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姓名 劉奕宏(Yi-hong Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 法律與政府研究所
論文名稱 台灣信仰型非營利組織治理活動與模式之研究-以五個信仰型非營利組織為例
(The Study of Governance Behavior and Model of Faith-based Organizations in Taiwan – Five Faith-based Organizations as Example)
★ 從台灣賄選案件探討政治因素對於司法審判之影響★ 政治因素對於法院審理之影響分析:以台灣選舉誹謗司法案件為例
★ 政府與非營利組織治理網絡建構之研究:以台北都會區新移民為個案的觀察★ 族群型代表性行政機關課責之研究 – 以我國中央與地方客家行政機關為例
★ 社區治理網絡中非營利組織政策倡議之研究-台北市八頭里仁協會之個案研究★ 地方政府與第三部門的契約委外關係之研究: 以我國社會福利型非營利組織為例
★ 我國地方性信仰型非營利組織的策略聯盟之研究— 以「財團法人桃園縣寺廟團體公益慈善基金會」 為個案研究★ 地方政府契約委外與信仰型非營利組織
★ 社會企業之組織運作型態探討 ─以The Big Issue為例★ 多元文化下社區發展協會政策網絡之研究-以桃園縣新移民關懷服務據點為例
★ 台灣地方政府新移民職業訓練契約委外 之研究:以桃園市為例★ 台灣地方推展志願服務簽約委外之研究:以桃園市志願服務教育訓練為例
★ 工作整合型社會企業轉型之研究-以台北市與新北市庇護工場為例★ 地方非營利組織與政府協力影響之研究 -以桃園市身心障礙福利團體為例
★ 倡議型非營利組織之動員策略與網絡治理:以臺灣伴侶權益推動聯盟為例★ 公私協力治理的動態性變遷之個案研究:以台灣地方公共服務型非營利組織為例
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摘要(中) 本研究主要探討台灣信仰型非營利組織的治理活動與模式,聚焦於信仰型非營利組織的內部治理與對外關係。本研究有以下三點研究問題與目的,分別為:(1)將非營利組織、宗教組織和信仰型非營利組織作概念上的釐清與界定,並對信仰型非營利組織的概念加以定義與確立範圍;(2)探討信仰型非營利組織內部的治理型態、董事會的角色與功能、董事會與執行長的職責、組織運作與權力關係等內部治理活動;(3)暸解信仰型非營利組織對外與政府關係的內涵、模式與困境,並探究信仰型非營利組織在志工招募與組織財源籌措等對外關係的情形。本研究使用質化研究中紮根理論的方法進行,並以文獻分析與深度訪談的方式蒐集研究資料,並加以分析,用以探究台灣信仰型非營利組織的治理活動與模式。
摘要(英) This research mainly probe into the governance behavior and model of the faith-based organizations in Taiwan. We mainly focus on the internal governance and external relations of the faith-based organizations. There are three respectively issues and purposes in this study: (1) to distinguish and define the concepts of the non-profit organizations, religious organizations and faith-based organizations. Furthermore, to define the concept and establish the scope of the faith-based organizations; (2) to explore internal governance behavior of the faith-based organizations, such as internal governance style, the functional role of board of directors, the responsibility of the board of directors and the chief executive officer, the organizational operation and the authority relations et al.; (3) to understand the contents, styles and dilemmas of the faith-based organizations relate to the outward and the government. Moreover, to investigate the organizational situation in the external relations at enlisting volunteer workers and raising financial resources This study is proceeding with grounded theory of the qualitative research, and collecting the research data from the literature analysis and the depth interview. The analyses of these data are used to investigate the governance behavior and style of the faith-based organizations in Taiwan.
  This study not only defined the concept and established the scope of the faith-based organizations, but also generalized the individual model and style of internal governance type and external relations to the government. Moreover, we also found the characteristic properties in internal governance and external relations of faith-based organizations. In internal governance, the organizational internal governance behavior and style were affected by the believing, the founder had a great influence in organizational operation and policy decision. Besides, the organizational members had the same believing with the organization. On the other hand, the organizational board of directors and chief executive officer did not complete bring literature analysis duties and functions into full play. In external relations, because of the believing factor, the organizational enlisted volunteer workers and raised financial resources were smooth and ample. The participation and contribution of volunteer workers in organization were due to the believing. In addition, the standard, purpose and resource had interaction between the government and non-profit foundations-established faith-based organizations. However, there had no cooperative relations, but only standard realm had the interaction with the religious juridical person-established faith-based organizations. These obey the religious freedom and equal standard in the constitution. At last, summarizing the above-mentioned researches; we respectively bring up six internal governances and four external relations suggestions, and hope that this study can be a foundation stone for the follow-up related research.
關鍵字(中) ★ 董事會
★ 治理
★ 非營利組織
★ 信仰型非營利組織
★ 政府
★ 公共行政
★ 對外關係
關鍵字(英) ★ Governance
★ Non-profit Organizations
★ External Relations
★ Faith-based Organizations
★ Government
★ Board of Directors
★ Public Administration
論文目次 第壹章 緒論..........................................- 1 -
第一節 研究背景......................................- 1 -
第二節 研究動機......................................- 7 -
第三節 問題界定與研究目的...........................- 10 -
第四節 研究方法與研究流程...........................- 12 -
第貳章 信仰型非營利組織的概念與範圍界定.............- 19 -
第一節 非營利組織相關名詞...........................- 19 -
第二節 非營利組織的內涵與特性.......................- 24 -
第三節 宗教組織的內涵與特性.........................- 48 -
第四節 信仰型非營利組織的內涵與特性 .................- 58 -
第五節 本章小結:信仰型非營利組織的範疇.............- 74 -
第参章 非營利組織內部治理與對外關係 .................- 77 -
第一節 治理的意涵與範疇.............................- 78 -
第二節 非營利組織的治理型態與董事會角色功能.........- 92 -
第三節 非營利組織與政府關係的類型與困境............- 122 -
第四節 本章小結:非營利組織與治理..................- 142 -
第肆章 研究設計與個案探析..........................- 145 -
第一節 研究架構....................................- 145 -
第二節 訪談與調查設計..............................- 147 -
第三節 個案探析....................................- 152 -
第四節 本章小結:研究個案的分類....................- 179 -
第伍章 信仰型非營利組織治理活動分析與討論..........- 182 -
第一節 財團法人松山慈祐宮內部治理與對外關係........- 182 -
第二節 財團法人天主教耕莘文教基金會內部治理與對外關係
....................................................- 198 -
第三節 財團法人台北市基督教復興堂內部治理與對外關係
....................................................- 215 -
第四節 財團法人法鼓山慈善基金會內部治理與對外關係
....................................................- 231 -
第五節 財團法人法鼓山人文社會基金會內部治理與對外關係
....................................................- 246 -
第陸章 研究發現與建議..............................- 261 -
第一節 研究發現與結果..............................- 261 -
第二節 研究建議....................................- 272 -
第三節 研究限制....................................- 276 -
第四節 研究後續發展................................- 277 -
參考書目............................................- 279 -
附錄一 訪談大綱....................................- 298 -
附錄二 松山慈祐宮訪談稿............................- 299 -
附錄三 天主教耕莘文教基金會訪談稿..................- 310 -
附錄四 台北市基督教恩惠福音會復興堂訪談稿..........- 323 -
附錄五 法鼓山社會福利慈善事業基金會訪談稿..........- 335 -
附錄六 法鼓山人文社會基金會訪談稿..................- 346 -
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