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姓名 申元洪(Yuan-Hong Shen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
(An Investigation of ERP Project Success with Top Management Support, Project Team, and User)
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摘要(中) 在多數企業已導入ERP系統的此時,舊ERP系統的汰換與新系統的導入仍然困擾着企業,尤其是ERP中牽涉到多數橫跨部門組織的流程與資訊整合,要將一個全新的ERP系統完整導入商業流程代價十分昂貴且風險極高,過去二十餘年來已有許多ERP系統相關的導入成功因素研究發表,但這些研究多半基於單一角色或領域進行研究與討論。本研究嘗試提供一個完整的觀點,從導入專案中的三個重要角色(高階主管、專案團隊、使用者)切入,探討這三個重要角色的特定行為與特徵如何影響ERP導入專案成功以及後續的系統成功,在彙整以往資訊系統的相關文獻後,我們提出了三個構面(高階主管支持、專案團隊協同、使用者電腦自我效能)進行模型的探討與發展。
兩個模型基於上述的構面發展出來並進行實證,結果指出高階主管支持與專案團隊協同皆正向且顯著的影響ERP專案成功,值得一提的是專案團隊協同顯著的完全中介高階主管支持與ERP專案成功的關係,換言之,高階主管支持需透過專案團隊協同而影響ERP專案成功,這也代表過往的高階主管支持會影響系統導入成功的研究,其實過於簡化當中的關係; 此外,使用者的電腦效能對使用者所感受到的系統品質、資訊品質與資訊部門的服務品質也有正向且顯著的影響,當資訊、服務品質皆提高時,使用者對於系統的滿意度也會提高,進而正向影響使用者對於個人與組織所獲得效益的認知。
摘要(英) Implementing ERP in a real business environment is difficult, particularly when the system spreads across functional borders in the organization. Therefore, identifying the success factors and relations with ERP system implementation appears more important. There are considerable researches on the key to ERP implementation success; however, most researches based on a limited perspective and role. In this study, we attempted to provide a holistic view, investigating which factors describe the efforts of three key roles: top management, project team, and user. According to literature review, the behavior of three roles of ERP implementation, such as top management support, project team collaboration, and user computer self-efficacy, are proposed to influence the success of ERP implementation project and ERP success.
Two models (top management support—project team collaboration—ERP implementation success model; user’s computer self-efficacy—D&M IS success model) have been presented and empirical examined, the results indicated that top management support and team collaboration all positively affect ERP implementation project success. It is noteworthy that team collaboration significantly mediated the effect of top management support on ERP implementation success, demonstrating full mediation. User’s computer self-efficacy is positive relation with perceived system quality, information quality, and service quality. Based on these results, we complete traditional critical success factors (CSFs) and causal success models for information system. When senior executives acknowledge team collaboration and computer self-efficacy were critical issues, they should take some effective actions and support during the implementation period, then additional opportunities are likely to arise that ensure successful ERP implementation.
關鍵字(中) ★ ERP專案成功
★ 高階主管支持
★ 專案團隊協同
★ 電腦自我效能
★ DeLone & McLean資訊系統成功模型
關鍵字(英) ★ ERP project success
★ Top management support
★ Team collaboration
★ Computer self-efficacy
★ D&M IS Success Model
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 Acknowledgements v
Table of Contents vii
List of Figures x
List of Tables xi
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Related Work 5
2.1 ERP Project Success 5
2.2 DeLone and McLean Information System Success Model 6
2.1.1 System Quality 7
2.1.2 Information Quality 7
2.1.3 Service Quality 8
2.1.4 User Satisfaction 9
2.1.5 Individual Impact 9
2.1.6 Organizational Impact 10
2.2 Computer Self-Efficacy 11
2.3 Top Management Support in IS Implementation 12
2.4 Collaboration among Cross-functional Team Members 15
Chapter 3. Top Management Support, Team Collaboration, ERP Implementation Success Model 18
3.1 Developing a Conceptual Model for Top Management Support 18
3.2 Top Management Support and ERP Implementation Team Collaboration 23
3.3 Team Collaboration and ERP Implementation Success 24
3.4 Survey Methods 26
3.5 Measurement Model: Confirmatory Factor Analysis 29
3.6 Individual Structural Model: Path Analysis 32
Chapter 4. Computer Self-Efficacy, D&M IS Success Model 35
4.1 User′s Computer Self-Efficacy and System Quality 36
4.2 User′s Computer Self-Efficacy and Information Quality 36
4.3 User′s Computer Self-Efficacy and Service Quality 37
4.4 System, Information, and Service Quality; User Satisfaction; Individual Impact; Organizational Impact 38
4.5 Research Method 41
4.6 Measurement Model: Confirmatory Factor Analysis 42
4.7 Analyses of Structure Model 47
Chapter 5. Findings and Conclusion 50
5.1 Academic Implications 53
5.2 Implications for Practitioners 54
5.3 Limitations of the Study 61
Bibliographies 63
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指導教授 許秉瑜(Ping-Yu Hsu) 審核日期 2015-6-15
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