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姓名 林彩莉(Tsai-Li Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 台灣嬰童用品品牌進入中國市場模式以及行銷策略探討 --以A公司為例
★ 新產品上市如何在短期間內成為市場領導者-以西藥產業A公司降血脂藥為例★ 金融舞弊防範之研究
★ WSN於工業領域之監測應用-以電力設備箱監控為例★ 銀行業住宅抵押貸款行銷管理規劃面與執行面之研究-C銀行個案研究
★ 游泳教學產業的競爭策略與經營模式個案分析★ 台灣資訊科技品牌在中國行銷策略的探討-以個案B公司為例
★ 電視通路之物流營運策略-以E公司為例★ 從資源理論基礎探討企業多角化策略-以E個案公司為例
★ 台灣中小企業自金融機構取得融資的影響因素-以C銀行為例★ 企業物流委外之營運策略研究-以個案公司(M公司)為例
★ 台灣汽車電子業進入國際市場之策略-以D公司為例★ 中國證券應用軟體產業行銷策略之研究-以恒生電子為例
★ 探討財務資訊系統之軟體品質—以C公司為例★ 聚光型太陽能產業進入策略之探討—以B公司為例
★ IoT時代下的競爭策略與行銷策略─以C公司為例★ 論台灣中小企業少量多樣客製化的策略 — 以A公司經營醫療器材為例
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摘要(中) 2001年至2007年,中國GDP平均成長率超過10%,經濟成長快速受全世界矚目。中國自改革開放以來,因充沛的勞動力及廣大的內需市場,成為吸引最多台商投資的區域。隨著經濟的成長,國民所得快速提升,加上父母也願意提供孩子們更專業及優質的產品,嬰童產業隨之蓬勃發展。相較台灣因社會風氣及生活形態的改變,人口出生率屢創新低,嬰童產業呈現成熟及飽和狀態。本研究藉由個案公司透過相關文獻及資料的蒐集,探討中國市場的進入模式,及因應當地市場所採用的行銷策略。
摘要(英) China’’s average growth rate from 2001 to 2005 exceeded 10%. The speed of its economic growth has drawn world-wide attention. Since opening up to economic reform, China’s plentiful labor force and enormous internal market demand has make it the most attractive area in the region for Taiwan overseas merchant investment. In the wake of this economic maturity and the speed of the increase in national income, parents are becoming more willing to purchase more specialized, top quality products for their children. This flourishing has led to much development in the infant products industry in China. In Taiwan, changes in social conduct and lifestyle attitudes, and the decreasing population birthrate, have caused the infant products industry to reach a state of saturation.
In this study we discuss this issue. We use correlated data and a case study of one company to discuss entry into the Chinese market and sales tactics employed for coping with that local market. From the secondary data collected and interviews with high-level Company A management, we try to understand the step-by-step entry the competitive infant product market-place. There are unprecedented competitive challenges to be faced by Taiwan companies in the infant products market, but the potential of China’s market is vast. Company A hopes to exercise complete autonomy, and with the expansion of the parent company, funded by single venture capital, to establish step-by-by step a basic market presence. It is necessary to understand both the domestic and foreign situations and after exploring both good and bad, advantages and disadvantages, determine Company A’’s sales objectives. Then, based on the successful Taiwan experience, they formulate a medium and long-range sales strategy for development in China. Their 4P sales strategy includes energetic product promotion and brand name recognition to enlarge market share: 1. product strategy--Company A seeks to expand its product line with the aim of not only satisfying customer demands but also strengthening brand name recognition and market share; 2. price determination strategy—since infant products are low price susceptibility products, prices are determined on the basis of customer perceived value; 3. sales promotion tactics—since infant products belong to the benefit-based market, suitable types of media must be utilized for product promotion and inspection date made available to reach the anticipated effect; 4. distribution strategy—Company A’s retail route goes through infant product chain stores, retail outlet sales, direct sales to consumers, as well as wholesale sales, which allow the buyer to save on commission fees. The sales network is built up meticulously layer-by-layer until goods reach the hands of the consumers.
It is hoped that the valuable practical experience gained from this case study can act as a resource to be shared with the relevant professionals, businessmen and academics in the industry. Whether in terms of market, marketing strategy, product management, or government strategy, all research recommendations are meant to offer meaningful, practical and effective assistance to business professional working in the Chinese market.
關鍵字(中) ★ 進入模式
★ 行銷目標
★ 行銷策略
★ 嬰童產業
關鍵字(英) ★ sales objective
★ sales strategy
★ entry strategy
★ infant products
論文目次 中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
圖目錄 iv
表目錄 v
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 產業環境 5
第二節 企業國際化 24
第三節 品牌行銷 38
第三章 研究方法 46
第一節 研究架構 46
第二節 研究方法 47
第三節 研究對象 47
第四章 產業與個案公司分析 49
第一節 台灣嬰童產業分析 49
第二節 母國經營現況 53
第三節 中國市場嬰童用品產業分析 59
第四節 個案公司進入中國市場模式及行銷策略探討 66
第五章 結論與建議 84
第一節 研究結論 84
第二節 研究建議 85
第三節 研究限制 87
參考文獻 88
一、中文部份 88
二、英文部份 88
參考文獻 一、中文部份
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指導教授 林熙禎 審核日期 2008-6-5
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