摘要(英) |
High-tech industries is a technology intensity industries and has the characteristics of rapidly change technology and need many skilled employee to complete the advanced research works. High-tech industries is often viewed as high risk, but offering the opportunity for high profits. A business growth or failed mostly affected by business leaders. Succession planning is selected and trained successor within the enterprise so that businesses can continue to progress, and able to continue operating. Succession planning has been executed for years in foreign countries, and the domestic enterprise for the succession plan is still in its infancy stages. At the same time, succession planning of the present study is referring for staff training (Succession Plan) rather than the high-level manager selection (Replacement Plan) of an enterprise. The subjects of this study is to investigate the human source policy of a selected high-tech organization and to make a suggestion to the case company we study. The study has compared the case company to the other company about the execution way of succession plan, thus make a suggestion to the case company. According to the results of this study, it is suggested that the case company shall increase the budget of employee training and pay much more attention to the lesson of the management of the successor. On the other hand, the succession plan of the case company must truly execution the career planning of the company employees to raise the efficiency.
參考文獻 |
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