽命測試...............16
3-3-2 循環伏安法測試 ............................17
3-3-3 PCI (Pressure-composition-isothermal)曲線與
吸放氫速率測試 ............................17
四、 結果與討論 ................................20
4-1 鑄態合金製備 ..............................20
4-2 合金微結構分析 ............................21
4-3 電化學與吸放氫特性測試 ....................25
4-3-1 放電電容量測試 ............................25
4-3-2 循環伏安法測試 ............................26
4-3-3 放電循環壽命測試 ..........................28
4-3-4 PCI (Pressure-composition-isothermal)曲線與
吸放氫速率測試 ............................31
五、 結論 ......................................38
六、 未來工作 ..................................39
七、 參考文獻 ..................................40
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指導教授 林志光(Chih-Kuang Lin) 審核日期 2008-7-18
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