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姓名 江翰林(Han-lin Jiang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所
論文名稱 月亮效應與股價報酬-台灣上市公司實證
(Lunar Effect and Stock Return-An Empirical Study of Taiwan Listed Companies)
★ 經發會前後台股指數、期貨指數、電子指數與金融指數之關聯性★ 期間利差與經濟衰退之預測模型-理性預期假設之驗證
★ 台灣、美國總經月數據與台股股價指數之關聯性★ 台灣資訊電子產業異質性及利潤率之探討
★ 中小企業案件逾期放款之預測★ 台灣半導體產業經營效率分析-三階段資料包絡分析法之應用
★ 台灣車輛產業經濟附加價值之研究-兼論影響信通交通器材公司經濟附加價值之因素★ 外人直接投資與研發活動之關聯性-台灣電子相關產業之實證研究
★ 消費性信用貸款授信評量模式之研究★ 二順位房貸產品風險預警分析
★ 新產品商業化流程之個案研究–以美商3M公司為例★ 國際原油投資報酬與資金行情之探討-GARCH模型
★ 電子商務對企業經營績效之影響★ 高淨值客戶風險屬性與共同基金投資報酬率之實證研究
★ 台灣加權指數與指數股票型基金風險值之歷史模擬法分析★ 國際油價、匯率與利率之動態關聯—VECM與VECM-GARCH之應用
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摘要(中) 自古以來,月亮的週期就和人類的行為息息相關。在台灣這塊慣於使用農曆的土地上,月亮週期更存在一定的影響。雖然目前科學尚無法證實月亮對人類的直接影響,但已有不少理論以間接的方式來說明月亮效應的發生。在行為財務學逐漸發展下,月亮和人類行為的關係逐漸引申至月亮週期和股價報酬之間的關係。本研究試圖以傳統理性財務資產訂價模型-公司特徵因子模型,以控制傳統代表理性決策的財務變數,並同時控制週一、週末及月份等時間因素,以求較少的時間干擾。採用縱橫資料方法(Panel Data Methods)以考慮最多的樣本,藉以檢驗台灣證券交易所上市公司之股價報酬,討論月亮效應所造就之非理性行為決策在台灣的影響。
摘要(英) Since ancient times, the lunar cycles have been closely related to human behavior. In Taiwan, because Taiwanese are accustomed to use the lunar calendar, so there is a certain impact on people in Taiwan with the lunar cycles. The modern science is still unable to confirm how the moon impact on human, although there are many indirect ways illustrate that the effect of the lunar effect really occurred.
Accompanied with the development of Behavioral Finance, the relationship between the moon and the human behavior are gradually extended to discuss about the lunar cycles and the stock return. This study attempted to use traditional financial assets pricing model, which control the company characteristics variables introduced by Fama and French (1992). And this study controlled some time variables (Monday, Weekend and Month) to avoid misinterpreting the effect of lunar cycle.
In order to include more information of samples, this study use panel data methods. By discussing Taiwan listed companies’ stock return, this study tests the relationship between the lunar cycles and the abnormal stock returns resulted from irrational investment decision-making.
The daily return data of this study was obtained from Taiwan Economic Journal’s (TEJ) database. This study finds that in full moon and new moon periods, there are some special effects on Taiwan security market. During January 1995 to December 2007, this study finds that when observed period is closer to full moon days the negative effects on stock returns is more significant. But the effects on returns in the new moon period are weaker than full moon period. And the effect is rapidly changed to positive return effect with the extension of new moon sample interval. Also, the moon has different effects across different industries. In the extension research of this study, lunar effects are significantly in company with large market value.
Although we are unable to comfirm the direct effects of moon on stock return, the statistics results here are available to proof the effect of lunar cycles on stock returns. Under this basis, this study try to infer what kind of indirect effects of lunar cycle in Taiwan will affect stock returns.
關鍵字(中) ★ 月亮效應
★ 行為財務
★ 縱橫資料分析
★ 上市公司股價報酬
關鍵字(英) ★ Panel Methods
★ Taiwan Listed Companies
★ Lunar effects
★ Stock Returns
論文目次 中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
表 目 錄 vi
一、緒  論 1
1-1  研究背景 1
1-2  研究動機與研究目的 3
1-3  研究架構 4
二、文獻回顧 5
2-1  行為財務學(Behavioral Finance) 5
2-2  自然因素對於股價報酬之異常現象(Anomalies) 8
2-3  滿(新)月效應(Lunar Effect) 9
2-4  滿(新)月效應與股價報酬 10
三、研究方法與模型設計 13
3-1  資料敘述 13
3-2  分析方法與流程 16
3-2-1  滿(新)月區間定義 17
3-2-2  不同區間平均報酬率T檢定 18
3-2-3  加權指數之簡單迴歸模型 19
3-2-4 加權指數之簡單迴歸模型 21
四、實證結果與分析 26
4-1  平均報酬率差異t檢定 26
4-2  市場指數之簡單回歸模型 29
4-3  公司特徵因子模型 32
4-3-1  最小平方法之實證結果 32
4-3-2 縱橫資料方法(Panel Methods)實證結果 36
4-4深入探討-公司大小的影響 42
五、結論與建議 45
5-1 研究結論 45
5-2 研究限制與後續建議 47
參考文獻 49
附 錄 52
參考文獻 中文部份
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指導教授 陳禮潭、陳忠榮
(Lii-Tarn Chen、Jong-Rong Chen)
審核日期 2008-7-22
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