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姓名 張伊婷(Yi-ting Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 關鍵成員之目標共識對達成資訊科技方案導入效率及系統企業配適之影響
(Effect of Goal Consensus among Key Members ofInformation Technology Program Implementation on Program Efficiency and System-Business Alignment)
★ 影響ERP導入過程及成效因素之研究 - 單一公司兩次導入SAP系統之比較分析★ 運用資料倉儲技術建置物力動員資訊系統之開發
★ 買方採用自有電子市集之個案研究─以台塑企業為例★ DEA模型評估經營效率之研究—以某綜合證券商為例
★ 尋求卓越:中小企業資訊部門的管理之個案研究★ 「證券商共同網路交易平台」之可行性分析
★ 產業競合模式策略探討-以自行車產業為例★ RFID導入航空貨運站出口作業流程應用之研究
★ 綠色供應鏈活動建構之個案研究-以筆記型電腦製造業為例★ 導入資訊科技服務管理之評估-以遠東銀行為例
★ 資訊系統導入歷程中專案團隊決策衝突之探討★ 應用資源基礎理論探討持久競爭優勢-以智慧型手機H公司為例
★ 服務導向架構為基礎的企業流程管理之探討 - 以瀚宇博德股份有限公司為例★ 沙賓法案實施與企業遵循個案研究--以K公司為例
★ 資訊服務委外之個案分析-以銀行簡訊為例★ 有線電視業者經營IPTV之競爭優勢分析—以個案公司為例
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摘要(中) 用方案的方式(Program-based Approach)管理多個相關的資訊科技專案以達成組織的目標─近幾年來受到學術界和實務界之關注。然而,中階主管在執行組織高層所設定的目標時,往往產生一些衝突情況。因此,組織高層設定的目標與資訊科技方案的目標如何
達成配適是值得關切的。本研究基於策略共識理論(Strategy Consensus Theory),探討資訊科技方案之目標共識是如何影響方案導入的過程以及最終的結果。本研究採用質性訪談及量化調查法深入暸解資訊科技方案導入過程中關鍵成員(方案總負責人、專案經理和資訊科技經理)之目標共識情況。具體來說,本研究包括以下二個研究:第一個研究基於策略共識理論(Strategic Consensus Theory)以及現實團體衝突理論(Realistic Group Conflict Theory),採用實證個案研究(Positivist Case Study),探討關鍵成員的在資訊科技方案導入時,認知的目標結構對於協調合作以及衝突解決之影響。第二個研究基於策略共識理論和第一個研究的訪談結果,探討目標共識和目標承諾的共同效益是如何影響資訊科技方案導入的結果。本研究在問卷收集採用多受測者(方案負責人、專案經驗以及資訊科技經理)填答方式以避免測量工具所造成的誤差。個案訪談和實徵結果顯示,方案導入成功與否在於關鍵成員除了對於整個方案目標有共同理解之外,此導入目標需對他們產生的利益。在二者兼具的情況下,會使導入過程中所產生的衝突被滿意的解決以及更願意彼此協調合作。此外,也會產生關鍵成員對於目標承諾的投入,進而促進他們除了在自己的專案付出心力之外也會對於整個方案導入的目標付出額外的心力。本研究對於學術上之貢獻在於發展一個適用於方案導入的理論-方案目標共識理論(Program Goal Consensus Theory),解釋在資訊科技方案導入過程中主要成員的合作互動行為;對於實務界而言,本研究亦提供組織在導入資訊科技方案時之具體建議。
摘要(英) The objective of this dissertation is to examine, via the lens of Strategic Consensus Theory
(SCT), how the Information Technology (IT) program management approach would lead affect
program implementation processes and final outcomes. Both qualitative and quantitative
methodologies are employed to examine the relationships between goal consensus among key
program members (i.e., program managers, project managers, and IT managers) and program
efficiency and system outcomes of the Extended Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP II)
implementations. Two specific studies are conducted in this dissertation.
