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姓名 黃晟志(Cheng-chi Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 在社交網路服務平台上利用朋友關係增進社群搜尋的效率
(Improve Community Search with Friend in Social Network Service)
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摘要(中) 社交網路服務在網路上提供一種社交平台讓使用者能結交朋友或獲得知識。使用者可以透過朋友的合作與活動的參與達到學習的目的。在社交網路服務的平台下,使用者通常利用關鍵字搜尋的方法來搜尋朋友或是社群。使用者透過關鍵字的輸入讓系統了解使用者需要哪類型的資訊。但是關鍵字有一字多義的問題。這問題會使系統帶給使用者不需要的資訊,使得使用者的搜尋效率下降。我們透過使用者的人際關係去分析使用者下關鍵字的適當語意來改善搜尋效率。
摘要(英) Social network service is a social environment that people get friends and knowledge in the internet. In social network service like Orkut, People use keyword search to search friends and communities. People use keyword to let system know what kind of information they want, but words have homonym problem. It causes keyword based retrieval method may retrieval information that users not really want. It will decrease the search efficiency. I propose a strategy to improve keyword based retrieval method. I use user’s friends to understand what the keyword which user query mean. This strategy can improve system get proper information to users.
關鍵字(中) ★ 社交網路服務
★ 社群
★ 搜尋
★ 朋友網
關鍵字(英) ★ friend network
★ search
★ social network service
★ community
論文目次 AbstractⅠ
List of FiguresⅦ
List of TablesⅨ
Chapter 1 Introduction1
1.1 What is the motivation of this research2
1.2 What kinds of problems to be solved? Domain & scope5
1.3 Why are the problems significant? Characteristics & challenges7
1.4 Who will be interested in these problems?8
1.5 How to solve the problems? Method & systems9
1.6 Contribution of our solutions10
Chapter 2 Related work11
2.1 General description of the problems11
2.1.1 Current research status & challenges11
2.1.2 Various approaches of problem solving12
2.2 List and describe all the possible approaches of problem solving13
2.2.1 Academic research13
2.2.2 Industrial products15
2.2.3 Comparison of various approaches18
2.3 Comparison of various approaches with our approach21
2.3.1 Strength, Weakness21
2.3.2 Opportunity, Threat22
Chapter 3 Method and Solutions23
3.1 Methodology & theory24
3.1.1 Definition, axiom, theorem24
3.1.2 Problem modeling26
3.2 Algorithms30
3.2.1 Procedure of problem solving30
3.2.2 Complexity analysis32
3.2.3 Performance analysis32
Chapter 4 System Implementation34
4.1 Implementation environment34
4.1.1 Hardware and software platforms34
4.1.2 Implementation languages & tools34
4.2 System architecture36
4.2.1 High-level system design and analysis 36
4.2.2 Low-level system design and analysis37
4.3 System demo41
4.3.1 User interface, execution results, print screens, etc41
4.4 Experience learned form the implementation46
Chapter 5 Experiment and Discussion47
5.1 Experiment design and setup47
5.1.1 Experiment scenarios47
5.1.2 Roles, hardware, software, and network requirements setup49
5.2 Quantitative evaluation50
5.2.1 Performance evaluation50 Performance comparison53
5.2.2 Results and lesson learned54
Chapter6 conclusion and future research57
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指導教授 楊鎮華(Stephen J.H. Yang) 審核日期 2008-7-14
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