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姓名 梁天行(Tien-hsing Liang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 豐田產業車輛在中國市場的競爭策略分析
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摘要(中) 2000年之前,中國的叉車市場比較平穩,年需求量保持在2萬台左右,而從2000年開始,市場發生迅速變化,每年的需求量以20%以上的速度在增長。
摘要(英) Before 2000, the forklift truck market in China quite stable. The annual market was around 20,000 per year. However, starting 2000, due to various factors, including entering WTO and rapid industrial development, there ware significant changes in the market. Sales of these material handling equipments has been escalating at a rate of more than 20% per year.
In 2000, the largest Japanese company in the market, Toyota Material Handling Company which had been leading in the outdoor products, acquired BT, the largest indoor forklift manufacturer in the world, and became the number one forklift truck manufacturer in the world. By merging the BT products into their product lines, Toyota Material Handling started to offer a complete line of material handling vehicles, from Class-1 to Class-5, and thus is able to offer a stop shopping service for customers acquiring material handling vehicles.
Toyota Material Handling Company formally entered the China market in 2003, and established both of the Toyota Material Handling (Shanghai) Co., Ltd and Toyota Industry (KunShan) Co. Ltd. While the former is responsible for channel distribution, the latter is responsible for production: assembling the outdoor forklift truck in the 1.5-3 tons category. Toyota entered in to local production based on a forecast that the indoor forklift truck sales volume in China will grow by to 37.77% in 2006.
However, since Toyota Material Handling Company entered China, its market share has been limited to 3%. In addition, in the past three years, the growth rate of its forklift truck business in China is lower than the average growth rate of the forklift truck in the entire China market. Hence, it is almost impossible to reach the target of 25% market share in Chinese forklift truck market by 2010.
The study attempts to identify the core problems and propose constructive solutions to help the Toyota Material Handling to close in on its 25% goal.
關鍵字(中) ★ 產業車輛
★ 物流設備
★ 搬運設備
★ 堆高機
★ 叉車
關鍵字(英) ★ moving equipment
★ logistics equipment
★ lift truck
★ forklift truck
★ strategy analysis
論文目次 第一章 :緒論 1
第一節 :研究背景與動機 1
第二節 :研究目的 2
第二章 :文獻探討 3
第一節 物流搬運設備的定義 3
第二節 :產業概況 5
第三節 :叉車產業分析 8
第四節 :市場競爭與動向 16
第五節 :物流服務供應鏈的成員 - 物流設備供應商 23
第三章 :個案研究 26
第一節 :個案公司簡介 26
第二節 :市場定位與區隔 37
第三節 :主要競爭對手 40
第四章 :問題內涵分析 44
第一節 :多品牌策略 44
第二節 :銷售模式 46
第三節 :產品附加配置與產品定價 49
第四節 :品牌衝突 51
第五節 :經銷商制度下的經銷商作為 52
第五章 :對策的探討 56
第一節 :當前策略構想分析 56
第二節 :策略建議與探討 63
第六章 :討論與建議 71
第一節 :綜合討論 71
第二節 :管理建議 73
參考文獻 75
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指導教授 范錚強(Cheng-Kiang Farn) 審核日期 2008-7-21
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