博碩士論文 963202054 詳細資訊

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姓名 林恩德(En-te Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 鋪面養護單位建構知識管理雛形之研究
(A study of the pavement administration to build knowledge management)
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摘要(中) 從西元1763年代工業革命至今,人民生活水準與經濟發展已與以往有很大差異。現今時代有人稱之為知識經濟時代,從我國經濟部智慧財產局統計可以發現,96年專利申請件數已達81,834件,與十年前53,164件相比,成長達154%,顯見在知識經濟時代,專利發明日漸受到注重。以碩博士論文而言,依教育部統計92年至97年碩博士畢業人數共計242,312人,同年間與知識管理相關論文共計4071筆,佔整體論文數1.68%,表示每100篇碩博士論文中,即有1篇與知識管理有關,顯見知識管理在知識經濟時代已成重要的研究標的。
摘要(英) Since the industrial revolution at 1763, the living quality and the development of the economy has been large different. Some people called it as the age of knowledge economy. According to the statistics data of Intellectual Property Office, the number of patent application is 154 times more than it 10 years ago. It means People pay more attention at monopoly. When it is comes to master and doctor thesis, the graduated number of master and doctor is 242312 from 2003 t0 2008. And the amount of knowledge management thesis is 4017; it is 1.68% of total thesis. It shows that knowledge management has been an important research objective.
Our nation has been research for pavement management system since 1979. The government institution has started to use reference techniques since 1983. The applications of pavement flat level systems were recorded at constructed forms of chapter 02742. It is a part of the pavement checking standards. The repairing of pavement is base on the result of investigation. Under the situation of limit cost, the decisions of the repairing priority were still base on the judgment of engineers’ experiences. Because not all new engineers have professional pavement skill, the training for new staffs and experience passing down is more important. According to the statistic data of PCC, there were 211 records of national indemnification which caused 16 people died and 125 people hurt from 2005 to 2007. It is 38% of national indemnifications and the total amount of indemnification is more than NT 64,000,000.
How to retain the professional experiences of seniors’ which will be important would be a question for knowledge management. So the knowledge management should be a part of pavement management system in order to enhance the quality of strategic decisions and maintain technical staff. Because different kinds of roads belong to different office, the different background leads to different knowledge demands. For the above reasons, this research was base on the personal knowledge management. Then improving the space of knowledge management and sharing of whole organization as the way to construct the knowledge management system. Considering the construction cost, it would choose the opened or free software. The research results of ministry of transportation and communication、 MOTC、 NSC and the thesis will be the terminal target to construct the initial knowledge management system.
關鍵字(中) ★ 知識管理
★ 鋪面養護品質
★ 養護管理
關鍵字(英) ★ Knowledge Management
★ Pavement Maintain Quality
★ Pavement Management
論文目次 摘要 I
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究緣起 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3研究範圍與內容 3
1.4研究流程 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1知識的涵意 5
2.1.1何謂知識 5
2.1.2何謂知識管理 6
2.2 知識管理相關技術發展 9
2.2.1 知識管理與資料庫系統 9
2.2.2知識管理系統與品質管理系統的差異 11
2.2.3 知識管理系統之發展 13
2.2.4 知識管理相關規範 16
2.3 知識管理於工程相關領域應用 16
2.3.1 營建知識管理系統 17
2.3.2 台北市政府捷運工程局知識管理 19
2.4 公路養護單位知識管理發展 22
2.4.1 公路養護研發單位知識管理發展 22
2.4.2 公路主管單位知識管理發展 24
2.4.3 公路養護顧問公司知識管理 27
2.5 小結 28
第三章 鋪面養護單位知識管理需求分析 30
3.1國內鋪面養護單位作業現況 30
3.1.1各單位養護現況及養護經費 30
3.1.2各鋪面養護單位級配規範 37
3.2 公路養護單位知識管理需求 40
3.2.1 知識管理功能技術 40
3.2.2 鋪面養護單位知識管理需求 43
第四章 知識管理系統架構 45
4.1 系統架構及功能 45
4.2 知識管理系統相容性之探討 53
第五章 建構知識管理平台 56
5.1 資料蒐集 57
5.1.1 交通部科技顧問室鋪面相關知識研究成果 57
5.1.2 交通部運輸研究所鋪面相關知識研究成果 59
5.1.3台灣區國道高速公路局 60
5.1.4 公路總局 61
5.2 知識管理平台 62
5.2.1 路面入門區 63
5.2.2 手孔入門區 66
5.3.3 進階區 67
第六章 結論與建議 68
6.1 結論 68
6.2 建議 69
參考文獻 70
附錄一 IIS安裝及設定說明 73
附錄二 APACHE安裝及設定說明 78
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指導教授 林志棟(Jyh-dong Lin) 審核日期 2009-7-21
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