The first positivist case study, based upon the SCT and the Realistic Group Conflict Theory
(RGCT), tests the relationship between the perceived ERP II implementation goals among key
IT program members and the satisfactory conflict resolution and coordination during the
program implementation. The second survey study, based on the SCT, examines how joint
effects of goal consensus and goal commitment would impact ERP II program implementation
success and final system outcomes. A qualified observation consists of responses from three
informants - one program manager, one project manager, and one IT manager within the
program to avoid Common Method Variance (CMV). The contributions of this dissertation
(1) The results of the qualitative case study provide insights into how the goals perceived by the
key program members would impact the IT program implementation process and its final
outcomes. It suggested that the Top Management Team (TMT) must create compelling
program goals for all the projects involved in the program to generate the needed
commitment and efforts for successfully program implementation.
(2) The results of the quantitative survey suggest that key program members’ understanding of
program goals, instead of goal agreement as suggested in the existing SCT, as well as their
commitment toward program goals are critical to the IT program efficiency and IT enabled business functions. Furthermore, it also show that individual teams’ effort toward overall
goal accomplishment and their coordination for facilitating the goal accomplishment other
teams are key success factors of program implementation processes. In addition to the new
theoretical insights toward our understanding of SCT, this study also provides the first
empirical evidence in the IT literature that documents the positive relationship between
program management and final system outcomes. The results suggest that a program
management approach is critical in facilitating IT deliveries to meet business objectives.
Both studies of this dissertation, have successfully addressed the research question of “how
would the IT program management approach influence the program implementation processes
and, thereby, the final program implementation outcomes?” We propose a new theory –
“Program Goal Consensus Theory (PGCT)” – to explain program key members’ cooperative
interactions phenomena during an IT program implementation process. It concludes that
program goals must not only be perceived as superordinate goals by all the key program
members to generate the needed levels of commitment but also the levels of the shared
understanding of the program goals among all the key program members are critical to IT
program implementation success. Furthermore, for a successful program implementation,
each project team with an IT program must devote their effort toward the overall program goals
as well as the needed coordination among project teams to facilitate the other teams to achieve
their goals.
關鍵字(中) ★ 方案目標共識理論
★ 滿意衝突解決
★ 資訊科技方案導入
★ 目標共識
關鍵字(英) ★ Program Goal Consensus Theory
★ Satisfactory Conflict Resolution
★ Goal Consensus
★ IT Program Implementation
論文目次 Chinese Abstract i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iv
Chapter 1 General Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation of the Dissertation 1
1.2 Objectives and Research Questions 7
1.3 Structure of the Dissertation9
Chapter 2 Consensus and Conflict Resolution in ERP II Program Implementation: A Case
Study 10
2.1 Introduction 10
2.2 Theoretical Background 12
2.2.1 Strategic Consensus Theory (SCT) 13
2.2.2 Realistic Group Conflict Theory (RGCT)15
2.3 Research Methodology 17
2.3.1 Data Collection 20
2.3.2 Case Description 20
2.4 Data Analysis and Results 25
2.5 Discussion 29
2.6 Conclusions 32
Chapter 3 Goal Consensus and Commitment in ERP II Program Implementation: Achieving
Program Efficiency and Business Enablement 33
3.1 Introduction 33
3.2 Theoretical Background 36
3.3 Research Hypotheses 43
3.3.1 The Impacts of Shared Goal Understanding 43
3.3.2 The Impacts of Goal Commitment 47
3.3.3 The Impacts of Effort 50
3.3.4 The Impacts of Coordination 51
3.4 Research Methodology 53
3.4.1 Sample and Data Collection 53
3.4.2 Measures 57
3.4.3 Control Variables 59
3.5 Data Analysis and Results 60
3.6 Discussion and Conclusions 64
Chapter 4 General Conclusions 69
References 74
Appendix A. Questionnaire for Program Managers 91
Appendix B. Questionnaire for Functional Managers 93
Appendix C. Questionnaire for IT Managers 95
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指導教授 王存國(Eric T.G. Wang) 審核日期 2012-6-25
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