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姓名 張君瑤(Chuan-yaw Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 知識整合能力對資訊系統委外績效之影響
(The effect of knowledge integration capabilities on outsourcing project effectiveness)
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摘要(中) 近年來,委外逐漸變成企業維持競爭一個必要手段,因此資訊科技委外有顯著的成長。然而,由於客戶和供應商的知識鴻溝,潛在地造成系統的失敗。因為這些鴻溝不僅可能產生開發錯誤的風險也衍生出客戶和供應商之間的衝突。因此,知識整合在資訊系統委外中是相當重要的。
本研究以台灣製造業為研究樣本,研究結果顯示:(1)知識整合能力中的「系統化能力」對於「資訊系統委外績效」有正向影響效果;(2) 知識整合能力中的「協調能力」和「社會化能力」是透過「夥伴關係」間接地影響「資訊系統委外績效」,而非直接地影響;(3)「夥關係」對於「資訊系統委外績效」有正向影響效果。
摘要(英) As outsourcing evolves into a competitive necessity, outsourcing of IT services continues to grow at a significant rate in recent years. However, knowledge gaps between the stakeholders (e.g., end-users, IS department personnel, and the vendor) likely make outsourcing unsuccessful because such gaps not only increase the risks of development errors but also lead to conflicts between outsourcing partners. The need for knowledge integration in the IS outsourcing is therefore important.
The purpose of this study is to explore how knowledge integration capabilities influence the performance of IS outsourcing projects, and whether the influence of such integration capabilities on the performance is mediated by a good partnership.
This study was conducted with data collected from manufacturing firms in Taiwan. The research findings showed that: (1) system capabilities are positively associated with outsourced IS project effectiveness; (2) coordination capabilities and socialization capabilities can only influence outsourced IS project effectiveness indirectly through outsourcing partnership; (3) partnership is positively associated with outsourcing project effectiveness.
關鍵字(中) ★ 專案績效
★ 夥伴關係
★ 資訊系統委外
★ 知識整合能力
關鍵字(英) ★ partnership
★ IS outsourcing
★ project effectiveness
★ knowledge integration capabilities
論文目次 1. Introduction 1
1.1. Research background 1
1.2. Research motivation 1
1.3. Research objectives and questions 3
2. Literature review 4
2.1. Theoretical background of knowledge integration 4
2.1.1. Knowledge-based view 4
2.1.2. Knowledge integration characteristics 5
2.2. Knowledge integration capabilities 6
2.2.1. System capabilities 7
2.2.2. Coordination capabilities 8
2.2.3. Socialization capabilities 10
2.2.4. The relationships between knowledge integration capabilities and knowledge integration characteristics 11
2.3. Knowledge integration and outsourced IS project 12
2.3.1. Knowledge characteristics in the information systems (IS) development context 12
2.3.2. Knowledge integration and outsourced IS project 13
2.4. Outsourcing partnership 15
2.4.1. Trust 16
2.4.2. Commitment 16
2.5. Outsourced IS project effectiveness 17
3. Research model, and hypotheses 20
3.1. The research model 20
3.2. Research hypotheses 21
3.2.1. Knowledge integration capabilities and outsourced IS project effectiveness 21
3.2.2. Knowledge integration capabilities and outsourcing partnership 24
3.2.3. Outsourcing partnership and outsourced IS project effectiveness 26
3.2.4. Summary of relationships 27
4. Research method 28
4.1. Research design 28
4.2. Procedures of questionnaire design 29
4.3. Constructs definition and operationalization 30
4.3.1. System capabilities 30
4.3.2. Coordination capabilities 31
4.3.3. Socialization capabilities 31
4.3.4. Outsourcing partnership 32
4.3.5. Outsourced IS project effectiveness 32
4.3.6. Control variables 33
4.4. Data analysis methods 34
4.4.1. Descriptive statistics 35
4.4.2. Non-response bias 35
4.4.3. Validity 36
4.4.4. Reliability 36
4.4.5. Hypothesis testing 37
5. Result 38
5.1. Descriptive statistics 38
5.2. Non-response bias 40
5.3. Reliability analysis and validity analysis 41
5.3.1. Reliability analysis 41
5.3.2. Validity analysis 42
5.3.3. Summary of validity analysis and reliability analysis 47
5.4. Hypothesis tests 48
5.4.1. Structural model analysis 48
5.4.2. Hypothesis tests 49
5.4.3. Test of mediating effects 52
5.4.4. Summary of findings 54
6. Conclusions 56
6.1. Summary and discussion of findings 56
6.1.1. Influence of knowledge integration capabilities on outsourced IS project effectiveness 56
6.1.2. Influence of outsourcing partnership on outsourced IS project effectiveness 57
6.1.3. Mediating role of outsourcing partnership 57
6.2. Contributions and implications 58
6.3. Research limitations and future research directions 59
6.3.1. Research limitations 59
6.3.2. Future research directions 60
References 61
Appendix: Survey instrument 71
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指導教授 王存國(Eric T. G. Wang) 審核日期 2008-7-11
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