博碩士論文 963202015 詳細資訊

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姓名 洪紹勛(Shao-Hsun Hung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 梁構件之振動式快速損傷診斷技術
(A vibrational type fast damage diagnosis technique for beam element)
★ 貼片補強構件之層間應力分析★ 軌道不整檢測及識別方法
★ 混凝土結構分析之三維等效單軸組成材料模型★ 卵形顆粒法向與切向接觸之等效線性彈簧值之推導與驗證
★ 以四面體離散化多面體系統之接觸分析與模擬★ 軌道車輛三維動態脫軌係數之在線量測理論
★ 向量式DKMT厚殼元推導與模擬★ 向量式預力混凝土二維剛架元之數值模擬與驗證
★ 向量式有限元應用於懸索橋非線性動力分析★ 蛋形顆粒群之流固耦合分析
★ 複合版梁元素分析模型之橋梁動態識別法★ 三維等效單軸應變與應力之材料組成模型
★ 人行吊橋的現有內力評估及動力分析★ 薄殼結構非線性運動之向量式有限元分析法
★ 雷射掃描技術於鋼軌磨耗之檢測★ 動態加載下的等效單軸應變與 應力材料組成模型
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摘要(中) 既有橋梁的損傷診斷是近期國內外工程界所關切的,其中如何能
本論文首先結合Anifantis 所提出的破壞力學及旋轉彈簧的損傷
模型概念,再來進一步的延伸至Liang 提出的損傷指標的計算。文中
搭配SAP2000 的數值模擬以及實際的鋁梁敲擊實驗進行此損傷診斷
摘要(英) Damage assessment of existing bridge is currently concerned by most engineers in the world, especially those techniques with accuracy and efficiency. In this thesis, a fast damage diagnosis technique by means of measuring natural frequency and modal shapes is proposed. Compared with the damage diagnosis process by loading test, the vibrational type testing method is more economical and efficient.
The rotational spring modal for defect based on fracture energy theory proposed by Anifantis (1983) is applied into the damage index calculation method developed by Liang (1992) to form the damage diagnosis process of this thesis.
The accuracy and reasonableness of this newly proposed technique on detecting damage location and severity are verified by numerical simulations and laboratory tests on beams with various types of damage state. Those natural frequencies and modal shapes of structures are obtained from the reciprocal theorem of elastodynamics and the frequency domain decomposition (FDD) method. Some signal processing techniques on field measured data and the adjustment of boundary conditions in the structure modal are also addressed.
關鍵字(中) ★ FDD
★ 破壞力學
★ 損傷診斷
★ 旋轉彈簧
★ 損傷指標
★ 自然頻率
★ 模態振形
關鍵字(英) ★ fracture dynamics
★ frequency domain decomposition
★ rotational spring
★ damage index
★ damage diagnosis
論文目次 摘要··················································· I
ABSTRACT ············································ II
誌謝··················································· III
目錄··················································· V
表目錄················································· VII
圖目錄················································· IX
第一章 緒論············································ 1
1.1 引言············································ 1
1.2 研究動機········································ 3
1.3 論文大綱········································ 4
第二章 文獻回顧········································ 5
第三章 損傷診斷的原理 ································· 10
3.1 理論背景········································ 10
3.2 旋轉彈簧勁度k 之推導 ··························· 15
3.3 損傷指標 ······································· 19
3.4 損傷位置(β )旋轉彈簧勁度(k)關係之推導··········· 23
3.5 進一步的探測損傷位置及深度 ····················· 27
3.6 非簡支梁的損傷診斷計算·························· 28
3.7 計算範例········································ 28
第四章 數值模擬與實際實驗······························ 41
4.1 實驗方法理論···································· 41
4.2 實驗試體········································ 44
4.3 實驗設備 ······································· 48
4.4 數值模擬 ······································· 54
4.4.1數值模擬分析結果計算 ······················ 58
4.4.2損傷位置深度及深度計算結果探討 ············ 74
4.5 實驗室實驗 ····································· 77
4.5.1 力脈衝訊號之處理 ························· 77
4.5.2 計算傳遞函數H(ω ) ························ 80
4.5.3 以奇異值分解得自然頻率及模態·············· 81
4.6 計算實驗結果···································· 97
4.6.1 直接以實驗量測結果進行計算················ 97
4.6.2 搭配數值模型之模擬損傷前的自然頻率進行計算100
4.6.3 以實驗量得之模態進行計算················ 105
第五章 結論與建議····································· 116
參考文獻·············································· 118
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指導教授 王仲宇(Chung-Yue Wang) 審核日期 2008-7-23
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