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姓名 杜銘祐(Ming-You Du)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 光源切換反應時間之頻閃式量測方法
(Strobe Measurement on Response Time of Switching Light)
★ 新型光電生化感測器之分析與研究★ 薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器中視角色偏之優化補償方法
★ 特定色度背光模組零組件之光學特性評估★ 電子紙增亮分析與模擬設計
★ 生物晶片螢光檢測之光源模型探討★ 介電電濕式數位微流體驅動系統之探討
★ 發光二極體照明系統之色彩特性優化設計★ 以EWOD為基礎的長鏈高分子原位合成器
★ 色盲量化測試系統之研究★ 可調式自然日光模擬光源之製作
★ 演色性評估之相關性指標★ 亞精胺影響下DNA構形與DNA碎片分佈之研究
★ 生物晶片之螢光光學檢測★ 生物晶片螢光分析之微光學模組
★ 光學式生化反應即時偵測系統★ 微液滴驅動之研究與探討
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摘要(中) 偵測元件或儀器之反應時間,經常借助於較待測元件或儀器之反應速度更快的量測儀器獲得解答,但可能礙於成本或技術門檻考量,此種方式經常並不容易取得。反之,使用較低取樣速度規格之偵測器,透過特殊的取樣方式,也是可量測得正確的結果。
摘要(英) As to measure the response time of the components and/or the instruments, it usually uses another instrument with much faster response time. Because of the consideration in the cost or the technique levels of the required
equipments, it might be not very feasible to adopt the conventional methodology. On the other hand, the fast changing characteristics could be recovered by utilizing the detectors with slower sampling rate based on the stroboscopic methodology.
On the basis of the idea of the stroboscopic concept, it is very helpful to further establish a experiment for detecting the responses of the on-off light sources. In the first part of this work, an empirical model has been established for characterizing the detectors in use. With aid of the lease square error fitting, two important parameters of the spectrometer have been explored. They are two characteristic time intervals. One is the integration time for signal detection and the other is the time duration for the data communication with other instruments. In the last part of this work, the characterized spectrometer is applied for the monitoring on the on-off light sources. Accordingly, the quicker changing behaviors of the on-off light sources are successfully recovered with the slow response detector.
關鍵字(中) ★ 等時取樣
★ 切換時間
★ 頻閃
關鍵字(英) ★ equivalent-time sampling
★ Response Time of Switching Light
★ Strobe
論文目次 中文摘要iv
第一章 緒論1
第一節 前言1
第二節 研究動機3
第二章 取樣理論5
第一節 引言5
第二節 數位類比轉換8
第三節 取樣理論9
第四節 取樣方法14
第三章 光譜儀特徵時間驗正18
第一節 模型建立18
第二節 實驗架構22
第三節 數據處理分析23
第四節 驗證實驗結論32
第四章 光譜儀連續截取之應用33
第一節 實驗設計33
第二節 實驗架構34
第三節 數據處理39
第四節 光源切換反應時間內光譜取得47
第五章 結論51
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指導教授 楊宗勳(Tsung-Hsun Yang) 審核日期 2010-7-5
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