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姓名 林靖堯(Ching-Yao Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 聚光型太陽能發電系統結構形變分析
(Analysis of Structural Deformation in a HighConcentrated Photovoltaic System)
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摘要(中) 本研究主旨在利用有限元素分析法(FEA)探討在受到重力和風力作用下,聚光型太陽能發電系統結構形變之情形。針對中央大學所發展製作之原型聚光型太陽能發電系統,模擬其在不同情況下之結構形變,分別為無風之情況,以及在風速6 m/s和17.2 m/s之情況,同時也計算聚光型太陽能發電系統之結構形變,對每個聚光透鏡對準太陽光線角度所產生之角度偏差量。
  藉由量測聚光型太陽能發電系統某些位置在實際操作情況下之應變變化,並與模擬結果作比對,可驗證本研究所建立的有限元素分析模型之有效性。比對結果顯示,模擬結果之應變改變趨勢和實驗結果一致,此一致性證實本研究所建立之有限元素分析模型之有效性,適用於分析聚光型太陽能發電系統之結構形變。根據von Mises準則,在所模擬分析之聚光型太陽能發電系統的各個組件中,預期將不會有結構破損之情形發生。
  模擬分析結果顯示,對於給定之聚光型太陽能發電系統在任何仰角中,聚光透鏡最大之位移量將發生於各個集光器角落之聚光透鏡上,並隨著風速的增加而增加。受重力單獨作用及遭受風速6 m/s和17.2 m/s之情況下,所造成聚光透鏡對準太陽光線角度之偏差值分別為0.19o、0.19o和0.48o,這些數值皆小於對於一個高效率的聚光型太陽能發電系統所要求之可接受角度偏差值0.5o,因此,本研究中所分析之聚光型太陽能發電系統在風速17.2 m/s之情況下,仍可以正常運作,預期不會有明顯的發電效率下降。
摘要(英) The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of gravity and wind loads on the structural deformation in a high concentrated photovoltaic (HCPV) system by means of finite element analysis (FEA). A prototypical HCPV system design being developed at the National Central University was applied in the current study to simulate the structural deformation under three different conditions, namely, no wind and wind speeds of 6 m/s and 17.2 m/s. Furthermore, the misalignment of solar radiation for Fresnel lenses caused by the structural deformation of the HCPV system was also calculated.
  In order to verify the validity of the constructed FEA model, the simulation results were made a comparison with the measurements of strain change at certain locations in the given HCPV system during field operation. The trend of the strain variation with the elevation angle in the simulation agreed with that in the measurement. Such an agreement validates the constructed FEA model in simulation of the structural deformation for the given HCPV system. Based on the von Mises criterion, no failure was predicted for all the structural components in the given HCPV system.
  The results show that the maximum resultant displacement of the Fresnel lens occurred at the corners of the arrays of photovoltaic concentrators for the given HCPV system at all elevation angles. The maximum misalignment values of solar radiation were 0.19o, 0.19o, and 0.48o for the conditions of gravity effect alone and wind speeds of 6 m/s and 17.2 m/s, respectively. These values were all below the acceptable values 0.5o for a highly efficient HCPV system. Therefore, the given HCPV system can normally operate under a wind speed of 17.2 m/s without significant degradation of efficiency in power generation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 對準誤差
★ 聚光型太陽能發電系統
★ 太陽追蹤器
關鍵字(英) ★ HCPV
★ solar tracker
★ misalignment
論文目次 LIST OF TABLES...............................................................................................................VI
LIST OF FIGURES............................................................................................................VII
1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Solar Energy.......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 High Concentrated Photovoltaic System............................................................... 2
1.2.1 Photovoltaic concentrator .......................................................................... 3
1.2.2 Solar tracker............................................................................................... 5
1.2.3 Inverter ...................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Literature Review for Wind Effects on Solar Tracker Structure ........................... 8
1.4 Purpose and Scope .............................................................................................. 10
2. MODELING................................................................................................................ 12
2.1 Modeling for Wind Loads ................................................................................... 12
2.1.1 Finite element model ............................................................................... 12
2.1.2 Physical properties and boundary conditions .......................................... 13
2.2 Modeling for Structural Deformation.................................................................. 14
2.2.1 Finite element model ............................................................................... 14
2.2.2 Material properties................................................................................... 15
2.2.3 Loading and boundary conditions ........................................................... 15
2.3 Investigated Cases ............................................................................................... 17
2.4 Definition of Misalignment of Solar Radiation................................................... 17
3. DEFORMATION MEASUREMENT......................................................................... 19
3.1 Experimental Setup ............................................................................................. 19
3.2 Investigated Cases and Experimental Procedure ................................................ 19
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION.................................................................................. 21
4.1 Effect of Weight Only ......................................................................................... 21
4.2 Effect of Wind Loads .......................................................................................... 26
5. CONCLUSIONS......................................................................................................... 32
REFERENCES.................................................................................................................... 33
TABLES .............................................................................................................................. 36
FIGURES ............................................................................................................................ 37
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指導教授 林志光(Chih-Kuang Lin) 審核日期 2009-7-25
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