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姓名 季聖冬(Santos Chicas)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 國際永續發展碩士在職專班
論文名稱 Study on Cleaner Production Opportunities for the Sugar Industry in Belize.
(Study on Cleaner Production Opportunities for the Sugar Industry in Belize.)
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摘要(中) 摘要
貝里斯(Belize)製糖產業近年來面臨到兩個重要的危機,一項危機是人們逐漸意識到新河(New River)所受到的污染衝擊,另一項危機是優惠(關稅)市場的廢除。在嶄新的市場環境中,為了使製糖產業供應者依然保有成本的競爭力,並且能夠面對國際環境的難題,本篇論文建議貝里斯的製糖產業,整合清潔生產(Cleaner Production)的概念來解決以上的問題。我們將清潔生產的估計方式,巧妙的運用在工廠的磨粉廠,製程廠和鍋爐廠,藉此來證明清潔生產是可行的。將清潔生產技術,實際運作在工廠內和製程上,可以增進工廠的競爭水準,並且縮減環境所帶來的衝擊。再者,本研究指出在工廠的廢水處理設備之中,數據資料顯示一號池和三號池的化學需氧量(COD)(Chemical oxygen demand)移除效率需要改進。成功的運用清潔生產技術,提供貝里斯的製糖產業一個嶄新的舞台,並且藉由此技術,讓製糖產業面對危機能夠更有警覺性,更從容不迫的面對危機。這項技術也將不穩定傳統工廠產業(Conventional Industrial Production)逐漸轉變為穩定的清潔工廠產業(Cleaner Industrial Production)。
摘要(英) Abstract
The Belize Sugar Industry is facing two major problems, a growing awareness of the impacts of pollution on the New River and the abolition of its preferential markets. In order for the factory to remain as a cost competitive supplier in the new market environment and deal with its national environmental problems, this thesis suggests the integration of the concept of Cleaner Production (CP) in the Belize Sugar Industry. Using the Clean Production Assessment Methodology in the factory’s mill house, process house and boiler house, CP opportunities were identified. The implementation of the in-plant CP opportunities and production process CP opportunities identified will increase the factory’s level of competitiveness and reduce its environmental impact. Moreover, a study was conducted on the factory’s wastewater treatment plant. The data revealed that the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) removal efficiency of ponds #1 and #3 need improvement. The successful implementation of the CP opportunities identified will provide a stage for BSI to become more aware and comfortable with the concept of CP. This will initiate a gradual shift from unsustainable Conventional Industrial Production to sustainable Cleaner Industrial Production.
關鍵字(中) 關鍵字(英) ★ Cleaner Production
★ Belize sugar cane
★ Wastewater treatment plant
論文目次 Table of Content
Table of Content.............................................................................................................iv
Table of Tables..............................................................................................................vii
Table of Figures............................................................................................................viii
1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................1
1.1 Overview....................................................................................................................1
1.2 Study objectives.........................................................................................................3
1.3 The difficulties in the study.......................................................................................3
2. BACKGROUND.........................................................................................................4
2.1 General Characteristics..............................................................................................4
2.2 Raw Sugar Cane and Plantation white sugar Production...........................................6
2.3 Chemicals Used.......................................................................................................10
2.4 Water utilization by the Belize Sugar industry........................................................12
2.5 Wastewater produced in the sugar manufacturing process......................................13
2.6 Current waste water treatment plant at Belize Sugar Factory..................................15
2.7 Wastewater treatment process of BSI......................................................................17
2.8 Environmental Impact of Sugar Factory’s Wastewater...........................................19
3. METHODOLOGY....................................................................................................21
4.1 The concept of Cleaner Production is innovative....................................................26
4.2 Cleaner Production is better than Conventional Production....................................29
4.3 Benefits of Cleaner Production................................................................................34
5. THE IMMEDIATE NEED FOR CP IN BSI.............................................................40
5.2 External threats to BSI preferential markets............................................................41
5.3 Pollution complaints by nearby communities..........................................................46
6. CLEANER PRODUCTION OPPORTUNITIES FOR WASTEWATER REDUCTION IN BSI..............................................................................................54
6.1 Identify Cleaner Production opportunities in BSI...................................................54
6.2 Phase I: Planning and organization..........................................................................54
6.3 Phase II: Pre-assessment..........................................................................................55
6.4 Phase III: Assessment..............................................................................................56
6.5 Phase IV: Evaluation and feasibility study..............................................................59
6.6 Phase V: Implementation and Continuation............................................................64
7. BSI WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT.........................................................67
7.2 The removal efficiency of COD of ponds 1 to 4 of BSI wastewater treatment plant..................................................................................................................................68
7.3 Problems identified and proposed solutions............................................................69
8. CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................................75
8.1 Recommendations....................................................................................................77
8.2 Further studies..........................................................................................................78
Appendix A: Environmental Protection (Effluent Limitations) Regulations................79
Appendix B: Location of Belize....................................................................................79
Appendix C: BSI wastewater treatment plant................................................................80
Appendix D: BSI production process............................................................................81
Appendix E: Questionnaire............................................................................................82
Appendix F: Chart flow of wastewater treatment plant in Taiwan Sugar Factory........86
Appendix G: The wastewater treatment components of the Taiwan Sugar Factor.......87
Appendix H: Composition of sugarcane juice and its reflection in wastewater produced...................................................................................................................88
Appendix I: List of considerations before chlorinating pond effluents.........................89
Appendix G: Comparison of Wastewater Treatment Technologies..............................90
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指導教授 廖萬里(Wan Li Liao) 審核日期 2008-7-10
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